Helping a friend

Tink Member Posts: 60
edited August 2018 in General discussion
Hi everyone - it's been some time since I've been on here.  It's 4 years since my diagnosis, mastectomy & chemo treatment.  I feel really good, although there's always that little fear that lives in the back of my mind - I'm sure you know what I'm talking about.  On Saturday one of my girlfriends told me she has been diagnosed with an aggressive triple negative invasive breast cancer which has already spread to her lymph nodes.  I am devastated for her - she's got a hell of a fight ahead of her.  Her news made me feel absolutely sick - in fact I thought I would actually be sick.  I have advised her to join this network as the support I received was unbelievably amazing.  I am praying like mad for her and will be taking her to chemo treatments when her husband or family aren't able to.  I just feel - once again - how hopeless you feel when diagnosed, or others are.  This really does bite the big one but I am glad that I have had experience to help her in any way that I can.  So sad, Tink  


  • LMK74
    LMK74 Member Posts: 795
    Dear @Tink, so sorry to hear your friend has been diagnosed. How awful is this disease. I hope and pray your friend beats the battle ahead. I'm sure you'll be an amazing help to her having been through it yourself. I'm only nearly 12 months since diagnosed so early days, but yes there will forever be that dreaded thought in the back of our minds every time we get a new pain. We must just soldier on. All the best for your friend and her journey ahead.
  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374
    It's challenging when this happens to our friends--there is the concern for them and it can bring back some unpleasant feelings for us as well. There is irony that our own not so great experiences can help others, perhaps the only upside of the whole BC shitfight. Look after yourself too @tink.
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,317
    @Tink  It is ALWAYS such a shock when a friend is diagnosed after your own experience with BC ..... and that goes for ANY sort of cancer.

    That is terrific that you've been able to advise her to join BCNA & hopefully get some sort of 'calm' before the 'storm' .....

    All the best for your friend and yourself - it will be dredging up painful memories of your own experience, too.   Take care xx