First Oncology appointment - what to expect/ask?



  • Eastmum
    Eastmum Member Posts: 495
    Hi @RR - how are you doing? Have you had your surgery? Hoping all is going well. xxxx

  • RR
    RR Member Posts: 67
    Thank you for thinking of me @Eastmum - I am actually having quite a tricky time. I am five weeks in and still haven't started treatment. My oncologist and surgeon are arguing about which to do first, hopefully all to be resolved this Thursday. I have travelled a full 360 degrees, and every time something changes it costs more money. I have pain in my breast - a little over it, and I haven't even really begun.
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    I hope they get themselves sorted bloody quick smart! You poor thing. Big hugs, K xox
  • RR
    RR Member Posts: 67
    Thank you @kmakm xxx

  • Eastmum
    Eastmum Member Posts: 495
    Oh wow @RR how frustrating! I’m sure you’ll feel much more confident when there’s a clear plan. Are they both part of the same multi-disciplinary team at a hospital? Or two specialists who don’t normally work with each other? 
  • RR
    RR Member Posts: 67
    They are part of the same team - one wants surgery first and the other chemo. I am waiting for another test to come back which will give more information.
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,317
    I can feel your frustration ..... 

    I saw my oncologist for the first time last week (I had surgery in Jan & radiation in March) & whilst I was 'expecting' to be taking Tamoxifen - I've ended up taking Letrozole!!   I totally forgot to ask WHY Letrozole would benefit me more than Tamoxifen!  DUH!   I only thought of that one AFTER I'd left the building!  DUH!  I've printed off some 'L vs T' sheets & am currently reading thru them.

    I DID record the meeting tho, on my phone - so will go over it again ... 

    I was on my own at this meeting - which is why it is invaluable to have at least one other trusted person there with you, as an extra set of ears, to pick up on questions/stuff that you may not have raised yourself!  

    Good luck with your ongoing meetings with the boffins - I hope they sort out their 'differences' & get your treatment started - I would HATE that to happen to me!  :(  .......  I am sure they'll be working on the best course of action for you tho.

    Thinking of you at this frustrating time - hope it is sorted soon ..... Big Hugs coming your way! xx
  • RR
    RR Member Posts: 67
    Thanks, @arpie - I have no doubt it is all in my best interests, but we need to get this show on the road! They are waiting to see if I am positive for Herceptin which means I will deff need chemo first. It is horrible when the game plan changes - thinking of you xx
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,317
    I am pretty sure that the Herceptin result  (assuming that is the 'Her2' on my path tests) is pivotal to your treatment.  I was progesterone & Oestrogen Positive - but luckily was Her2 negative.   If you are Her2+ - your treatment will be different from mine.

    For your own peace of mind, I hope you get started on your treatment soon - Funnily - it was suggested that I not start my radiation til about 'now' - but I also couldn't stand the wait & really pressed to have it before I went on hols to Norfolk Island in April - so ended up having the radiation in March, finishing the day before Easter.

    I'm going 'fine' thank you .... my 'change in plan' was very minor, in the bigger plan of things!   ;) 

    Thinking of you!  xx
  • Eastmum
    Eastmum Member Posts: 495
    Hey @RR - how are you doing? Have they sorted out your treatment plan or are you still in limbo land? Thinking of you xx
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    @RR how's things? hoping things are finally getting sorted for you. It does seem like an eternity for them to get things happening, I do know they say alot of Breast Cancers are slow growing so some do take awhile to get their butt into gear. It is hard not knowing your diagnosis and yes that can completely change your game plan and direction as you would need chemo and then you'd go on to Herceptin after that. Hoping for some concrete news for you so you can start. xxx Melinda
  • RR
    RR Member Posts: 67
    @melclarity and @Eastmum - thank you for thinking of me. I had to go in for four more biopsies last Thursday - hopefully a plan this week xx
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    Oh @RR you have really been put through the ringer! Fingers crossed they can come up with a definitive plan and you can get on with it asap. How are you coping? K xox
  • RR
    RR Member Posts: 67
    @kmakm, Yes I feel like the whole process has been rather elongated, yet there is very little that I can do about it. I just have to keep moving forward.
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    Onwards and upwards. Just a bit quicker please!  :*