Exercise nazi! Lol

Robyn W
Robyn W Member Posts: 1,932
edited March 2014 in Health and wellbeing
Hi Ladies:) I had my second session with the exercise physiologist,and I enjoyed it as much as the first.I want to say here,that it definitely helps to have someone encouraging and pushing you a bit.And telling you how well you are doing!I have always loved exercise,but when it's a bit out of your comfort zone,it is very easy to slide back to the things that you find the easiest!Anyway,this time I got some new exercises.These are more for the core,and chest muscles,where surgery was.One I really like is the 'planking' exercise.You balance on your forearms and toes,and keep your back straight and pull your tummy in.I was trying in the beginning to hold that position for 30 seconds,and I was struggling.Now I can do 1 min and 5 seconds.You can feel the muscles in the stomach and chest area really working.i do this twice with a break in between,which is equal to the length of time that I can do the exercise.In the beginning I was doing it every 2nd day,but now I am doing it daily.Fun(and funny!) to do with someone else.Children like to get in on this one.I also got given an exercise where you lay flat on your back,and lift both legs JUST off the ground.Then do a pedalling motion! Not easy on the tummy muscles,but a good exercise.I try for 40 'pedals'. !! Well that's about it.I have been really trying to keep up with my skipping( which is easy cause it's quick) and also riding and walking.I am finding one of the challenges with maintaining this amount of exercise,is that now that my treatment is over,I am doing it more on my own,as things do go back to how they were, to some extent.I think it's really important that we DONT go back to doing exactly as we did before.Its up to us to let others know what we need in terms of help,and especially TIME.Take care everyone.Cheers xoxRobyn


  • Deanne
    Deanne Member Posts: 2,163
    edited March 2015

    These exercises are so hard Robyn! I cannot do the planking one due to an old injury to my big toe.

    I am realizing that it is an ongoing challenge to keep up the level of exercise that I set out to achieve. I am going to Pink Pilates every Monday. At the moment this is an individual session heavily subsidized by Medicare. But I can see that it will be worth the expense for the regular support and encouragement to keep me on track. It is also very important to have the individual attention to ensure that you do the exercises correctly to avoid injury. Having had the surgery that we have, not every exercise is suitable for every person and my instructor modifies exercises to adjust to my limitations. I am loving it but can see what you mean about it being easy to slip back into what we are more comfortable doing.

    I am constantly needing to come up with ways around obstacles to keeping up the exercise. I had to come home from Pilates and type up the instructions to each exercise in large print and then stick them all over the wall where I do them so I could see what to do while 'in action'! I find adding more variety to my exercise routine keeps me motivated and also keeping an exercise diary helps you to realize how you are improving. I truly feel that the exercise is the main reason that I am not having many side effects from tamoxifen AND there is so much research to support the fact that it can help to prevent a recurrence or new cancer! It really is worth the effort! Deanne xxx

    PS Still keeping up my walking and swimming and have added steep hills into my walking for weight bearing benefits.

  • Deanne
    Deanne Member Posts: 2,163
    edited March 2015

    These exercises are so hard Robyn! I cannot do the planking one due to an old injury to my big toe.

    I am realizing that it is an ongoing challenge to keep up the level of exercise that I set out to achieve. I am going to Pink Pilates every Monday. At the moment this is an individual session heavily subsidized by Medicare. But I can see that it will be worth the expense for the regular support and encouragement to keep me on track. It is also very important to have the individual attention to ensure that you do the exercises correctly to avoid injury. Having had the surgery that we have, not every exercise is suitable for every person and my instructor modifies exercises to adjust to my limitations. I am loving it but can see what you mean about it being easy to slip back into what we are more comfortable doing.

    I am constantly needing to come up with ways around obstacles to keeping up the exercise. I had to come home from Pilates and type up the instructions to each exercise in large print and then stick them all over the wall where I do them so I could see what to do while 'in action'! I find adding more variety to my exercise routine keeps me motivated and also keeping an exercise diary helps you to realize how you are improving. I truly feel that the exercise is the main reason that I am not having many side effects from tamoxifen AND there is so much research to support the fact that it can help to prevent a recurrence or new cancer! It really is worth the effort! Deanne xxx

    PS Still keeping up my walking and swimming and have added steep hills into my walking for weight bearing benefits.

  • Robyn W
    Robyn W Member Posts: 1,932
    edited March 2015
    Yes I agree,and I should have said,that not every exercise is suitable for everyone.My sessions are partly subsidised too Deanne,but I will keep on going when that finishes,because it's my way of spoiling myself.I have my exercises in a folder,and I keep it next to me ,and keep looking at it,so I don't forget the correct way to do them!I totally agree with you,that it is exercise that makes you feel so good,and definitely lessens the chance of a recurrence.This is proven now ,not just a maybe.I am not having side effects from Tamoxifen either,and I believe that exercise plays a big part.I have my 3 month checkup next Monday,and I am going to talk with my oncologist more about this.Walking steep hills is a great idea Deanne.We live in inner Western Sydney,and there is not a hill in sight!Keep up the good work Deanne.I look forward to hearing how you are doing.Cheers Robyn.xox
  • Merlins mum
    Merlins mum Member Posts: 443
    edited March 2015
    Just a quick not to say you don't have to do the full length plank to get some benefit from it. Just stay on your knees instead but keep your back low and straight. Hope this helps. ( just when you thought you had got out of them!)

  • Deanne
    Deanne Member Posts: 2,163
    edited March 2015
    That is how the Pilates instructor alters a few of my exercises actually! Yes she says I don't get out of anything, there is always a way to adjust! Lol Deanne xx
  • jenpen
    jenpen Member Posts: 315
    edited March 2015

    Gosh Robyn! You sound like a machine...!

    Thanks for sharing the new excercises....it's great to know that they will get easier and you can do them for longer as time goes on!

    Keep sharing.....Jen x

  • Robyn W
    Robyn W Member Posts: 1,932
    edited March 2015
    I am definitely no machine!Maybe a squeaky wheel lol.Try planking with your kids Jen.Its fun seeing who can go the longest! Cheers xoxRobyn
  • lyndar
    lyndar Member Posts: 8
    edited March 2015

    It's great to hear about the benefits of exercise in dealing with the side effects of medication. I have had surgery in Dec and again in Jan and commenced Arimidex early Feb.  I was worried about the side effects and was advised to exercise each day.  I am loving swimming 2-3 times a week and walking other days.  I even started playing tennis once a week.  I am now back at work and the exercise gives me energy and lifts my mood.  Keep it up girls.

  • lyndar
    lyndar Member Posts: 8
    edited March 2015

    It's great to hear about the benefits of exercise in dealing with the side effects of medication. I have had surgery in Dec and again in Jan and commenced Arimidex early Feb.  I was worried about the side effects and was advised to exercise each day.  I am loving swimming 2-3 times a week and walking other days.  I even started playing tennis once a week.  I am now back at work and the exercise gives me energy and lifts my mood.  Keep it up girls.

  • Robyn W
    Robyn W Member Posts: 1,932
    edited March 2015
    You are so right.Exercise does lift your mood so much,and gives you energy.You are doing well swimming,walking AND tennis.Working too! tennis is a good workout isn't it? Don't stop.Cheers Robyn xoxo