Fishing brag pics



  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,317
    WOOHOO~!   Way to go @kitkatb  ..... that looks a ripper lure!!  Did you make it yourself?  I am assuming you had wire running thru the lure that the hooks were attached to - not just screwed in?  And a hook in the rear as well?  I love the natural finish too!!  Well done!!!

    Cracker barra too!  Looks at least 1 metre!! xx

  • kitkatb
    kitkatb Member Posts: 442
    @arpie wish I could say I made it but no I just help.  Hubby not only guides but designs lures as well for some really well known brands on the market in Australia as well as overseas plus designs and makes his own timber lures.  The timber prawn is one of his favourites. No he doesn't use the screw in wires he makes his own or I do which is pretty time consuming. ( the things we do for love )  Yeah that Barra was just under the metre mark. xox

  • kitkatb
    kitkatb Member Posts: 442
    That's great news @arpie  great pic's.     
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,317
    A few pics from the last few day's fishing - a nice 42cm bream!!  Yeehaa!

    I was busted off on that lure later in the day  :(  But not before it caught a nice flattie

    and another one today - it went 55cm (and I lost another 4 lures to big fish!  :(  )

  • kitkatb
    kitkatb Member Posts: 442
    awesome pics @arpie   Whats the little lure you are using.   Is it a little "2 Deadly" by Killalure  xox
  • Brenda5
    Brenda5 Member Posts: 2,423
    So you are loving the new drive pedals in the old yak then by the looks. That's one way to get rid of too many lures, bust them off on monster fish! I think just the first whopper would have done me in. Well done!
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,317
    edited April 2019
    hahaha - it is expensive tho, @Brenda5 !  I haven't lost 4 lures in the one day in ages!  Then I started using ones I didn't mind losing - and didn't lose any!  Go figure!  LOL

    Yep, loving the reverse pedals - now, as soon as I toss one into 'gnarly territory' - I immediately put it into reverse so I can back out, hopefully skull dragging the fish as well!!  But the big bream that 'did me'  - turned around & went backwards, so I was facing the wrong way to do anything & he just took line til he found a big oyster outcrop & busted me off.  The line was shredded!  :(  Your yak has the reversing pedals, I am thinking?  Can't wait for you to 'blood it'!!  Maybe come down here for some tips??  ;) 

    Thanks @kitkatb - it is a really neat little lure called a Damiki Umpa Popper.   Same lure (different colour) in the bream & flattie pics above the new ones, as well!

    I've got a bunch more on order, as they are my current 'go to' topwater lure for big bream!  But always in 'suicide territory' - where the biggies hang out!  I am often fishing in just 2ft of water - and the boats can't get in there, which suits me fine!

    Sometimes I put Assist Hooks on the rear - but so often the fish grab the centre hook ..... that particular lure, before it was busted off, started with 2 x trebles on it, with 6 barbs ...... when it was knocked off, there was only 1 barb on each treble .... and STILL catching!

    I like the 'semi clear ones' as they look more like shrimp skipping across the water - Crystal & ghost Smog!  They are half the size of a normal popper & I think that is why they work so well as they are about the correct size for school prawns (our lake is full of them!)  Sometimes I retrieve them flat out & then stop & wait for the 'take' .... other times, a more subtle 'bloop bloop' retrieve with lots of pauses.  I just love the visuals of fish hitting on top water.

    All good fun!   We had the bream for dinner last night & have the bottom flattie for another fish dinner in a day or so.
  • kitkatb
    kitkatb Member Posts: 442
    I love sight casting @arpie  here is a pic of the 2 Deadly lures the smaller ones are 60mm.   They pop and bloop like a normal popper as well as shallow dive and swim with a fairly wide action.  Its like ringing the dinner bell.   
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,317
    edited April 2019
    Wow!!   A Popper with a Bib!  How innovative!!   I may have to look into getting a couple of them!!  I prefer the 'natural colours' (right hand side, bottom 3) and left hand side, bottom.   They look solid.

    The Umpa Popper is 40mm but would need upgraded hooks to go for the bigger fish ..... tho I've had the hooks straightened on big bream as well as hooking big flatties on them!  :)     Rob (the owner) gives a free lure with every order, free shipping (if order over $80) and also a discount on your first order!!   So could be worth checking his other lures out!!   ;) 
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,317
    The better bream have finally made it down into the lake 'proper' .... and I've landed a couple of 1kg models!!

    All on the same lure!   :)   Pontoon 21 Greedyguts!  :) 

  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,317
    I've been a tad quiet on the fishing front - from Oct on, we get big winds that make the lake quite dangerous for kayaks, so not getting out as often!

    However - the other day, I snuck out for a few hours & hooked a beautie!  A whopper flattie that measured 80cm!! It gave me a good workout as it towed me round & had blistering runs with the reel screaming!

    I was very pleased to get it to the kayak!  Then released to grow bigger!  It was landed on the smallest of lures - that is one of my favourite bream & flattie lures!  

    It was a CROC!

    A Pontoon 21 Crackjack lure!!

    Wider than my kayak

    Off she went.

    I must have landed well over 10 flatties that day, but this one was the clear 'winner'!!
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,806
    Great effort!
  • jennyss
    jennyss Member Posts: 2,096
    Wow! Lizard king