Recurrence anyone after 3 months of finishing radiation?

Pommy8 Member Posts: 135
I'm repeating myself but worried of return.
My results 10.7 er positive 8.8 pr positive 10.5 her 2 negative these are oncoytype results scoring me a low score no need for chemo.

Dcis removed and 8mm cancer found 2 lymph nodes removed clear last operation in June followed my 15 rounds of radiation instead of 25 finished October 22.
On Letrozole for 3 months going ok.
Just wanting to know has anyone breast cancer returned so quickly after finishing radiation?
Worried mines back as slight pain in my breast found a cyst and hardening of skin its repairing itself.
According to 6 people after 3 ultrasounds and one mammogram all said as above.
Oncologist sent me for another ultrasound went today they said the same but going to do a biopsy guided breast totally freaking out.
Breastcare nurse says be very unlikely returned but had specialist go very unlikely cancer .
I feel great just scared. 
Again sorry for going on.


  • Cath62
    Cath62 Member Posts: 1,529
    Hi @Pommy8, all those examinations and scans surely can't be wrong. Given your concerns however that biopsy will certainly clear it up and provide you with absolute proof that there is no cancer. I had similar results to you except I did need chemo because of grade 3 and very high ki67 score. I am nearly 3 yrs post treatment. I have so much scar tissue in my breast that I am sometimes think there are lumps and bumps but always comes back clear. Sounds like your biopsy will be non cancer too given what your medical people are saying. Having the biopsy will provide certainly for you and give you peace of mind. Keep busy if you can and good luck with the results. Let us know how you get on  
  • Pommy8
    Pommy8 Member Posts: 135
    Thanks just living on my nerves like everyone.
    Just worrying as no pain even after operations.
    I was high ki67 score 58 they thought my oncoytype score would be high .
    Hope your well x
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,317
    @Pommy8 ... try not to get ahead of yourself (difficult tho it is, I know.)

    Have faith in your team - and know that you will be seen regularly by your Medical Onc, Radiation Onc and Surgeon (at least once a year for each - usually spread out every 3-4 months so you see SOMEONE, frequently, where you can raise ANY issues you may be having.)

    Technically as your surgery was in April, normally you will have had all the scans/US etc then ... so don't be surprised (or afraid) if they say that you've already had them now. .... 

    Your results so far indicate there is nothing to worry about - and all going well, the biopsy should confirm that .... 

    We all have stabbing pains, twinges & aches 'now & then' for a year or more following surgery & even random ones after that ...  Keep a diary of when & for how long, so you can show your Oncs/surgeon - and they can use that to determine any future tests/scans (other than the expected yearly ones.)

    take care, keep busy doing things you love, maybe even try new hobbies, which will get you out & about, meeting new friends too xx ..... 

  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,806

    Sounds like you have got yourself in a real twist!
    Discomfort is not unusual after surgery.  I am 7 plus years down the track and still have pain in my breast - will the lymphatic system and nerves ever settle down?  Yes occasionally it does get to me but the fear of recurrence isn't at the forefront.  
    Please be kind to yourself and best wishes with the biopsy
  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,473
    Good luck with the biopsy. When it comes back clear, have a think about how you can restart your life without cancer dominating. It’s not easy, but you have gone through treatment and checks in order to be free of cancer. Now you need to try and be free of the fear of cancer. A good counsellor and a few weeks helped me rid myself of unnecessary worry about some long term side effects dominating my life. And they haven’t. Just as you need qualified and experienced help in getting rid of the physical
    problem, it’s perfectly reasonable to look for the same in terms of your emotions and feelings. In time, we can live with the odd twinges, do our best to live healthily and while we never forget cancer, we can live well and happily in spite of it. Best wishes.
  • Pommy8
    Pommy8 Member Posts: 135
    Thank God cyst benign thanks for your messages x
  • Keeping_positive1
    Keeping_positive1 Member Posts: 555
    @Pommy8 good to hear.  One big sigh of relief is warranted.  Take care. x
  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,473
    Excellent. Now to take some small steps towards seeing your body as the extraordinary thing it is, not your enemy. Best wishes.