Diagnosed 21/12

Member Posts: 10 ✭
hi everyone. I had my routine 2 yearly mammogram on 10/12. Got a call back to BreastScreen and was diagnosed 21/12. I was just so grateful that it was before Christmas. A tiny 5mm invasive which is quite deep in my breast. I was actually very upbeat after my diagnosis. It’s only now I’m starting to come down a little. Lumpectomy on 16/1 which includes hook wire/dye etc. surgeon is very confident that it is contained as its edges were definite. I’m expecting rads only but still a little anxious that there may be a tiny spot in the sentinel node which will change everything. So I’ve gone from ‘this is how it’s going to go’ to ‘think about the alternative’. I cope better when I consider the worse case scenario. Instead of thinking positively that the biopsy results would be good, I found that assuming that it was cancer put me in a better place to cope when it was. That sounds so negative when I read it back but it’s helped me to deal with it much more positively. It’s the waiting for results each time that undoes me more than the diagnosis or idea of treatment.
Welcome to the blog, @hillies2 - not that you want to be here - but you'll find the support & tips that should help you thru, from those who've been there, done that! Ask away ANY questions that you have - someone will help with a useful answer.
Where abouts (roughly - i.e. town or city) do you live - we may have members nearby who can point you to specific areas of support that they've already found useful.
Fingers crossed it is not in the nodes - they won't know until they get all the pathology back after the lumpectomy, which once again takes a while! (My results came back over 2 weeks ..... so a bit more prolonged again!)
The waiting is really the PITS!! Keep yourself busy between now & your surgery, doing what you love doing - I went fishing every day leading up to mine! LOL
I was diagnosed this time last year (5th Jan to be exact) and had my surgery on Jan 17th after my surgeon came back from holidays (many health professionals take 3-4 weeks off over Xmas/New Year.) So I had breast conserving surgery (another name for lumpectomy where the surgeon does a really tidy job so there is very little scarring or mis-shaping.) Then rads & am now on Hormone Inhibiting Tablets for up to 5 years.
Have you discussed with your surgeon re going public or private for your surgery? If going Private, there can be some savage 'out of pocket expenses ..... I went private for my surgery & public for rads (at no cost) & it is up about the $6000 mark!There is a LOT of stuff that Health Funds don't cover - specifically the gaps in surgeon's fees & what the health fund will pay out - plus other 'gaps' - I even had a $500 gap in my pathology (which surprised me!)
Maybe start grabbing stuff for your surgery - you will probably stay in overnight - so a front opening nightie (so it is easier to show the surgeon the next day!) Also grab some ear plugs & an eye mask (like you get on airlines) cos hospitals are noisy bright places, 24/7! A small log shaped pillow will help with supporting the affected arm, specially as you sleep - sometimes you Breast Care Nurse will put you onto one of these - check with her. Also, Berlei provide a 'post op' soft bra with no wire for support - or some people go with the 'Ahaa' Bra!! Just pull over your head (tho the Berlei one does up from the front, for ease of wearing.)
@SoldierCrab will put up a heap of info to help you navigate your way around the site .....
In the mean time, try not to use Dr Google - it will only confuse you, as every one is different & has different procedures & outcomes.I hope you have supportive friends & family to lean on during this surgery period - if anyone offers to cook you some meals or do some housework, say YES PLEASE! If they don't - delegate your family members!You may not be feeling up to it for a day or so after the op - and there is a 'no heavy lifting' stage as well, for up to a couple of weeks. ......
Take care, just take one day at a time & you'll get thru this! xx0 -
Thanks Arpie. I am at the very bottom of the Sunshine Coast, Qld. My surgery is on a Wednesday and I go back the following Monday for results. I am going private for my lumpectomy but public for rads. My surgeon is on the Gap List thingy. Both her and her anaesthetist are $500 gap. My excess is $250 but yes, pathology etc are an unknown. However, I’m not expecting anywhere near your $6000! I gave read the posts on here and am across the bra suggestions. The hospital, Buderim Private give patients the bra and the pillow. My sister-in-law has gone through BC and has already given me a tube of Moo Goo, a little bottle of something to make me poo and is accessing the deodorant crystal stick she used. I have great support from work colleagues, my best friend and family. Like someone else mentioned on here, I’ve told everyone. I’m not a private person and the more understanding and tolerance there is, the easier the journey I reckon. My family of husband and two boys 18 and 20 will need to pull their socks up a bit in the housekeeping department though!0
That is fantastic that you have such terrific support from family, work & friends, @hillies2 - a friend of mine who lives out of Nambour is a nurse & went thru BC 5 years ago - was my own mentor & was a fantastic support.
Don't stress too much about the housekeeping department - if they run out of clean undies, they can buy some more!Nah - I am sure they'll do the right thing! LOL
Great news that your gaps aren't too bad .... it can be a bit of a shock if you haven't investigated it!
Check this post out - there are many 'philanthropic groups' out there, to help BC patients 'get a lift' ...... this group does a 'Pamper Day' - you maybe near the area?
Also, Otis Foundation helps you arrange a nice holiday in donated homes all round Aussie - once you are thru your active treatment:https://onlinenetwork.bcna.org.au/discussion/18488/otis-vacancy-right-now
All the best for Wed! We'll be thinking of you xx0 -
inboxed the info to you....
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Thank you0
The Otis Foundation: what a lovely idea.0
I had an Otis Foundation holiday last June. It was wonderful. Probably the best week of the whole year. They fill up fast so book in as early as you can. K xox0