Get Connected day

Di_BCNA Member Posts: 896
edited October 2010 in Day to day

Hi all,

Well, looks like I missed Wednesday (where does the time go?!), so we're doing Get Connected Day on Thursday instead.

Thanks to some helpful feedback, we're going to make a small change and keep just one post going rather than start a new one each week.

So, from now on just go to the same place to see who's new.  I've put a link in the 'about us' information, so you can easily find it any time, and I'll still put up a post each week for new people.

So, without further ado -- here's the Get Connected post.

New to the online network?

It looks like you’re new here. BCNA’s online network is a supportive and safe community for people affected by breast cancer. Sign in or register to get started.


  • Tanya
    Tanya Member Posts: 380
    edited March 2015
    Hi all

    Look I am still finding my way around this site, so is this the right place????? I am sure someone will let me know if I am in the right place!!!!

    I am loving the new BCNA site, it was definately due for an overhaul!!

    Am looking forward to meeting up with my chemo buddie in Queensland in September!

  • Tanya
    Tanya Member Posts: 380
    edited March 2015
    Hi all

    Look I am still finding my way around this site, so is this the right place????? I am sure someone will let me know if I am in the right place!!!!

    I am loving the new BCNA site, it was definately due for an overhaul!!

    Am looking forward to meeting up with my chemo buddie in Queensland in September!

  • Tanya
    Tanya Member Posts: 380
    edited March 2015
    Hi all

    Look I am still finding my way around this site, so is this the right place????? I am sure someone will let me know if I am in the right place!!!!

    I am loving the new BCNA site, it was definately due for an overhaul!!

    Am looking forward to meeting up with my chemo buddie in Queensland in September!

  • Di_BCNA
    Di_BCNA Member Posts: 896
    edited March 2015
    Hi Tanya and welcome to Get Connected day. There's no real right or wrong place to introduce yourself, here is fine. :)

New to the online network?

It looks like you’re new here. BCNA’s online network is a supportive and safe community for people affected by breast cancer. Sign in or register to get started.