I'm Boring

Well apparently I'm Boring (oncology wise) for the moment.  Over the last 3 visits to clinic.  My markers have held in the 30's the osteoblastic activity has stopped and the lesions haven't increased in size.  Woohoo.  No change to the medication as yet.  So now in holding pattern. re cancer .
Still have no update on Prolapse even going private no appointments till May 2023.
I thought my reflux was getting more intense  apparently I now have a gallstone. 
As for the seizing up of my joints  physio is handling this and it is helping ever so slowly.


  • Cath62
    Cath62 Member Posts: 1,529
    Well done on being boring @cranky_granny.  It's a good result.

    I do physio pilates for joints and it really does keep me moving. Don't think I would be the same with out it. 

    Getting appointments is a challenge now isn't it. Fingers crossed for a cancellation. 
  • cranky_granny
    cranky_granny Member Posts: 983
    Yes I definitely like boring 
    now if I could just get the rest of my life boring it would be a fantastic result. 
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,317
    Hmmm ... If that is being boring - WELL DONE - and great news that your markers and lesion are stable!! xx

    How Disappointing the prolapse can't be attended to til March tho - fingers crossed for a cancellation!! 

    And bad luck with the gallstone!  :(  Can they blast that so it passes with less pain??

    Make haste slowly & look after YOU xx. take care 
  • Julez1958
    Julez1958 Member Posts: 1,318
    Hi @cranky_granny
    im not sure how old you are but guessing you may be close to me if you are indeed a granny.
    I am 64 and to many people my life may appear “ boring” but since my BC diagnosis 2 years ago I try and enjoy the little joyful things in life and not sweat the unimportant stuff .
    If boring means I can be here for another hug with my loved ones and see another beautiful sunset then give me boring !
  • cranky_granny
    cranky_granny Member Posts: 983
    Im 65. Im going to hang in there to be an authentic great grandma. I have lots of steps. 
    I tackle things as they turn up these days and try not to worry about what tomorrow will bring. 
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,806
    Being boring at this stage of your medical journey has to be a positive!

    I can remember at age 36 I had to have spinal surgery and the nurse sat with me asking all the questions, blood pressure, diabetes et cetera!  I responded with No to everything and said I'm boring!  Her response - that's a good thing to be - medically!

    Hope you stay stable and get to sort out the gallstone bother as soon as possible - I hear it can be quite painful 

    As to the aches and pains and joint pains, what a bitch!  I always say I would like one day where nothing hurts, just one day to start with would be nice!

    Take care and Best wishes with your ongoing treatment
  • cranky_granny
    cranky_granny Member Posts: 983
    I’m still boring. I don’t need to go back till 9th of February sure beats every 4 weeks just hope it continues 
    And guess what i got the prolapse checked into. I got a referral to gynaecologist who put me on priority list. For any cancellations and even better she bulk billed. $35 for the ring was the only out of pocket. The ultrasound came bulk billed as well
    I am trialling the ring. Just got to watch for infection 
    feels so much better immediate relief. 
    This was what i needed to cheer me up. 
    I have a very unwell daughter in hospital and it doesn’t look like she will be home for Christmas. She Might get to spend some time out for the day my poor grandkids have never had a Christmas without her. And I can’t do anything 
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,317
    Glad to hear your prolapse should be looked after in a timely manner .... great the ring is helping. Fingers crossed, no infections xx. So sorry to hear your daughter is ill xx I hope she makes a good recovery sooner than later.  Take care xx

  • cranky_granny
    cranky_granny Member Posts: 983
    Thanks @arpie. My mum had lots of sayings one was 
    God give me strength because i damn  well wasn’t born with it. 
    Im learning what she meant