Wig wearers! When did you start going without?



  • Sam1982
    Sam1982 Member Posts: 44
    edited March 2015
    Hey Sam,
    OMG U totally rock the short hair!!!
    I sometimes wish I'd never went with wigs, I started something that I feel I should see out to the end lol.
    Yes, I think I'm going to have to start embracing the "new look me" sooner rather than later :)
    Surgery is coming up hey?
  • Sam1982
    Sam1982 Member Posts: 44
    edited March 2015
    Thank you all ladies,
    It's funny, when I was bald I thought that as soon as I had a teeny bit of hair I'd ditch the wigs, but even with the amount I have now I still feel so "exposed" and unready, strange hey?
    I think I'll stick with the wigs until my tie at the back headbands arrive in the mail, (great idea, thanks TonyaM)
    Gives me another great reason to buy some long dangly earrings to jazz up my oh so visible neck hahaha.
    Thanks girls, I just love having people who finally understand me
  • Janey235
    Janey235 Member Posts: 1,206
    edited March 2015

    Yes it does feel fluffy and my two kids love running their fingers through it ALL THE TIME. It's not as if they are little, they're 25 and 23!. It tickles their fancy and they call me cute. I feel like the family pet.

    I just want the fringe to grow and I think I'll be happier.

    Janey xxx

  • mum2jj
    mum2jj Member Posts: 4,322
    edited March 2015
    That's what I loved about being bald and having really short hair. The great earrings I got to wear. I had forgotten that. Not nearly as much fun now I have my bob back.
    Happy earring hunting.
    Paula :)
  • Lara O Perth
    Lara O Perth Member Posts: 37
    edited March 2015

    Love your hair, just like mine, No covers required!!

    I'm just so glad to not be bald anymore, I don't care who sees my fuzz now!!



  • Lara O Perth
    Lara O Perth Member Posts: 37
    edited March 2015

    Love your hair, just like mine, No covers required!!

    I'm just so glad to not be bald anymore, I don't care who sees my fuzz now!!



  • SamzRusty
    SamzRusty Member Posts: 325
    edited March 2015

    Hysterectomy next Thursday the boobs 25th Feb.....can't believe it's almost here

    Sam xoxoxo

  • Robyn W
    Robyn W Member Posts: 1,932
    edited March 2015
    I know just what you mean Janey!My daughter says many times a day,aw Mum you're so cute!Definitely no one else is going to call me cute:) Cheers Robyn
  • Robyn W
    Robyn W Member Posts: 1,932
    edited March 2015
    Way longer than mine lol.xox
  • mgndam1603
    mgndam1603 Member Posts: 753
    edited March 2015

    Hi Sam,

    I think you look gorgeous and if you are confident enough go wig free now. I hated my wig and rarely wore it, I mostly wore scarves but anything is hot on your head. As soon as I had minimal coverage I went without.



  • mgndam1603
    mgndam1603 Member Posts: 753
    edited March 2015

    Hi Sam,

    I think you look gorgeous and if you are confident enough go wig free now. I hated my wig and rarely wore it, I mostly wore scarves but anything is hot on your head. As soon as I had minimal coverage I went without.



  • JackieO
    JackieO Member Posts: 115
    edited March 2015

    love your hair Sam, really suits you.  Was it dark and came back grey or very pale?  MIne was very dark and came back steel grey.  Good luck for your hysterectomy, I hope you recover quickley.  It is the day after my lat dorsi. Jackie xxx

  • SamzRusty
    SamzRusty Member Posts: 325
    edited March 2015

    Hi Jackie,

    It came back very grey & straight & it felt like kittens fur! I bleached it a couple of weeks ago. I didn't might the grey, the girl at the salon said she has young girls paying for the colour I was. It's growing fast now....maybe it's the steroids!

  • mgndam1603
    mgndam1603 Member Posts: 753
    edited March 2015

    I use way to much shampoo and conditioner I had long hair and I am still getting used to this new look. I am using Argon Oil to hydrate my hair, I do not want to loose it now that its back.

    Mine came back a real silver grey and curly. I am rocking the curls I hope they stay. I had forgotten the earings I changed to danglies whilst I wore my scarves as you could actually see them.



  • magicmum
    magicmum Member Posts: 285
    edited March 2015

    The girls in my chemo unit persuaded me to lose the covers when mine was about that length. It was VERY grey/white but they said it looked funky and I should slick it up and be proud. So I did. Not sorry at all. (I did end up dying back to a colour as the growing grey made me feel really old !) In hot weather it was lovely to feel the breeze on my head.

    Go for it, you look fantastic.
