Free movie pass giveaway: Love Is All You Need
Since being diagnosed with Triple Negative BC, I have had breast conserving surgery and next thursday, days after my 51st birthday, i start chemo and Christmas will be a bit different this year I expect. My family have been the best and I have always known I am blessed, but now fully realise how special my family and freinds really are. Every moment counts now for me little things like laughter, smiles on peoples faces, little birds in big trees, so gone is the stressed, distracted and overworked superhero, and now I am a timebiding fully everpresent easygoing relaxed challenged supehero...on a definate mission to beat this...
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Make time to stop and smell the roses
Before my breast cancer this was just a nice saying.
Now, I stop and smell not only the roses but flowers in general. What great fragrances I have been missing in my busy, cluttered life.
Now, I am trying to unclutter my life and make time for me 'cos then I can concentrate on spending not only quality time but quantity time with the important people in my life; making memories we all will remember in times ahead 'cos we just don't know what the future holds for any of us. Thanks, Ann
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Hi Donna,
Thank you for sharing with us all. It sounds like your focus and determination has had a huge impact on your breast cancer journey.
We hope you will enjoy some relaxing 'you' time with a loved one with a trip to the movies to see 'Love Is All You Need'.Take care,
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Hi Annie,
Thank you for your words. It sounds like breast cancer has been a life-changing experience for you in every single sense of the word.
Congratulations, we hope you will enjoy your double pass to 'Love Is All You Need'.Warmest regards,
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Hi Ann,
Thank you for sharing with us all.
I hope you will enjoy some quality time seeing 'Love Is All You Need' with a friend or loved one!Have a great day,
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Thank you Thea, I received the tix for the movie in the mail this week. It was a lovely treat to receive them, especially as this is a treatment week for me. Thanks again
Danni0 -
I was diagnosed with breast cancer in Dec 2011 and I am 31 with two beautiful children aged 8 and 18 mths. Since my diagnosis and treatment I have taken a step back and really taken note of what "matters" and simply what doesn't. I have learnt that life is way to precious to take for granted and enjoy each and every moment I get with my children, watching them play and grow. Looking through their eyes up close at a little tree frog and its many colours. My life is full of love and laughter and i have amazing people that surround me including all the strong women I've met through my journey. My little family are heading off on our first holiday in the coming week in what feels like forever and just can't wait to stop and take stock and enjoy time together away from doctors and hospital rooms!! Tiarni0
Good Morning Tiarni,
Thank you for sharing with us. You must be so looking forward to your family holiday and we hope you have an amazing time!
We would be thrilled to send you a double pass to 'Love Is All You Need'. I will private message you for the best address to send your tickets too
All the best,
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Hi Amy,
Thank you for sharing some of your journey with us all.
I will be popping some tickets in the mail for you today and I hope you really enjoy Love Is All You Need.Wishing you all the best,
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Hi Thea - just a quick one - wondering where the tickets can be used at? It doesn't seem to say on the card. I'm sure the answer is obvious - I'm just blaming chemo brain that I can't figure it out!!! Thanks.
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Not at all!
There is a list of cinemas that 'Love Is All You Need' is showing at at the link below:
Hope this helps
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Hi Thea
I just wanted to say Thank You for the movie tickets. My husband and I went to see Love is All you Need and we loved it! It was a great movie and I would recommend it to anyone.
Thanks again,
Louise x
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Hi Thea
I just wanted to say Thank You for the movie tickets. My husband and I went to see Love is All you Need and we loved it! It was a great movie and I would recommend it to anyone.
Thanks again,
Louise x
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Hi Louise,
Oh thank you so much for your message!
We're so pleased to hear you enjoyed the movie - and you're so welcome!x
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Hi Thea
Just wanted to let you know that I wasn't able to get to see the movie myself BUT I did send them to my very special friend who has been my rock throughout my whole journey and is still there for me.
She was so pleased with the tickets and took her daughter with her and they thoroughly enjoyed it.
Thank you BCNA for giving to me and I was so happy to be able to then share the giving with my major support crew.
Thanks a lot.
Lots of love
Mich xoxo