Bespoke Bikini

Raich Member Posts: 114
Hello Beautiful People. 
It’s been a while since I posted.
3 months since mastectomy and starting tamoxifen.
im healing well and almost back to full exercise.
It’s been getting very hot and I’m trying to get comfortable at home without baring my remaining boob ( hubby and I call it bob.)
Sarongs aren’t really comfortable anymore, and tank tops/ singlets are too hot. 
Today I suddenly remembered the adjustable triangle bikinis in my draw that I rarely wore. 
Took one triangle off  the strap and I have a you beaut monokini for around the house!
My husband thinks it’s hilarious. But it’s perfect for at home. 
I look like a giant pirate! 🤣
I’d like to think I could wear it at the local pool but I think it would be too out there! The scar will probably terrify the general public. 
I’m very happy with my invention and wanted to share here, just in case it helps one of you lovely ladies and also cos there’s nowhere else I can share this that would get it! 🙂🥰😬


  • Blossom1961
    Blossom1961 Member Posts: 2,537
    Love it @Raich I don't always wear a bra but would like a bit of support for my lonely boob. This will be perfect. Thank you for sharing
  • Raich
    Raich Member Posts: 114
    You’re welcome! Being an AA cup I didn’t wear bras a lot anyway - only for work, and then begrudgingly. 
    I just found a cheap set of adhesive silicone nipple shields at Spotlight. Hoping they’ll do the job for covering my very singular pointy nipple when I’m back at work. Especially in air conditioning. 

  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,317
    Well done, @Raich !!  I love an inventive mind!!   hehehe I haven't worn bras for 40 years ..... and the other day was noticing my rather perky nipples ..... where abouts in Spotlight did you find the silicone nipple shields??  They could come in handy!!  xx

  • Kattykit
    Kattykit Member Posts: 252
    @arpie, they also sell them in kmart for around $6 a pair.
  • Raich
    Raich Member Posts: 114
    @arpie, they are Birch brand. They were in the aisle with shoulder pads