Stormy days



  • saphire
    saphire Member Posts: 108
    edited March 2015

    Hi I have just been reading some of the stories of your journeys of bc and it bought tears to my eyes. I found my lump on 28th May this year only by the power of God did I find it, I was adjusting my breast in my sports bra and there it was I nearly died as only had a mamogram last August and it wasn't found it was certainly a whirl wind after that as after I was diagnosed my husband was taken in ambulance to the hospital as he couldn't move his left leg without there being pain so he was in hospital for nine days while I was going through all the initial stages of coming to terms what was happening to me.I was very fortunate to have a good friend afair bit older than me a Christan also and she had been free of bc for 8 years so she was my rock . I never had much patience so she told me God is teaching how to become patient with what you can't control. I had the operation the lump was taken and the lympnodes and they got it all but I then find out it was stage 3 and it was trying to get into my lympnodes so that was a bit of a shock.  My husband is having back surgery so it will be around the time I finish chemo and start radiation, so I just thank God that he showed me where to look and I didn't wait till next year when mammogram was due or I might not have survived, I believe he always has a reason we just don't know why at the time and our faith is there and we just need to keep praying for answers and they will come to us in the end.Blessings to everyone on this blog and thankyou for me being able to share with you all

  • KathD
    KathD Member Posts: 2
    edited March 2015

    Over the last couple of weeks as I have began my chemo, I have clearly felt God there, guiding and comforting me.  When speaking with non Christian friends, they ask how I can be coping so well.  I know exactly why - God is with me.  God has been reminding me that just because I believe in him, does not mean that I will not go through trials.  But while I am going through these trials God is with me every step of the way, and when I think I can't go on, he carries me.  From every trial I have been through in my life, I can look back and say I have learnt something, grown as a Christian or even been able to help someone else because of it.  These trials are like a fire - refining precious gems.  God is refining us also.  I must say, I have found in hard to face in the terminal diagnosis of my father in law - he is not a believer.  His wife has been praying for him for so many years, and the time left is so short.  How do you help a non christian understand God's love when they are dying of the same disease you can be cured of???  I want so desperately to see him find God, so I will continue to pray and raise him to God.