Free movie pass giveaway: Love Is All You Need
Thanks so much Thea! I never win anything and have just had 24hrs of bad luck so this is great!
First the airconditioner stopped working, then the Playstation (not that I'm that upset about that - I might actually get to see my son for a change!!), then the freezer door was left open overnight and everything defrosted, then we got locked out and woke up this morning to find that the hot water heater has died!! Hopefully the news of winning these tickets means my luck has changed
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What have I learnt from having BC? I've learnt that people not things matter. It's not important to have the best house as long as the one you have is filled with love, friendship and hope. It's important to make time for the things you want to do rather than the things you "should" do. I've learnt that it's OK to cry and laugh at the oddest moments even when no one is laughing or crying and everyone is staring at you. And when everyone is staring thinking you slightly nuts, a friend is the person beside you holding your hand!0
BC has changed my life in so many ways. I have just celebrated my 1 year anniversary since diagnosis. I spent that day with my husband and I was grateful for that, grateful that I could be here to share it with him.
My family and loved ones are now the most important people in the world, beside me of course hee hee
I appreciate all the small things now. Gardening, walking on the beach with my dog and smelling the ocean, enjoying all the spring flowers and birds in the garden. Enjoying every precious moment with family and friends. Reminding myself that there is no sense stressing over things, especially things you have no control over and just riding the waves as they come along.
I am sooo very grateful to be able to exercise again, even just going for a walk is wonderful where as before it was a chore. I love having energy to do exercise.
These are all things I took for granted previously that I no longer do. I am eating well, getting enough sleep, drinking less alcohol, exercising and doing everything in my power to be fit and well. I never want to go through another year like I have just endured but should I have to I will be much more prepared to face it. But I don't need to worry about that cause that is never going to happen (that is positive thinking!!).
If I didn't have BC I would never have found this site and all you lovely ladies out there. I wouldn't have met my new most special friend who we have been support for each other through both out journeys and I wouldn't have learnt who my true friends and family really are. I wouldn't have got to go to Sydney and meet so many amazing and also courageous women brought together because of BC to celebrate that we are still here and kicking.....
I plan to do whatever I am capable of doing to spread the word about BC to both the old and young in my community and beyond. Because as we know BC isn't choosy who it takes for the ride.
Thank you BCNA for being here for us and bringing us all together.
Mich xoxo
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The " path to enlightenment " is not only through a BC diagnosis, but it was a catalyst for me to get my " sense of self "back and learn to try and be grateful each day for something, no matter how small or big. To " give back " is something I like to do now, no matter if it something small or big.
Besides early menopause, some lymph issues, cognitive effects, jumping a decade in the ageing process, divorce, depression etc; I have found " love is all around and happiness starts from within. "
" Letting go " of being in control " and learning " to accept what is " has been a lesson to learn on my journey after BC. Each day is a bonus now !
One mantra is " take it slowly, carefully and gently, " and " do it tomorrow " is another. I have met many new friends and aquaintenances over the last 14 years ! I enjoy meeting new people and being helpful. Everyone has a story to tell, whether it be BC or not.
It was and is, not always easy; so take it " day by day., moment by moment if necessary. " Kathy.
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The " path to enlightenment " is not only through a BC diagnosis, but it was a catalyst for me to get my " sense of self "back and learn to try and be grateful each day for something, no matter how small or big. To " give back " is something I like to do now, no matter if it something small or big.
Besides early menopause, some lymph issues, cognitive effects, jumping a decade in the ageing process, divorce, depression etc; I have found " love is all around and happiness starts from within. "
" Letting go " of being in control " and learning " to accept what is " has been a lesson to learn on my journey after BC. Each day is a bonus now !
One mantra is " take it slowly, carefully and gently, " and " do it tomorrow " is another. I have met many new friends and aquaintenances over the last 14 years ! I enjoy meeting new people and being helpful. Everyone has a story to tell, whether it be BC or not.
It was and is, not always easy; so take it " day by day., moment by moment if necessary. " Kathy.
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this is my second journey and this time has made me re evaluate the way our family lives, so we have slowed down and enjoyed more family time, it is 1 year since second diagnosis and we also now have beautiful granddaughter to enjoy. i am now only working casual, not full time and am still on treatment, but doing a little more each precious day, this site has been a haven through the darkest days, thankyou to all those lovely ladies for their inspiration, kerry
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Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts DaisyMac.
We would be very happy to send you a double pass to enjoy some relaxing time with a friend or loved one with a trip to the movies
I will private message you for the best address to send your tickets to!
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Hi Mich,
Thank you for sharing! It sounds like your diagnosis of breast cancer has had a dramatic impact on your life. Taking the time to do things you enjoy is so important. And exercise is a big focus for BCNA at the moment so it's great to hear you're such an advocate!
I hope you had a great time in Sydney at Strength to Strength - it was such a special couple of days for us all.
Congratulations Mich, and we hope you enjoy 'Love Is All You Need'. Your tickets will be on their way shortly!Thea x
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Hi Kathy,
It sounds like you've had many challenges since your diagnosis, but how strong you are to come out the other side positive and to have re-evaluated what is important in life. Thank you for sharing with us Kathy.
I hope you enjoy 'Love Is All You Need' - your tickets will be on their way soon!
All the best,Thea
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Hi Kerry,
Thank you for your words.
Congratulations on your granddaughter and it's great to hear you are able to take the time to enjoy her!
We would be thrilled to send you a double pass to 'Love Is All You Need' - we hope you enjoy!
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My journey with bc has made me realize that little things make so much difference like the smile from my new granddaughter and the cuddles from her older sister melt my worries away. Realizing that treatments aren't that bad and how great medical staff can be. Feeling the sand beneath my feet and the warmth of the sun on my face after radiation I imagined it while they were zapping me thanks Deb0
Thank you Thea,
I am looking forward to going, and also reading others comments on here.
sincerely, Kathy.
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Hi Deb,
Thank you for sharing with us. We so appreciate your beautiful words.
Congratulations, we wil be thrilled to send you a double pass to 'Love Is All You Need' - we hope you enjoy the film!
All the best,
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I was diagnosed with advanced breast cancer with spread to liver and bones in sept 2010, and was told average survival time was 18 months and my cancer was very aggressive. My life turned the right way up slowly over the next 2 years. Having to live day by day,learning to nurture relationships in deeper way. Living more simply,learning to let go things that are not important so I could focus on relationships,healthy eating,sunshine,exercise,low stress and enjoying life became my entire focus. My health is now strengthening and it is wonderful to feel increasing lengths of vitality. Donna
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Since being diagnosed with Triple Negative BC, I have had breast conserving surgery and next thursday, days after my 51st birthday, i start chemo and Christmas will be a bit different this year I expect. My family have been the best and I have always known I am blessed, but now fully realise how special my family and freinds really are. Every moment counts now for me little things like laughter, smiles on peoples faces, little birds in big trees, so gone is the stressed, distracted and overworked superhero, and now I am a timebiding fully everpresent easygoing relaxed challenged supehero...on a definate mission to beat this...