Embarrassing yet funny...

yetbeung Member Posts: 167
edited January 2014 in Health and wellbeing

Thought this might give a few people a bit of a chuckle...

Woke up this morning feeling ok after round 4 on Tuesday. I thought I might go for a walk around Albert Park lake before the dreaded bone pain kicked in, so I had a couple of Endone & Panadol (magnificent combo!), donned my exercise lycras and set off...

Was strolling around VERY gently as it was getting a bit hot, had a big bottle of water with me and was stopping here & there to take a photo of a duck or swan, so really, it didn't count as exercise as I wasn't breaking a sweat at all!

I approached a big group of hard core "Boot Campers" doing push ups, sweating their guts out, getting screamed at by their instructor and probably wishing that they were at home in bed.

One by one, as they saw me coming, they stood up and clapped, instructor included...HOW EMBARRASSING! The instructor congratulated me on doing a great job getting out & walking, then screamed at the group that nobody had an excuse to slack off now...!! Even MORE embarrassing! 

This is what I wanted to do: 

I was then invited to join the next boot camp class, and as I could feel the bone pain start to kick in properly, I politely declined (lol) saying that I might just continue with my gentle strolls til I was done with chemo! I doubt they make Endone strong enough for me to survive a boot camp class! 

I got home as quickly as my achey old lady bones would let me, had some Promite toast & steroids for breakfast, showered, then slept for 4hrs straight! lol Boot Camp can go jump! :-P  


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  • Robyn W
    Robyn W Member Posts: 1,932
    edited March 2015
    You are right,it gave me a laugh!I had a similar thing one day last week.Walking past a mum with her 2 children that were arguing,and taking up the whole walking track.I went to walk around them and the Mum snapped at the children,who were only primary school age,"cut it out!you've got nothing to fight about! Look at that poor lady " Goodness,I walked faster than ever,but having a laugh to myself.;) Cheers Robynxox
  • Robyn W
    Robyn W Member Posts: 1,932
    edited March 2015
    You are right,it gave me a laugh!I had a similar thing one day last week.Walking past a mum with her 2 children that were arguing,and taking up the whole walking track.I went to walk around them and the Mum snapped at the children,who were only primary school age,"cut it out!you've got nothing to fight about! Look at that poor lady " Goodness,I walked faster than ever,but having a laugh to myself.;) Cheers Robynxox
  • yetbeung
    yetbeung Member Posts: 167
    edited March 2015

    I'm still getting used to the comments about being brave / inspirational and all that, because in my honest opinion, I'm just doing what has to be done...I really can't say I'm going out of my way to do anything differently to anybody else! 

    I guess what embarrassed me so much was the getting singled out, but I know they meant well...I doubt they would have clapped and all that if they had seen that most of my "walk" was either me sitting in the shade or taking photos!!

    So far in my experience I haven't been singled out really - I hate covering my head at all, so people look, but then they just go about their business. I haven't had any nasty or inappropriate comments (yet. Fingers crossed!) I'm going to visit my grandmother next week in her retirement village in a small town in NSW, that will be an adventure, she will be fine, but her neighbours are all gossipping little old biddies who I daresay will be highly inappropriate without meaning to be!! They're all from a different time, where if you got cancer, that's it, you died. My job to convince them otherwise! 

    I've had a couple of funny comments from kids - one said I could be Dr. Evil's wife (bad guy out of Austin Powers movie, who's also bald :-P )  and another stated that my head would make a great cricket ball...lol...to which I replied no, it's not the right colour to be a cricket ball...that got him thinking! He was about 5 y/o. 

    Anyways, it gave me a laugh but made me feel about an inch tall...I'll guess I'll get used to it over time! I'm only half way through so I'm sure there'll be a few more "moments"!


  • mum2jj
    mum2jj Member Posts: 4,324
    edited March 2015
    I often struggled with people telling me how inspirational I am and how they are in awe of my stregnth. It's a lot to live up too. The reality of it is that I am just doing what ever I can to beat this disease and get on with my life. What is to be applauded though is that you are getting out and about and doing the best you can.
    However I do appreciate that all those comments come from a very good place, just like the applause for you, or the mother telling off her children.
    Keep it up Bobbie.
    Paula :)

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