Christian Views

Cora Member Posts: 110 āœ­
Why is this group so small and its comments so sparse. Are all the Christians in the other groups, just wondering, I struggle with my faith, and really need some encouragement,Ā  but feel this group doesn't get frequented much. šŸ˜“


  • Mez_BCNA
    Mez_BCNA Administrator, Staff, Member, Moderator Posts: 894 āœ­
    Hi @Cora, thankyou for posting in the group. Unfortunately members within private groups don't get 'notified' when there has been a new discussion post, therefore unless there are regular members who check into the groups they're part of then yes, it can be quiet. I'm not sure if you attend a local Christian group in your area that could perhaps support you during this time?

    You can also check out our BCNA service finderĀ for breast cancer face-to-face support groups (not Christian specific however).Ā 
  • sixofnine
    sixofnine Member Posts: 3 āœ­
    I'm a Christian and just diagnosed with invasive lobular breast cancer - awaiting mastectomy.Ā  There's so much medical information to take in and it's challenging to make good 'head' decisions when the 'heart' is racing all over the place. However, God's 'got us' in this as in all things.Ā  I recently read about the Apostle Paul's 'thorn in the flesh' and how his acceptance of it was a sacrifice of his own will and that God's promise was for His power to be made manifest in Paul's weakness - this is now my prayer, that God will (somehow) radiate to others through my own weakness.
  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,446 āœ­
    HI Ladies happy to chat with you @sixofnine and @Cora as Mez stated we don't get notified when people comment in groupĀ  Ā UNLESS you tag usĀ  by puttting a @ then our nameĀ  so for me you would put @ Soldiercrab to have me see it... no space between @ and soldiercrabĀ 
  • Cora
    Cora Member Posts: 110 āœ­
    I didn't know that. Thankyou, much appreciated.Ā