Scared worried and confused



  • Leilani
    Leilani Member Posts: 42
    I had surgery on the 25th of September with the bra I hate not wearing a bra
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,317
    Yes, as @iserbrown says, Do you have a wound in your armpit - maybe delay using it til the wound heals? I was lucky - My few nodes were pulled out from under the skin (no incision) so I was able to use deodorant almost immediately.   But the whole area from my nipple to underarm was rather sore & sorry & bruised and very numb! 

    Isn't it annoying - that period of not being able to 'do things'? ..... Just put your feet up, I hope your daughter is spoiling you - it is amazing how incapacitated you are, when 'one wing' isn't able to be used!!

    As the Monk used to say in the TV series, Kung Fu ..... "Patience, Grass Hopper''  ;)  

    I hope you are able to sleep well .... do you have a small pillow to help support the affected arm? xx

  • Leilani
    Leilani Member Posts: 42
    I do have a small pillow the one that the hospital gave me I'm not sleeping much at night.

    I don't think I have a cut under the arm. It's so annoying not able to do anything I can't stand resting but like my husband says the more I rest the quicker I heal. 

    My daughter is spoiling me every time I go to get up and make a cuppa or something little she tells me to go and rest😊
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,317
    Cool @Leilani  - I am glad you have the Pillow - it can really help!  if you had a cut under your arm, there would be a bandage on it, so you'd know about it.  ;)    Yeah, being sedentary is a real pain in the proverbial ..... but it is better not to strain any internal stitching until you get the OK from your surgeon!   ;)  (Usually after any stitches have either been removed or dissolved!)

    That is really cool that your daughter is looking after you so well - and your hubby is right ...... even if YOU aren't doing much - your body is running around 'inside itself' trying to 'get better' & recover from the surgery!   So the more rest you have at this point, the better.  xx

    To help me sleep, sometimes I wear eye masks (like they give you on airplanes) and earplugs (also from airplanes) to help me get to sleep - and I make sure I have some Temase on hand, in case I still can't sleep!!   I use the mask/ear plugs when I am away in our campervan too - as you NEVER get a dark area when camping!  LOL  

    Sadly, sleep is one of the biggest bugbears/side effects of this whole shitty disease ...... I am not sure whether it is the anesthetic or just that our brain that decides "YOU ARE NOT GOING TO SLEEP A WHOLE NIGHT AGAIN" .... but it sort of happens!  :(   I hope it doesn't become a problem for you (it doesn't affect EVERYONE, thank god!!)

    Take care & al the best xx

  • Leilani
    Leilani Member Posts: 42
    My family has been really good threw all this I had my left kidney removed last year and I was in pain with that but nothing like this one.

    And for the sleep I'm lucky to get half hour here and half there I just wish I could get at lease a couple of good nights sleep. 
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,806
    Crumbs you have had a rough run with health. There are previous discussion posts about sleep or lack thereof.  Personally I am fortunate and nod off except when Femara is giving me curry. I have an Ovaltine light break about half hour before bed and it's a habit that I started long before BC.
    Best wishes 
    Take care
  • Leilani
    Leilani Member Posts: 42
    Hello I might try some overtime half hour before I go to bed. I love all u lady's for helping me out with my health problems 
  • Leilani
    Leilani Member Posts: 42
    I hope I get a break from my health problems and next year is a better one
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    I hope that for you too @Leilani. And for all of us.
  • Leilani
    Leilani Member Posts: 42
    The same I hope everyone on here all get a break we all need it😊