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  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,317
    Well done, @Melc503  -  I hope your recovery from surgery continues to go well & wish you all the best for your upcoming results.  xx

    Take care
  • Kiwi Angel
    Kiwi Angel Member Posts: 1,952
    @Melc503 glad u r going well. 
  • Eastmum
    Eastmum Member Posts: 495
    Sounds like you're doing so well @Melc503 - so good to hear! Wishing you all the best for your results on Friday. xxxx
  • Melc503
    Melc503 Member Posts: 29
    Quick update. 
    Sitting in the waiting area for my surgeon follow up. Unfortunately they found some cancer in my node so will need more surgery. 
    Of all days he is 2 hours late. The wait is killing me. So I will see what he has planned soon. 
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,317
    edited July 2018
    Bugger!  All the best with the rest of the meeting - hope it isn't too long a wait! xxx
  • Kiwi Angel
    Kiwi Angel Member Posts: 1,952
    @Melc503 shit and piss. Good luck for your appointment- at least u will have a clear plan of attach xo
  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374

    Hang in there Mel. This stuff is frightening and frustrating in equal measure. By this stage a Multi Disciplinary Team --that includes med and rad oncs and your surgeon--should have had a look at you results and will have come to some conclusion about what happens next.

    Thing is, until you actually meet with the next round of specialists, should you need them, the information given to you is likely to be rather general. It pays to take each appointment and each set of results one at a time; surgeons are notorious for putting their two bobs worth in when it comes to what an oncologist should/will do and they are often wrong. False expectations are awful and I've personally wished they had all just stuck to their own area of expertise.  Good luck. Mxx

  • Melc503
    Melc503 Member Posts: 29
    Not good news today ladies. More surgery needed on Tuesday. 
    The tumor had doubled in size. And I still have cancer margins in my breast so going back to take more breast . Also have it in my nodes so he is taking ALL my under arm nodes. 
    Will be in hospital about a week.  
    Hopefully he gets it all this time. 
    Also sending me for CT scans of the head, chest liver and abdomen to see if it has spread there and a bone scan to see if I have any in my bones. 

    I will admit it was a hard day and i am still trying to process it all.
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    Oh Mel, that just sucks, I'm so sorry. My tumour doubled in size too. It was measured at one size in the mammogram but turned out to be twice that once it was excised. It's quite common for this to occur. I had to go back for margins, and the re-excision turned up 4cm of previously unseen DCIS.

    I know it's hard, there's just no way it couldn't be, but clarity is slowly emerging and then there'll be a plan. Breathe, try not to cross bridges until you come to them, and look no further ahead than an hour or two. Have you got good company around you for the weekend? Keep yourself distracted as best you can. We're here for you. Kate xox
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,317
    Bugger Bugger Bugger, @Melc503   :(   

    Deep Breaths .... have faith in your team .... try and rest up prior to the surgery.    

    I hope you have supportive family & friends around to you to lean on.  If they offer support - like meals & stuff (or offer support - suggest meals etc) take it!

    Whereabouts are you based (roughly) ..... try not to google anything too much - everyone's situation is different & it could raise your concerns more than necessary.

    Take care & know that we are thinking of you xxx

  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    @Melc503 That absolutely sucks - I know because I've been there.  You think that you're starting to get your head around things and it turns out that it's something else altogether.  Try to keep to the here and now.  You'll probably have some tough moments - let yourself have them.
  • Melc503
    Melc503 Member Posts: 29
    Thanks Gals
    just spent 4 hours this morning having my bone scan done. I have lots of support. God love them I have actually asked for the weekend off. 
    I said I love you all but I want a cancer free weekend with my partner and kids and I will be back in touch next week. 
    I just am sick of them all looking at me and getting teary. 
    So more surgery Tuesday 
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    Oh yes, 'pity face', ghastly! I had a few friends, people I really like, who were unable to control their tears. I soon learned to cut them off at the pass. They didn't get past the front door until I felt stronger. Nothing like consoling people upset because you have cancer...

    The other l tactic I used a lot was to say at the beginning of a gathering "five minutes on my health, ask any questions you like and then the subject is closed". That worked well. It made me feel almost normal crapping on with my mates for a couple of hours with no cancer talk! K xox
  • Spillsy
    Spillsy Member Posts: 96
    That’s a good tactic, I must use that one, otherwise I feel like that’s all I contribute, I hate the pity face!!! And the it will be ‘okay’ face.
     I hate that any interaction with people is about cancer, or sucks being the ‘cancer’  friend. The best support we have had as a family is meals delivered from a wide circle of friends. If people offe to cook for me, I accept gladly, it’s helps us out as a family to enjoy a meal with out the prep, and clean up. Other help with lifts for kids, and errands. 
    I have more surgery next Thursday as BCS didn’t get the results, so also feel like the changing goal posts and timelines of this beast are out of my control, I trucked on through chemo with only a few wobbles, but the surgery change of plan has rocked me intensely. 
    Sometimes I can only talk to people who have had BC or are going through it, as we all know exactly the feelings it takes up!
    Anyway, masectomy and lymph node clearance for me on Thursday(recon will be another decision for another time) then Rads. Then hopefully a bit of life back.