I feel like Ive won the lottery!!



  • Robyn W
    Robyn W Member Posts: 1,932
    edited March 2015
    Well done.Enjoy the peace.
  • mum2jj
    mum2jj Member Posts: 4,321
    edited March 2015
    Rest up.
    Paula :)
  • JodieWall
    JodieWall Member Posts: 259
    edited March 2015
    Im home with my friend the drain.

    Bit overwhelmed when I hsd a shower and saw my scar where my boob once was. Shed a few tears and didn't want Richard to see me breastless. He doesn't care one bit, it's all me. Something I guess we all have to get used to xxx

    Spoke to cas before. She sounds wonderful and so upbeat.
    I had a few scares last night because my blood pressure kept dropping. They did obs every hour then 2 hours. If it dropped below 20 they were calling the doctors in. Luckily at 4am it started to rise.
    They think because I had all my lymph nodes taken and my body was taking its time to get rid of the anesthetic this was the cause. It's weird because I take medication for high blood pressure each day.
    But im home. I'm comfortable and know this part is over xxx
  • Robyn W
    Robyn W Member Posts: 1,932
    edited March 2015
    Jodie,for about 2 weeks,after my surgery,every time I looked at where my breast once was,I would burst into tears.i was fine when I was dressed.my husband couldn't care less either.It doesn't worry me much any more,and it's been a month.take carexxx
  • JodieWall
    JodieWall Member Posts: 259
    edited March 2015
    I I think I'll be the same. Im strong then Im weak. Im a bit all over the shop at the moment.

    But im home and my wonderful daughter her partner my hubby and our 10 year old are doing all my tidying and cleaning while I sit here feeling a bit helpless. They are worth their weight in gold xxx
  • Robyn W
    Robyn W Member Posts: 1,932
    edited March 2015
    That's what a family is for right?My husband says we are just giving back to you everything that u have ever done for us!just rest and you will heal quicker.xx
  • Robyn W
    Robyn W Member Posts: 1,932
    edited March 2015
    That's what a family is for right?My husband says we are just giving back to you everything that u have ever done for us!just rest and you will heal quicker.xx
  • Casjsa
    Casjsa Member Posts: 181
    edited March 2015

    My op is over also.  All went very well, my drain was taken out today and I was sent home.  Now to wait for biopsys of tumour and nodes.  My next appointment with the surgeon is Wednesday.  Fingers crossed it hasn't gone to lymph nodes.  I have yet to have a full body scan but you can bet it is going to happen very soon.

    Well done Jodie, it was lovely chatting to you as well.  I'm home now so feel free to call.  I still have your number.

  • Casjsa
    Casjsa Member Posts: 181
    edited March 2015

    I came home, did nothing the first night except heat up some frozen meals that I'd cooked before hospital.  My 20yo is just hopeless, he won't come out of his room and away from his computer games to help so of course I just did everything.  Then my arm started to swell so I had to stop and sit down.  I've been a sole parent for 20 years minus 12 weeks so no hubby to worry about but also no one to talk to.  At least my mum is doing my washing and ironing, I'm watering the gardens and doing all the cooking except for breakfast.  Today I was roundly told off for overdoing things by the doctor and breast care nurse and told that if I keep doing so much I will get fluid that will have to be drained off.  OK, point taken.  I'm going to work tomorrow for 3-4 hours, then shopping.  For me that is a very slow day.

  • JodieWall
    JodieWall Member Posts: 259
    edited March 2015
    Ive still got my drain in. It didn't work for the first 2 days and is working now. Hope to have it out in the next few days. I couldn't handle needle aspiration or whatever it's called so I'm glad they left it in. Scared about my port though, but it will save my veins xxx
  • JodieWall
    JodieWall Member Posts: 259
    edited March 2015
    It's scary but I need to do it. 3 rounds of FEC and taxol after. Then radiation.
    My veins are bad especially when upset or stressed and bloods need to be taken before every chemo which they can do via the port so at least as far as needles, they will be limited for me :-( my axillary clearance was negative to thank god but I had cells in 2 sentinel nodes. At least it hadn't spread far. For now my cancer has been evicted. Doing the mopping up now.

    Did you get all your results?
  • Casjsa
    Casjsa Member Posts: 181
    edited March 2015

    Hi Jodie,
    My results were that I had a Grade 3 cancer, it's been removed with good clearance, it hasn't affected any muscles and the lymph nodes are completely clear.  Yay!  I am booked for CT scan head to pelvis on Monday and a bone scan on Tuesday and I need to arrange physio for one day next week.  My arm keeps swelling because I overdo it.  I will still be having chemo but my initial appointment isn't until November 22nd.  I have a week long conference before that and the doctor isn't worried about the time lapse.  I'm not having any radiation.

  • JodieWall
    JodieWall Member Posts: 259
    edited March 2015
    That's really good.
    I'm getting it all, chemo radiation and hormone therapy :-(
  • peggysue
    peggysue Member Posts: 44
    edited March 2015

    Hi Jodie,

    I am almost at my 1 yr since being diagnosed Nov 2012.  Its ok to feel scared about chemo, I was, I walked into the infustion room, holding my husband hand. I did not have a port. x FEC x 3,  3 x Docataxel.  I can't believe where the year has gone.  They  give you lost of fantastic drugs, I was not sick, not once,   For me Chemo was not too bad, the usual things, but not what I did not already know about.  Knowledge is power.  It just become part of your new routine until you have finished your treatment.  You will be fine, just take it easy, rest up after infustion, do what you feel you can, and don't push it.   Linda.  xx

  • JodieWall
    JodieWall Member Posts: 259
    edited March 2015
    Linda, I'm scared of the nausea. I've never coped with vomiting very well.
    If they can get rid of the nausea I will feel so much better. Reading so many horror stories of how sick people are during chemo is terrifying me :-(