Newly with breast cancer - Shellshocked2018_

Shellshocked2018_ Member Posts: 283
edited November 2018 in Newly diagnosed
Just been diagnosed with breast cancer, I’m so overwhelmed, anxious, feel sick to my stomach, in shock, feel shaky, keep crying.
beside myself with worry
been diagnosed with a triple negative cancer


  • AllyJay
    AllyJay Member Posts: 961
    Hi there @Shellshocked2018_...sorry you've had to join this group that nobody wants to join. All the feelings and reactions, both physical and emotional are normal. All the members of this group have been through what you are now. We all remember how raw and scary it all is when you first are diagnosed. Many other more computer savvy members will step forward very shortly, to give you advise about where you can access various very informative and supportive information. I'm a total Luddite when it comes to those things, but I can send you a cyber (((hug))). We have all walked your road and we all get it...we understand how you feel right now, and we will always be here for you. Ally.
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,317
    edited November 2018
    @Shellshocked2018_ ..... we all remember those dreaded words ....”You Have breast cancer” ..... It immediately turns your life upside down .... and as you say, makes you scared, weepy and all the rest of it.   You are in the right spot for support from those who have gone before you.   It is a bit of an emotional and physical roller coaster I am afraid!

    Try not to second guess it - have faith in your medical team and GP..... try not to use Dr Google (it will only do your head in, tho most of us do!! Duh!)  Everyone’s treatment plan is tailored to the individual!  

    Deep breaths, take each day as it comes .. I hope you have family and friends to help you thru  the coming treatment .....

    Put up any any question that you may have .... someone with a similar diagnosis will jump in and help you with informed answers. 

    All the best best with your ongoing treatment. Xxx
  • Shellshocked2018_
    Shellshocked2018_ Member Posts: 283
    Thanks for the cyber hug, having a meltdown again
  • Shellshocked2018_
    Shellshocked2018_ Member Posts: 283
    Thanks Arpie.
    visited surgeon yesterday, surgery has been booked have an idea of what is ahead , chemo and radiotherapy after surgery.
    Having bone scan an CT scan early next week to see if any other areas involved.
    Im just so scared and emotional. Finding it hard to sleep
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,317
    edited November 2018
    It was 12 months this week since my own detection .... so I remember it well.  :(

    The meltdowns will continue to happen now and then .... small speed humps along the way and sometimes for no real reason ... This bloody BC mucks with our mind bigtime, damn it!

    Big hugs coming your way ..... when you go to your next appointments, see if you can take a trusted buddy with you to listen in as a 2nd set of ears (and support!). Or at least record it on your phone as backup.  It is difficult to take in all that is being said in the early days.  

    All the best. Xxx

    The sleep issue is very common, sadly .... we try physical exercise, Melatonin, temase, ear plugs, eye masks and many other things to try and beat it ..... check out our Night Howls thread .... there is usually folk online most hours of the early morning to chat with!!
  • Shellshocked2018_
    Shellshocked2018_ Member Posts: 283
    Thanks arpie, husband will be coming to all appointments. I’m trying to stay positive and I will fight this with all I have.
    Needing so much reassurance.
    How are you feeling now after 12 months
  • Wonk
    Wonk Member Posts: 61
    Hi @Shellshocked2018_ so sorry you found yourself here but you are in the absolute best place for support. I was exactly where you are 9 days ago. In that time I’ve already had my surgery and am now home. The ladies on this forum have been what has got me through the first few days of overwhelming despair. I still can’t accept the diagnosis, but in this forum you don’t have to put on a brave face. You will meet amazing women who will help you every day. We are all here for you xxx
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,317
    edited November 2018
    I am feeling positive ...  It is what it is!

    I have my 12 month checks next week ... I try to keep myself busy most of the time to stop the mind from playing tricks on me.  It took 2 months from detection to surgery for me (being rural NSW) so that meant a LOT of kayak fishing  and ukulele playing for me, most days!  LOL

    What area are you (roughly.). We may have members near you who may be able to help you with nearby services.  ;)

    There will be a bunch of replies here soon, to help you thru these first steps .... just be kind to yourself, slow down, deep breaths .... and accept any help from anyone that offers!  Xxx

  • Shellshocked2018_
    Shellshocked2018_ Member Posts: 283
    I live in SA on Fleurieu Peninsula.
    Sending prayers your way for a good outcome.
    How are you feeling after your treatment?
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,317
    We have a few SA members who may be able to help you with suggestions re treatment and services in SA ..... @Sister and @Romla

    It is always good to have local knowledge!!  ;)
  • Shellshocked2018_
    Shellshocked2018_ Member Posts: 283
    Hi wonk, I’m sorry about your diagnosis, hope you are recovering well. May I ask what surgery you had? Has your treatment plan been put in place and what sort of treatment are you going to have
  • Shellshocked2018_
    Shellshocked2018_ Member Posts: 283
    Thanks arpie, will send them a message
  • Wonk
    Wonk Member Posts: 61
    Hi @Shellshocked2018_ thank you for your kind thoughts. You are going to be overwhelmed with information at this point. Stay away from Google and stick to the information the breast clinic and surgeon has given you. Everyone’s diagnosis is different and every treatment plan unique. For me I had a choice of mastectomy or lumpectomy with a sentinel node biopsy. This will be followed up by radiation in a month. But is all dependent on what the pathology results show from the operation. 
    When is your surgery booked for? This is the first step to focus on.  Lots of hugs 🤗 
  • kitkatb
    kitkatb Member Posts: 442
    Hi @Shellshocked2018_   We are all here for you. Maybe you could tell us a little about yourself and what type of surgery you will be having.  As the ladies have mentioned we have all gone through what you are feeling now. They are words which change your life for ever. It is great that the ball is rolling and you have some idea of what is planned by your team already.  I also had triple negative cancer . This year I had 2 surgeries, lumpectomy then a re excision , they then decided on my chemo next and lastly I had a mastectomy 4 weeks ago.  You will find so much support in this forum and as Arpie mentioned take a deep breath and do what you can to take your mind off things.  Big hugs xx  
  • CathyMac
    CathyMac Member Posts: 65
    @Shellshocked2018 I became a member of this forum on Friday last week with my diagnosis on the 8th Nov.. I'm playing the waiting game too. I have all my scans booked for Tuesday and an appointment with my surgeon on the 23rd Nov. I'm looking forward to being able to move forward when I know exactly what I'm dealing with. I have 2 friends in my immediate friendship group who have traversed this breast cancer path and one with triple negative breast cancer and she's been amazing with all her advice. Sorry you had to join this group too. Sending you big hugs and much love ❤️❤️