Mental Health Plan

Member Posts: 2,535 ✭
I am officially certified. They were more than happy to put me on the mental health plan. My new cheeky ‘fifteen year old’ doctor acted surprised that I wasn’t on one already!
I think we're all a little bit certified! 🤯1
That's good. It would suck to have to throw yourself on the ground and thrash in circles while screaming about conspiracy in the middle of a supermarket to qualify. Save that until you get your 5 subsidised visits to the headshrinkers1
No not all! Lol0
Paid up club member here!1
And that@kmakm is probably why we get along!1
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The Psych was lovely. More importantly, she was very good in helping put strategies into place. I am now able to face my next U/S knowing the possibility of needing a biopsy is not high but I am ready for it if I do. The breast clinic booking person wasn’t much help though. She couldn’t guarantee I wouldn’t get the same nutter doctor if a biopsy is required. I will just walk out if that eventuates. If you hurt me when it can be avoided, I am not giving you a second chance. PTSD is not fun and takes a bit to conquer so you are not stuffing me up a second time. The Psych hasn’t booked in a second visit as she was happy with the outcome but is leaving it open for me to contact her if necessary.
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@Blossom1961 Sounds like a good outcome.0
If you get Dr Evil, definitely walk out. Mxx0
I also told my Psych about you lovelies here being so supportive and she thinks you are all wonderful and is going to look up this site for referrals4