FranP Member Posts: 396
edited December 2011 in Community news and events

Well almost another year gone, 

our last luncheon will be at the deck in mansfield at 12pm and a $5-00 kris kringle. 

as many of you know Marilyn and Leslee are handing over the reins of can care to Mary Covill and myself in 2012 and we hope every one will continue to support the group. we are restructuring the group back to it's original state that marilyn and leslee started that being a support group. 

we will still have our last friday of the month lunches ,if you need a roster just let me know.these will be confidential areas so if some one is new or wants to talk they can feel safe in knowing we all have been there. as to fundraising we are hoping some on will consider doing this but at different times then our lunches, and we would be happy to help and support them. if any one has enquiries please ring either mary or myself,



  • annie2
    annie2 Member Posts: 164
    edited March 2015

    Merry Christmas to you Franxxx


  • Di_BCNA
    Di_BCNA Member Posts: 896
    edited March 2015

    Just butting in to say Merry Christmas to you, Fran, and to all the Mansfield group.

    Di xxx

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