Get connected day

Di_BCNA Member Posts: 896
edited October 2010 in Day to day

Hi Getting Started people!

It's Wednesday again, so time for this week's Get Connected post

And, as of today, we now have notifications and threaded posts so it's the perfect time to introduce yourself!

All you need to do is click on the link above, scroll down to the 'comments' field at the bottom, and introduce yourself.

Don't forget, when you see someone who has similar interests or experiences to you, you can add them to your contacts list so you can follow their posts.



  • Pearly
    Pearly Member Posts: 1
    edited March 2015

    Hi I am 51yrs old I was diagnosed with IDC grade 1 in my left breast I had a lumpectomy & sentinal node operation in Sept 2010 due to margins containing many DCIS I am having a Bilateral Mastectomy reconstruction with expander/implants( due to not enough body fat for Tram etc) I have a strong family history of BC Mother,Grandmother,great aunts & cousins I live on the Sunshine Coast in QLD I am having my operation at Royal Brisbane Womens Hospital next weeK Dec 2nd any info on how expander implants are would be great.They are hoping to save my nipples but that will not be determined until surgery.

  • Di_BCNA
    Di_BCNA Member Posts: 896
    edited March 2015

    Hi Pearly and welcome!  Hope you're managing to use the site okay, but just shout if you need a hand. :)

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