Anxious weekend ahead



  • lrb_03
    lrb_03 Member Posts: 1,274
    Ah crap!!!! Just feel sick for you. I was so hoping you'd get good news
  • Michele B
    Michele B Member Posts: 136
    @Kat09, sorry to read this, having just had a brain mri to rule out any nasties after some awful and frequent headaches, I understand and appreciate how shitful the waiting and anxiety are.  I was very lucky and got all clear, so absolutely feel for you having to face round 2!! You can do this tho, so many of the lovely girls on here have had to fight a second battle.
    Sending best wishes and a big hug 
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    F**k a bloody duck Kat. That's shit. I'm so sorry. As you say, boxing gloves on. We're here for you whenever you need us. The biggest of hugs, K xox
  • Giovanna_BCNA
    Giovanna_BCNA Member Posts: 1,838
    Hello @Kat09 I am really sorry to hear your news. Amazing how quickly it all moves and like you say by Thursday you will have a treatment plan.  Take care of you and dont hesitate to call our helpline if you need any information and or support.  Wishing you all the best with your upcoming treatment.
  • Doin'it
    Doin'it Member Posts: 377
    Really sorry to hear your news @Kat09. Virtual hugs xx
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    So sorry the darn thing is back but it's been picked  up so efficiently. 
  • Glynnis
    Glynnis Member Posts: 360
    @Kat09 I’m so sorry to hear your news, I know how your feeling 8 have just been rediagnosed after 4 years clear, ch8n up stay positive and 9Now Thursday you should know exactly what’s go8ng happen 
  • DebbieMc
    DebbieMc Member Posts: 42
    @Kat09 I'm really sorry to hear this, horrible news but lets hope it's been caught early enough & can be treated with minimal effect. Cancer really sucks.
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,316
    Damn!  That's a bugger, @Kat09 - yes, trust in your team & keep those boxing gloves ready and come out punching. xx

    Big hugs coming .... take care  xxxx
  • Kat09
    Kat09 Member, Dragonfly Posts: 269
    I got my  CT and bone scans back today, confined to the nodes butI  have a small spot at the base of my neck C7. So weird to say how relieved I feel as I know it could've been so much worse. Yes girls cancer is a 'c' word and my gloves are definitely off!. I'm looking forward now to finding out what my treatment plan will be and getting started, don't want this sneaky horrid disease moving any further into my body. I want to thank each of you for your kind words and good wishes xx
    @Glynnis I hope that you are doing well and staying strong x
  • Glynnis
    Glynnis Member Posts: 360
    @Kat09 I always find its better to stay as strong as possible, because if I go down so will everyone around me and to hard to bring everyone back up again, so I stay as positive as I can, I will not let this hideous disease get hold of me. 
  • Kat09
    Kat09 Member, Dragonfly Posts: 269
    Well my meeting with my Oncologist today has left us a little shell shocked my cancer is not curable but it is treatable and manageable. It is contained in the lymph nodes in my axilla and across my chest, the spot on my neck is causing no pain so can also be treated with the oral chemo Xeloda as well. The hope is to shrink & stabilise the cancer after 3 cycles I'll be rescanned . This is an insidious disease! I'm lucky that I had my scans this month and not in 3 months time , my prognosis could've been so much different by then. Please girls don't put off any of you checks and if your Dr suggests a biopsy just to be certain,but is also ok to wait 6 weeks and rescan you, just do the biopsy. I had an option to wait as the lymph nodes may have been inflamed due to a virus I'd had, so glad I didn't wait would've given this fkr 6 weeks longer to grow!
  • tigerbeth
    tigerbeth Member Posts: 539
    @Kat09 how devastating for you ! Yes you were very lucky to get the jump on this shitty thing !
    Hope all the treatment works well for you , thinking of you .
    F**k cancer !!!!
    Beth xxx

  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    I hate this monster of a disease.  I'm so glad you were checked sooner rather than later, @Kat09.
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    What a bloody bugger Kat. I'm glad it's treatable. May you live long and prosper lovely. K xox