Fashionable Head Wear!



  • Hopes_and_Dreams
    Hopes_and_Dreams Member Posts: 766
    Great clip @Joannie - she makes it look easy.  What a lovely girl  :)
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited May 2018
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  • Blondy
    Blondy Member Posts: 238
    Necessity is the mother of invention. I know what you mean by drab. I do have some lovely wigs which I have had for yonks and live wearing them but sometimes a scarf is cooler. I tend to look like a drowned rat around the head when I wear a scarf. The best thing that happened to me was accidentaly walking into an Islamic clothes shop. Thr lady showed me a cap that had a knob in the back. Omg it's been my saviour. I have bought fabulous scarves at the op shops for next to nothing. One of my most admired ones cost me 3 bucks. Look on you tube for ideas. My knobby cap helps the scarf to grip and gives my head some shape.u sometimes put a small diamonte where I've made a knot above my ear and I let one piece of the fabric from the knot hang down. If your like me and get carried away you'll end up with countless scarves and caps. Enjoy being a fashionista 
  • RR
    RR Member Posts: 67
    Hi @Blondy - do you have a pic of the knob?
  • Blondy
    Blondy Member Posts: 238
     I'lk take one 
  • Blondy
    Blondy Member Posts: 238
  • Blondy
    Blondy Member Posts: 238

  • Blondy
    Blondy Member Posts: 238
    RR it cost around $12. And you can have the knob lower or higher and they sell fat ones too. Too much for me, this one is just the job 
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    Now we need a pic with the scarf on!
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    There's some beautiful ready-made scarves on here but it's US and works out a bit pricey when you add shipping.
  • RR
    RR Member Posts: 67
    Thank you @Blondy xx
  • RR
    RR Member Posts: 67
    Gorgeous @sister!
  • Romla
    Romla Member Posts: 2,092
    I beg to differ @Sister you are photogenic
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    I would have loved to added pic ideas. I used the scarf tying but also used cotton caps and just tied scarves around to make them look different. I bought my scarves very cheaply through Kmart...mostly cotton. I bought lots of wooky hats...many through cgeap as chips and wore a bamboo wig liner underneath.

    This is a new site I was emailed. I bought my bras through them. There are some really nice ones here if you want some special ones too.

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