Triple Negative



  • Kellee
    Kellee Member Posts: 73
    Hi @Mantis at emergency now. I woke up with a red face and neck. Other boob is red now. Just waiting for the doctor xx
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,804
    Dear oh dear!  You are in the right place!
  • Mantis
    Mantis Member Posts: 61
    Oh gosh!  Absolutely in the right place.  Will be thinking of you today!

  • Kellee
    Kellee Member Posts: 73
    I’m home at last. I’ve been told to keep an eye on my temperature and pain. They couldn’t tell me exactly what the cause is, at first they thought perhaps a reaction to the sun. They discarded this idea when I told them it started on my boobs. So now it’s just monitor. Apart from a stress headache I’m not to bad, just a little off my food and water is a bit hard to drink. It’s not that I’m not hungry, just no appetite for certain food. It’s stressful because you don’t know what to expect. You start to question all your pains. Going to have a nanny nap I think xx
  • onemargie
    onemargie Member Posts: 1,264
    hi there @Kellee so glad you got through dose 1 ok, so far so good, now 5 to go, just count them down, ask for some emla cream for your next cannula it will numb your hand and help heaps with the discomfort, the hospital gave me the patches to put on my portacath prior to being hooked up also, you could also ask if your gp has some you can use or you can get it from the chemist but it can be expensive, the hospital will give you the patches which is heaps easy to apply and you just put them on 30 - 45 minutes prior to them putting in the cannula and make sure you drink plenty of water prior to pump up those pesky veins. Get your gp to check your boob love if it hasnt settled down,  and NO ONE is a whinger or complainer on here woman, you arent feeling or saying anything none of us havent felt or said already love big hugs. margie xx 
  • mum2jj
    mum2jj Member Posts: 4,322
    Glad you went and got checked out. You are not a complainer. Sending you hugs. 
    Paula x
  • Kellee
    Kellee Member Posts: 73
    Hi @onemargie guess who’s wide awake, I think the nanny nap through the day hasn’t helped. I will definitely ask about the gel. I’m not sure if I mentioned this earlier but through all my scans and treatments I tell the medical staff of my phobia of cannulas. I’m always told I have good veins, yet the cannula always gives me grief the whole time it’s in. I have a history of bad experiences. When I was having my bone scan I freaked when I realised I was having the cannula. He told me not to worry as the ones they used were a lot finer than what others were using. Guess what, no pain. I walked out feeling confident I could do this, but the next 2 cannulas, different scans and departments, were once again painful. When it came to chemo day the nurse decided to go through the vein in the top of my hand. Instant anxiety, I actually thought I was going to faint. When I had surgery the anesthesiest tried my hand and it was so painful he had to stop and find somewhere else. I keep going over my fear with everyone but I think they think it’s all brought on by anxiety. My hand started to get a red line, it hurt when it was taken out and my vein is all bruised. I used to think it was me too. I’m starting to wonder if the cannula is too big for my veins given the time the smaller one was used and the result was more comfortable. I’m not sure if I can get over this, it’s now consuming my brain. It’s the first thing I think of upon waking.
    Change of topic, if anyone can help. I have eczema, before chemo, and my first chemo was 4 days ago. I’ve woken up with a very itchy scalp. I did change shampoo, I’m using Sulkin, I think that’s right, the one with out additives and chemicals and I’m very itchy. When I went to hospital yesterday with the red rash on my face, neck and boobs my mum noticed my scalp was red ( I was already red before shampooing). Did anyone else experience this or could it be my eczema. Any advice on helping the itch would be appreciated xxx

  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    My scalp was sore, itchy and tender as a precursor to my hair falling out. Once the hair was gone it all stopped. K xox
  • Kellee
    Kellee Member Posts: 73
    Thanks @kmakm Could hair loss occur so soon after chemo? Xx
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    I'm no expert @Kellee, and we're all different, but my head was sore for quite a long time before my hair started falling out. Could you get your GP to have a look?
  • Kellee
    Kellee Member Posts: 73
    @kmakm I’m thinking of smothering my head with sorbelene cream. It’s not sore, just itchy. Maybe yesterday’s heat rash flared my eczema. If it doesn’t work I’ll go to the GP. 
    You look like you’ve been up all morning, everything okay?
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    You've been through the wars, @Kellee.  I would strongly suggest that you consider getting a port.  They're not fun but they save a lot of anxiety and problems.
  • Kellee
    Kellee Member Posts: 73
    Glad to hear all is well, have fun!!! @kmakm
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    @Kellee We did thank you!