Yay..last visit to oncologist

Michele B
Michele B Member Posts: 136
Today, was my 6 year mammo and ultrasound check. Both clear...yay!! Also visited my oncologist who has supported surgeon's advice in Feb to stop taking AI's given osteoporosis and joint issues, and that i only had micro mets to one of four nodes.
Even though there will always be fear lurking in the background,  I finally feel like a survivor!!
I am so grateful to each of you beautiful ladies on here, who are always ready to offer suuport and advice, it really is a sistership!!
I will continue to check in here, always interested to see how everyone else is travelling. 
Take good care, no matter what stage 


  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,472
    Happy day! Keep well, enjoy life! 
  • Michele B
    Michele B Member Posts: 136
    Thanks @Afraser! Best wishes to you too! 
  • FLClover
    FLClover Member Posts: 1,581
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,316
    Awesome news, @Michele B  -  definitely get out there & just do whatever you want to & enjoy life without the aches & pains!  ;)  

    Take care xx

  • Michele B
    Michele B Member Posts: 136
    Thanks @FLClover and @arpie, yep, life is for living that is for sure! After spending all morning out walking in the sun and counting by blessings, I have just returned home to the devastating news that a friend who went thru BC with me has just been diagnosed with MND. Life is just so unfair sometimes,  we truly do have to make the absolute most of each day. Take great care of yourselves xx
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    Best wishes, @Michele B
  • JanineG
    JanineG Member Posts: 148
    Fantastic @Michele B I feel so excited for you. Well done to you! 💪🏻💕
    Im due for my final oncology appointment next month and also off AI’s, can’t wait!! Can I ask you …do you have any suggestions for questions I should ask on this last appointment ?
    Kindest regards JanineG x

  • FLClover
    FLClover Member Posts: 1,581
    Very sorry to hear about your friend 
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,316
    What a bugger for your friend, @Michele B .. that is another mongrel disease  :( 

    Both you and her ... just go out and do whatever you bloody want!!  Xx
  • Michele B
    Michele B Member Posts: 136
    Thanks, Arpie,. Yep, time to 'Seize the bloody day!" Take care xxx
  • Jwrenn
    Jwrenn Member Posts: 144
    Very sorry to hear your friend has MND @Michele B it’s a bugger of a disease. My sister-in-law was diagnosed with it 6 months ago and is going downhill very quickly. In an electric wheelchair now. This time last year we were celebrating her 26 year old sons birthday and his recovery from testicular cancer. Best wishes for your continued good health xx
  • Michele B
    Michele B Member Posts: 136
    Thanks for your thoughts and support, ladies. @JanineG, it is a nice feeling to get to the end of appointments,  although I felt so fortunate to have such a caring team by my side, and oncologist reassured me he is only ever a phone call away if i had any questions. My only question was ensuring he thought going off AI'S was the right move. He was quite happy for me to do so. Good luck with your appointment too x
    @Jwrenn, thanks for your support. MND is such a cruel disease, I feel for ypu and your family. I lost a dear friend quite a few years ago from it, very sad to see. My cfriend who has it now has put up such a brave fight against BC it just seems so unfair. Love to you and yours x
  • JanineG
    JanineG Member Posts: 148
    @Michele B thankyou for your thoughts. I’m so sorry you have had such sad news from your friend and yes so unfair when she’s already had a battle. I’m sure  your friendship will be a comfort for each other. Enjoy each day as much as you can xx JanineG
  • LoisLois
    LoisLois Member Posts: 43
    CONGRATULATIONS on the good news! I sincerely wish you bliss and happiness.  Tender hugs come with this for yourself and your dear friend.  YOU BOTH ARE WARRIORS!!!!!!!!!!!  Lois xx
  • shs14
    shs14 Member Posts: 146
    Congratulations @Michele B Hooray!!!