So ... I received a Breastscreen NSW reminder for my 2 yearly mammogram!



  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,317
    That's disgraceful, @Queendonut  -  definitely needs reporting if you haven't done so far - in writing is SO much easier than by phone too - you can go over it again & again til you're happy with it.  It is also a written record that they have to respond to by law.   If you get someone on the phone, it could be the cleaner!!

    BreastScreen are now going to review my Mammogram films against the one the local radiographer took - even tho THEY didn't see it either - it was the ultrasound that picked it up.  Tho the surgeon could see it on the films, when I saw him on my first appointment in Jan 18.

    The Nurse Counsellor is one of the ones I've been emailing and was a tad 'off' to start off with but when I shot her the email about the disgusting review letter - she had to agree & then became more 'chatty'.

  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,806
    Definitely write and seek clarity. It's not her role to undermine the surgeon nor to make the newly diagnosed patient feel worthless 
    Best wishes 
    Take care 
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    I'm appalled by everyone's experiences with Breastscreen.  I have nothing but praise for the staff at Breastscreen SA.  I would be facing a very different future if not for them and I was treated with nothing but gentle respect by all but 1 doctor (who burst into the ultrasound room during my callback visit to tell me I had to sign something and have a biopsy).  However, everyone else was excellent and I think, watched me for cues as to how to treat me.
  • kitkatb
    kitkatb Member Posts: 442
    I'm just gobsmacked @Queendonut ,   Makes you wonder how many other people she has spoken to that way. She is clearly in the wrong job.  I truly hope you follow it up and make a formal complaint.  I can sure understand at the time why you didn't though as we have enough shit to deal with and if you are anything like me it's not until after you think "you know what I should have said this to her and told her where to get off" but I literally would have been speechless as well.  When you feel stronger do it. Imagine other newly diagnosed women having to put up with crap like that.   Makes my blood boil. Grrrr.   
    Like Sister I had wonderful caring staff all the way through breastscreen.  Its amazing how one person can either make or break your day.  xo
  • shs14
    shs14 Member Posts: 146
    I had my reminder last month, two months into treatment. I also had a pap smear reminder after an op to remove what turned out to be a benign polyp  :/
    My breast cancer lump was very far round, below my armpit in the top quadrant.
    I wonder if the Breastscreen would have seen it on my last mammogram, nearly two years ago, as when I went in to have the lump screened they made me do a second mammogram and turn a bit more to get it in. I'd like to share this information with Breastscreen, but I'm also angry that there is no communication between the health records to tell them I have been diagnosed with Breast Cancer, and it sounds like that is across the board?! Surely that would help with statistics etc?
  • Blondy
    Blondy Member Posts: 238
    @shs14. I do know that my surgeon requested my last mammogram pictures from breastscreen from the 2 years previous and got them. 
  • shs14
    shs14 Member Posts: 146
    Thanks @Blondy I don't think my records were accessed, though I'm not sure if it would have helped. But it would be good if they were reviewed. My regular GP is on sabbatical so I can't ask if she made contact. That's good yours were passed on.