New diagnosis



  • fungooleyruley
    fungooleyruley Member Posts: 84
    edited March 2015
    Hey Michelle,
    So great to read your positive blog particularly to hear about your trip to Alaska to celebrate your 30th Wedding Anniversary. I to am off on a trip to celebrate our 30th Wedding Anniversary early next year but we are headed to France. Yes, I agree about how things improve as time goes by after initial diagnosis. Hopefully yours and my stories will go towards helping Jen with her journey.
  • Mich x
    Mich x Member Posts: 1,530
    edited March 2015

    Hey Michelle

    You and I have to get together and talk about this diet of yours.  This body needs some help.

    Luv Mich xoxooxxo

  • Jenjoy
    Jenjoy Member Posts: 49
    edited March 2015
    Thanks Vicki, I am looking forward to the next meeting buy unsure of my treatment plan yet, so can't commit. Had a few return trips to hospital the last few days....I should have been kept in longer. My surgery was finished at 7pm and I was out the door at 10 the next morning. I was told I could stay but the staff all set about busily discharging me anyway. I had some bad bruising on my ribs and irritated nerves that they needed to look at the next day and the day after, my drain fell out! So leaking inside now and probably will have it drawn off with a needle ewww. Big chicken that I am. Can't say a bad word bout the staff though, they were amazing. So now just waiting.......x
  • Mich x
    Mich x Member Posts: 1,530
    edited March 2015

    Hi Jen huny

    Doesn't sound like exactly smooth sailing for you I am sorry to hear.

    When I had surgery I had a private nurse come and visit me every day at home for quite a few days after I was discharged.  Did they come and visti you in hospital to organise it so they could check your drains and dressings etc?

    Must be painful having bruised ribs.  Bloody drains are a pain.

    The draining of excess fluid shouldnt hurt as they can normally do it on the scar area which is numb.

    Did a physiotherapist explain to you about doing exercises as soon as you can?  This helps with keeping lymphodeama away (swelling from build up of fluid - not an added complication you need if you can help it}. if not told what exercises let us know and we can help you out there.

    If there is anything else you need please just let us know.

    Sending great big healing hugs and wishing you smooth sailing from here on in. 

    Luv always, Mich xoxoxo


  • JessicaV
    JessicaV Member Posts: 297
    edited March 2015

    Hi Jen Joyce, I had my drain partly pulled out during the night after I got home, ie enough to stop working as a drain.

    The breast care nurse told me that it is extremely common once the drain is removed, (whether by choice or by accident), for people to continue to produce fluid in the wound that then needs to be removed with a needle. This is called a seroma, and it does no damage (even if it gets really full) so long as you do not also get an infection). She said to think of it as a kind of big blister. The draining process is mostly pain-free because the area around the operation will generally be thoroughly numb. I found it a relief to have the pressure reduced each time, and looked forward to those appointments for that reason.

    in my case, the whole mastectomy site ended up badly infected because a nurse refused to get the doctor to check it out when it first went a bit reddish, and told me to wait for  my appointment with him in 2 days time. He was cross it had been allowed to get so bad and said he would have put me straight on antibiotics and it would have been gone in no time, instead of hanging on for about 3 weeks.. I learnt later that having an infection delayed my start on Chemo, and could have prevented the chemotherapy drugs getting into the badly swollen infected area.

    I am sure you know enough to push to get treatment straight away if you need it, though I am sure you will be fine.

  • Sarah54
    Sarah54 Member Posts: 164
    edited March 2015

    Hello and yes seroma's can be a pain but once drained it's instant relief. My 5th time  on left side (no LIpmpo left, went to my GP as I just could not coordinate an appointment at the breast clinic  at Royal Perth while I am doing radiation daily and at the mercy of the Mandurah free bus that goes up and down driven by some amazing volentueers. I so appricate their input.

    cyber hugs and healing wishes


  • Sarah54
    Sarah54 Member Posts: 164
    edited March 2015

    Hello and yes seroma's can be a pain but once drained it's instant relief. My 5th time  on left side (no LIpmpo left, went to my GP as I just could not coordinate an appointment at the breast clinic  at Royal Perth while I am doing radiation daily and at the mercy of the Mandurah free bus that goes up and down driven by some amazing volentueers. I so appricate their input.

    cyber hugs and healing wishes


  • Jenjoy
    Jenjoy Member Posts: 49
    edited March 2015
    Hi Mich,sorry I haven't replied before now, was feeling a bit sorry for myself but have given myself a mental shake and am trying to be more positive. The waiting on results is hard but my family has been amazing. Once I decided that I had to let them help, I realised how much I needed it. I have been doing my physio, prob overdoing my physio coz I'm a bit sore haha, nothing like enthusiasm! So I toned that down a bit too...the bruised ribs and swelling have contributed to the pain too. Thank you once again, thanks doesn't seem enough, for your level of understanding and caring. Kind words from someone I haven't met yet go a long way. Xxx
  • Jenjoy
    Jenjoy Member Posts: 49
    edited March 2015
    Hi JessicaV, thanks for the info and reassurance re Seroma. I def have swelling and am going to see the breast nurse on Friday to have it drawn off. Not so scared of it now. Haven't noticed any new redness but am really sore and tight under the armpit. I have read that this can be permanent, I don't remember my Dr telling me about that. Hope it doesn't stay like that! Other than that I am feeling a bit more mentally stronger and just waiting on path. I'm grateful you shared your experience with swelling and hope draining it offers me the same relief. Have a great day luv. X
  • Jenjoy
    Jenjoy Member Posts: 49
    edited March 2015
    Hi Sarah, thanks for telling me about your experience, it helps to know relief is on its way. Good luck with your treatment, so great about the free bus. There are some amazing people out there. X
  • Jenjoy
    Jenjoy Member Posts: 49
    edited March 2015
    Hi JessicaV, went in for my "milking" today. They couldn't find the pocket under my arm which looks like a bowl at the moment haha, but they managed to draw off 120ml from my chest that had a small egg size lump on it. I have gotten some relief and see my surgeon on Weds who may be able to draw off more or they will send me to have it done under ultrasound. Boohoo, why can't anything be easy? The breast nurse told me the most she ever drew out of one lady was 14 x 30ml syringes! Gosh, I thought 4 looked a lot but 600ml is huge. Bet you were glad when that was over. Here's hoping mine decides to play the game. X

  • jasmel05
    jasmel05 Member Posts: 9
    edited March 2015

    Hi Jen,

    I was searching on this site re seroma and came across your blog post and wanted to say that I felt a connection with your words re early detection and how people keep telling you that you are lucky.  I really have been feeling the same way and have been getting similar reactions since my diagnoses on 19 August this year.  I was hoping to add you as a contact (this is all new to me still) but wanted to follow your journey and let you know that you are not alone in how you are feeling.  I had surgery 12 days ago and have also developed a seroma which I went in to have drained for the first time today.  It was like an instant relief and I was glad to know that it is fairly common.  I still have a lot of decisions to make about my treatment options and feeling very confused, scared and angry but trying to be the positive person I have always been.  I've found it therapeutic to go on this site since I've been stuck at home recovering.


  • Jenjoy
    Jenjoy Member Posts: 49
    edited March 2015
    Hi Melissa, hope all is going ok for you so far. Fortunately I only needed to have my seroma drained twice before my body started absorbing the fluid naturally. It was a big relief! What's been happening on your journey since this post? I know we all get caught up in the treatments/appointments etc and lose track of our online network at times, I am guilty of this haha. My Dr has found a suspicious thyroid lesion that I am having a FNA done on 30 Sept. Keeping my fingers x'd on that one. One cancer at a time please! Keep well. Jen
  • jasmel05
    jasmel05 Member Posts: 9
    edited March 2015
    Well this week has been busy again for me! I have had my seroma drained twice now but it seems that the worst is over as although there is still a slight lump the redness and pain has subsided. I still feel weakness in my arm which I am not used to! I started back at work yesterday so the full days have worn me out a bit after not doing much for over two weeks.

    I had my appointment with the genetic counsellor on Monday due to the family history and the existence of the BRCA 2 gene in my direct line. It's amazing that they have pushed me up the priority list to get a result in that gene in hopefully 3 weeks and if that is negative the BRCA 1 testing a few more weeks after that. I feel relief in knowing that I will have some more answers to help me make an informed decision. I'm not sure that even if the results are negative for the gene that I won't still go down the preventative mastectomy route as I don't think I will be able to relax with knowing that something else might pop up on me.

    My first appointment with the radiotherapy Dr is on the 30th so I look forward to discussing things with him too.

    I'm leaning towards the expander option if do move forward as that seems what I'm most comfortable with after all the research. I'd be guided by my surgeon though as I trust her judgement.

    I hope everything is ok for you Jen as I worry too what might pop up as I had another lump in my breast which came back from the biopsy as benign. I can't stop wondering though what might happen to it if left alone.

    I have been keeping busy during my recovery though organising a Pink Ribbon Breakfast with another friend going through treatment and it is getting bigger every day. We are hoping for a hundred guests and to raise over $1000 as we have been blessed with many donations for a raffle and auction we are holding and also catering for the day. Its been a real positive experience during all of this and something meaningful to fill my days. I have a Facebook page for the event if you want to have a look or if anyone is in Adelaide and wants to join us. The page and event are called 'Hope Love and Courage' and I'm very proud of what we have organised so far.

  • jasmel05
    jasmel05 Member Posts: 9
    edited March 2015
    Well this week has been busy again for me! I have had my seroma drained twice now but it seems that the worst is over as although there is still a slight lump the redness and pain has subsided. I still feel weakness in my arm which I am not used to! I started back at work yesterday so the full days have worn me out a bit after not doing much for over two weeks.

    I had my appointment with the genetic counsellor on Monday due to the family history and the existence of the BRCA 2 gene in my direct line. It's amazing that they have pushed me up the priority list to get a result in that gene in hopefully 3 weeks and if that is negative the BRCA 1 testing a few more weeks after that. I feel relief in knowing that I will have some more answers to help me make an informed decision. I'm not sure that even if the results are negative for the gene that I won't still go down the preventative mastectomy route as I don't think I will be able to relax with knowing that something else might pop up on me.

    My first appointment with the radiotherapy Dr is on the 30th so I look forward to discussing things with him too.

    I'm leaning towards the expander option if do move forward as that seems what I'm most comfortable with after all the research. I'd be guided by my surgeon though as I trust her judgement.

    I hope everything is ok for you Jen as I worry too what might pop up as I had another lump in my breast which came back from the biopsy as benign. I can't stop wondering though what might happen to it if left alone.

    I have been keeping busy during my recovery though organising a Pink Ribbon Breakfast with another friend going through treatment and it is getting bigger every day. We are hoping for a hundred guests and to raise over $1000 as we have been blessed with many donations for a raffle and auction we are holding and also catering for the day. Its been a real positive experience during all of this and something meaningful to fill my days. I have a Facebook page for the event if you want to have a look or if anyone is in Adelaide and wants to join us. The page and event are called 'Hope Love and Courage' and I'm very proud of what we have organised so far.

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