Newly diagnosed today and feeling shattered.



  • nonkyboy
    nonkyboy Member Posts: 188
    I discovered my lump on self check but although 2.5cm big it didn't show on mammogram but did on ultrasound. As my bs said this is why she thinks an ultrasound should be automatic when getting a mammogram. 
  • Romla
    Romla Member Posts: 2,092
    Hello girls and especially nonkyboy who has just started her journey.The first part of the process - tests , surgery and radiation went past in a blur for me tbh but what stood out every step of the way for me was the kindness and support that cocooned me from fear as I went through . The most important to me was the steadying influence of my breast surgeon who I trusted implicitly from the beginning and I am pleased to hear you feel the same about yours.The first real Wobblies I had was last week but then support enveloped me again but I did need to look for it - I found this site , I rang Cancer Council who set up Cancer Connect for me resulting in phone call yesterday from a lovely woman from Brisbane who has come through a similar path to my own and I found online after that conversation a local breast cancer group who meet monthly.For me at this stage it is important to know that I can continue to live my life and that I can get thru to the other side from others who have been /are on my journey. I read yesterday on bcna site there are 48 new bc diagnoses daily which is about 17000 a year - you are not alone and many will help you.
  • steplightly
    steplightly Member Posts: 185
    Hi everyone.  I have just met with the breast care nurse to discuss the recommended treatment plan by the treating team as discussed in their big meeting this morning ( 3-5 weeks radiation and possible hormone treatment after).  No recommendation for chemo although they thought a discussion with that team may be useful to hear about the risks and benefits of that path if I want to consider it.  So I have agreed to meet with them to do this.  New paths will begin.  Now is my time to let the surgical wounds heal in prep for radiation, to stay focused on the positives and take each day as it comes. Hope your day is being kind to you whatever you are facing and you are finding courage and strength and lots of love and support.  xo<3  
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    @steplightly I'm not sure if that would be possible connecting your Specialists, it would be different if you were both seeing the same Specialist though. 

    Great you have that meeting out the way, it is good to at least hear from the Chemo team and then make up your mind, sounds like they are very thorough, so I'd go by what they recommend. Hugs Melinda xo
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    @steplightly Good news and a great idea to have further chats so no lingering doubts.
  • steplightly
    steplightly Member Posts: 185
    Thanks melclarity and primek  Wondering how you are travelling nonkyboy.  Trust you are in good space today  What a ride this is  and I cant stand rollercoasters.  Keep well and strong and dowhat you need to take care of you  xx hugs Ali
  • nonkyboy
    nonkyboy Member Posts: 188
    Thanks girls. I am travelling along well. I have the babies to keep me busy and my mind occupied. I am having a CT of my brain, chest and stomach on Thursday this week as well as an ultrasound on my stomach. I also put a post up on Facebook about my diagnosis as it's so hard telling so many people individually. I told those who were very important in my life one on one last week.  Steplightly it certainly is a roller coaster and I'm glad you gave a next step plan in place.Romla I'm glad you found the extra support when you most needed it. That is very important. Hope you are all enjoying your weekend xx
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    edited July 2017
    @nonkyboy I created a private facebook group and invited people in. I explained I wanted to be able to blog warts and all and add photos of my people could opt out. It was a great way to keep people informed. I chose tbis so anyone looking at my fb page could not just see all about my cancer experience. Not all fb friends you want to share really personal stuff with.  I also set up messenger groups. Family. Friendships groups. As there might have been different stuff I wanted to disclose there. This really helped me in my early days...and this site. There was always somebody awake to give me support during those sleepless nights. 
  • LadyAside
    LadyAside Member Posts: 6
    Know how you feel. After a Breastscreen I was re-called for more tests, then had another mammogram & ultrasound. Finally a biopsy which confirmed my worst fears. The literature said 9 out of 10 women recalled were clear. I recall sitting in the waiting room, counting out all the other women who got the all clear; 10, 9, 8, 7 bugger, the odds are getting worse for me!
    I've had surgery, a port put in & a seemingly endless round of tests culminating with my first Herceptin yesterday & chemo today. That makes if round one down, 16 & 3 more to go!
    All the best.