On Our Walks



  • jennyss
    jennyss Member Posts: 2,096
    Dear @Annie C, How exciting having a frogmouth family so close! And very mysterious that your last orchid turned on green flowers instead of white.
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,316
    WOW!   @tigerbeth!!   Those are GORGEOUS!  I really have a soft spot for the small petite ones (rather than the big ones.)  I think they used to be lumped into the name "Singapore Orchids'' as they have some stunning ones.

    Thank you @Annie Cphalenopsis - I shall try to commit that to memory - but please don't ask me what it is tomorrow!  ;) 

    Oh My Gosh .... I was on the water today in my kayak, fishing,  and I think Xmas is going to be even more hectic than normal this year!  :(  There were People EVERYWHERE (mind you, it was a REALLY hot day today!!)

    Some REALLY SILLY people too .... one dipstick in a tinny actually ran into me (slowly!)  No damage - but he shouldn't have been on the water let alone in a boat with his wife & 2 kids - cos he didn't have a CLUE!  He was 20ft away when I told him he was going to run aground - told him to stop & turn around but he kept coming at me!  DUH!!  I was 'anchored' in the shallows (1ft of water) and he ended up 'boat to kayak' (plastic to aluminium with no space between.)  If I hadn't had my 'stakeout poles' in the sand - we both would have ended up against the lease fence!  Then the boat slid along the side of my kayak & in front of me before finally starting the motor & motoring off ..... spooking every fish to kingdom  come in the area that I had previously been fishing!   F**KWIT!   I can't WAIT for Xmas!   NOT!
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,316
    GORGEOUS Tawnies, @Annie, .... I hope your fledglings survive.  

    I fear our small ones didn't!  :(   Our neighbour (a vet) spotted a Currawong with a baby bird in it's mouth .....    :(   Two weeks after this shot - the nest was empty  :(    
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    OMG @tigerbeth! They are stunning! What a beautiful collection to leave behind. Amazing. K xox
  • Annie C
    Annie C Member Posts: 853
    Last year the Orioles nested in a very low hanging branch of the poinciana tree at the back of the garden (so low we could look in the nest) and we watched the nest with interest. 3 Oriole chicks hatched and were growing well. Then the Channelbills arrived. Within 2 days, all chicks were gone. 

    The Orioles are back again this year but not nesting on that branch. They have moved to a more protected part of the poinciana. The Channelbills are back with their raucous calls. 
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    What a happy dog!
  • jennyss
    jennyss Member Posts: 2,096
    Why wouldn't a dog be happy on that beautiful beach. And I like the model's choker necklace with the handy tools, but not the nipple rings - ouch!
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    @jennyss I could go a nipple ring and wouldn't feel a thing! Not that I've got nipples to put them in....  :D
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,316
    Sad, isn't it, @Annie C  when predatory birds kill off the baby chicks?   :(    

    LOVED your green orchid BTW - that is absolutely STUNNING!

    OMG @kmakm  -  what does that say about the owner of that particular 'display'??

  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    Stunning @JJ70.