Awaiting formal confirmation - terrified

Member Posts: 6 ✭
Hi, I was called back last week for a biopsy of my right breast. The Drs said it was highly suspicious of cancer. At the time I was totally flawed and didn’t take anything in after that. Now I have so many questions having read lots of forums. I just wondered if anyone knows the answers.
I’ve seen a lot of people saying about the USS being rates for likelihood of outcome but I wasn’t given any rating (unless I don’t remember). She did find multiple cysts and a large number of unidentifiable hard lumps all over the breast though. They only biopsied one main site and didn’t clip the area. I was told I have very dense tissue and it took 2 drs and 3 radiologists to get the biopsy.
I heard them say that they had some floaters and some sinkers.
So my brain has been working overtime while I wait for the results and I’m wishing I had asked so much more but I just fawned and panicked.
Does anyone know if floating and sinking is a sign of anything?
should I just assume it is cancer given the drs statement and that the biopsy is just a formality to establish what type it is?
they didn’t biopsy any lymph nodes. Does that mean they didn’t see anything in them? They weren’t mentioned at all.
would the many lumps found in the same breast mean it metastatic?
Why didn’t they clip? Is that because the site is so big already that they will be able to find it easily?
should I just assume it is cancer given the drs statement and that the biopsy is just a formality to establish what type it is?
they didn’t biopsy any lymph nodes. Does that mean they didn’t see anything in them? They weren’t mentioned at all.
would the many lumps found in the same breast mean it metastatic?
Why didn’t they clip? Is that because the site is so big already that they will be able to find it easily?
Why oh why didn’t I stay clear headed to ask all of this. From the reading I’ve done it seems that they tend to know by the scans normally.
This whole thing has thrown me. Im 45 and have a disabled daughter who is going through an acute mh crisis. Im also the main wage earner so if this is true and I can’t work then we will lose our house and I can’t imagine what will happen to my daughter. We are simply trying to keep her alive each day, it’s that basic. We don’t have the scope for this diagnosis emotionally and nether will she. I’m even thinking I should just not do treatment as make sure I’m around for the next few years for her rather than being here longer but being sick and unable to help her.
So sorry to see you joining us here @mystic_marzipan .... it is all so confronting & so very scary. We've all been at the stage that you are at now and it really mucks with your brain, even more than your body! xx
I would suggest that you ring our help line today on 1800 500 258 ... they'll be able to talk you thru some of your issues and hopefully smooth things down a bit by answering some of your questions above. xx.
Take plenty of deep breaths & try & slow down ..... It is very important that you not get 'ahead of yourself' right now (difficult tho it is) with all the 'what ifs' ....
As, until you get your biopsy results - it may not even 'happen'. Re surgery/wages - Many members just had a week or 2 off work (some even less) depending on their surgery - so all going well you will not be off work for long, if you DO end up with surgery. Do you have any sick leave up your sleeve? You shouldn't even lose wages! Or use holiday time or even long service, to get thru this early stage, with a wage.
I've never heard the terms floaters & sinkers relating to BC before ... do not assume 'anything' ..... try & keep yourself busy doing things you love doing, until you get the call for the results xx It is tough, I know & having a disabled daughter adds another level of complexity xx. I didn't have clips done at Biopsy ... tho some tiny things were left in during the surgery, so it makes it easier to identify 'the spot' in subsequent Mammograms ....
Record your meetings with the Drs, so you can go over them again at home, if you've forgotten what they said. I did.
PLEASE Stay away from Dr Google ... as a lot of info there is totally not relevant to your own situation & it is easy to scare yourself with reading the wrong stuff & assuming it relates to you.
Please Don't even 'think' about metastatic at this point in time .... you'll just scare the crap out of yourself. It also doesn't relate to the number of lumps or even a specific 'type' of BC ... it is a specific 'condition' ... and all going well - you don't have that condition! There are SO many rabbit holes you can go down, whilst checking things on the internet and making incorrect assumptions ... just put trust in your Drs/Radiographers just now .... they are the ones trained to read the scans & biopsies ....
Dense breast tissue just complicates things a bit (mine was dense) as it just makes it more difficult to 'see' lumps on the scans.
A Sentinel Node test is often done prior to surgery, to identify which nodes any tumours (if you have them) are likely to 'drain to' and if you have surgery, those nodes are usually removed & tested for the presence of cancer.
Try & take one day at a time, one hour at a time, if needs be ..... chances are, your daughter would probably already know that 'something is up' from the change in your normal behaviour ....
take care & wishing you all the best - the waiting for results always really sucks4 -
Hi @mystic_marzipan
Regarding no clip - I had my diagnostic scans/biopsy done and no clip placed in, simply because the referral did not request one! I subsequently underwent neoadjuvant chemo and had to get a clip placed in prior to commencement (another separate appointment!). So try not to worry, as it may not have anything to do with the size of your lesion.3 -
Hi @mystic_marzipan
I was the same as @Suki - no clip placed at biopsy. I had clips placed in a second appointment prior to neoadjuvant
Be thinking of you and highly recommend you take @arpie advice and get in touch with the help line and Definitely stay off dr Google, x3 -
Hi @mystic_marzipan we always welcome a call to our Helpline 1800 500 258 and very often chat to people in this 'in between' space. Waiting for test results can be a difficult and anxious time, and you may have many questions.
Everyone's advice of not forecasting or thinking too far ahead (while easier said than done) is really true. We would also say in this time of waiting it can help to surround yourself with supportive people and if you have concerns about how you are coping, please be open and honest with your GP to seek additional supports.My Journey will be of most help to you once you have the results of your tests. While you are waiting for your results, you may find it helpful to read the 'Understanding breast cancer' information on BCNA's website.
Following your tests, if you need further support BCNA will be here for you.
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Hi @mystic_marzipan sending you lots of virtual hugs and positive energy.Please don’t be hard on yourself for not asking questions when you went in for the biopsies ❤️ - what a shock it must have been for you … and you have plenty of network friends here who have felt the same way 🌸The main source of information will be your treating doctor(s). I feel for you- it was hard waiting - I found they were cautious and careful about diagnosis and treatment plans until a complete picture from various diagnostic tests and the pathology from the biopsies was in hand. I remember trying to find the upside by telling myself that this “full picture” would mean I would get a tailored treatment plan that would be fit for my particular situation. Thinking of you and in solidarity during your time of uncertainty 🌻🌸2
Thank you everyone, I just need to try and breathe and take it one day at a time. By the end of yesterday I had convinced myself I had stage 4 metastatic. The brain is a hard thing to control sometimes. I get the results tomorrow so I’ll know more then. I have a congenital heart issue so I think that will complicate things as well. I’m just going to hope for the best outcome possible. Thanks for the supportive words.5
Results are in - I have an invasive ducal carcinoma with lobular like growth pattern. It is Her2 IHC negative and ER/PR positive. 19mm but there are a number of focal points so together they may be bigger. I’m told this is a good outcome. 🤞🏻4
@mystic_marzipan. At least now you have a starting point for the team that will be involved in your treatment Just for a repeat DO NOT DR GOOGLE it will frighten the hell out of you as it gives all the bad and none of the good.Your treating team is usually 1st port of call as to the order of treatment if no answer there BCNA and Cancer Council are probably the safest way to goWhens your next appointment now you have those results. At that appointment take someone with you take your list of questions and note the answers.Hopefully the won’t try push you into deciding on the day. And get your options made clear.Also now those other things you asked about can be answered.Have a good diary ready for your upcoming appointments. My phone calendar gets a pounding I rarely double book myself with it. I keep a paper one as well. Just in case. Plus I'm on the family one that shows who where at what time across the month
you will learn a whole new vocabulary now. Im actually still learning after 8 years.I had very similar diagnosis as yours things have improved each year they learn something new or different or improve on what the can do.2 -
@mystic_marzipan thank you for updating us all - sending you lots of positive energy 🌻🌻
It’s great you can narrow down some of the pathways your thoughts had been following with a bit of clarity from your diagnosis.
This is a time when your care, your health and treatment plan are really okay to prioritise and I hope that you can be connected with lots of support so this will be possible for you 🌸🌸1 -
Oh you r poor thing. I remember that panic. You can not predict what will happen at all. You have to wait until all the test are done, and even then be warned what they suggest for treatment it can change ,as they slowly tailor the treatment to your body and your cancer. Its personalised medicine and it is a good thing. But it is a step by step discovery. It is hard to wait.Until a proffesional doctor tells you what you have and what needs to happen ,what options you have , you can do nothing. Push it away. Worry will just make you sick with anxiety. Meditate , self care as much as you can.Incase it is helpful, i had breast and lymph node biopsy many years ago, yes i had to have amesectomy, chemo radiation, herception and cancer was in my lymphnodes... but luckily not my organs or bones.Until cat scan/bone scans and surgery /psthology all happens do you really get that sigh of relief.i am still here 18 years later, but if i had not had the treatments i would not be here.But I have a friend who has stage 4 breast cancer since 2016, is fit and well and in 'remission'/no evidence of disease. Treatments often work really well.I know others who live well with cancer for many years thanks to treatments.Do not deny yourself the chance of long term healing for the sake of your daughter, rather do it for her, so you can be well and look after her.Some cancers can grow really fast , others really slow, it is too risky to leave it alone.Breast cancer can be treated and in most cases full healing.Sending love and hugs and fingers crossed for you hunny bun.Breathe.