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  • BelindaM
    BelindaM Member Posts: 27
    edited March 2015

    THANK YOU ALL for your amazing support! We have a new hurdle to deal with now as My Husband is about to be laid off in a few weeks! (he's been working at his job for 12 years)  

    I am trying to see this as a positive in this as we would be able to manage on Centerlink for a while and he will be at home for a bit (not too long! hopefully) to spend some time with myself and the children! :O) 

    Anyone know of any Awesome paying full time jobs coming up? :O)

    xox Belinda xox

  • chipmunk
    chipmunk Member Posts: 280
    edited March 2015

    Oh Belinda

    You have so much strength and courage to do what you have done so far. I honestly would have crumpled at the thought of organising my own funeral.

    You have made me cry, not just for you, but for your lovely husband and your gorgeous and adorable girls.

    I wouldn't be saying the crap word, but like the others shouting from the rooftop, why me!!! with lots of swear words.

    Make the most of each day with your lovely family. Cherish every moment of every day and spoil yourself. Write letters to your girls when they have birthdays, engagements and weddings. So they will always know that you are there shining from above.

    I can't walk in your footsteps, and know how you really feel. But,  if we all had that magic potion, we would, with no hesitation give it to you.... and make it all better. I wish they had a cure for this F****** horrible thing.

    Oh my lovely..... just make sure they try every avenue here or overseas.

    My thoughts are with you my sweet. Love as always Julie XX

  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,836
    edited March 2015

    What on earth is going on in this world where someone as young and beautiful as you has bc  secondaries.I don't know how the bc fundraising  money is dispersed for which research but it should be targeted to young women like yourself. I can't begin to imagine facing secondaries when my girls were so young.It's just bloody wrong,wrong,wrong.Yes you have to be realistic but keep hope alive.Celeste has wise words in that the right chemo combo maybe just around the corner for you.Love and hugs to you.

                                               Tonya xx

  • such is life
    such is life Member Posts: 93
    edited March 2015

    Hi I saw a report on this drug the other day on a show cant remember which one, It may not be available here or even be an option for you and I hope the link will work, the story showed  women who had done the trial with no chemo side effects at all, and their comments where that they didnt have that raw on the inside, being poisoned feeling, is only for HER positive I believe but worth a look at least, dont want to get your hopes up on anything, but who knows there may be a trial here in Oz


    All the best for some happy times soon

    Cheers Narelle xox


  • Amy
    Amy Member Posts: 233
    edited March 2015
    Hi Belinda
    I am a fellow ABCer and also have young children. I understand where you are coming from. Enjoy your family and (where possible) cut out those who stress you out.
    Be kind to yourself.
    Amy x
  • Amy
    Amy Member Posts: 233
    edited March 2015
    Hi Belinda
    I am a fellow ABCer and also have young children. I understand where you are coming from. Enjoy your family and (where possible) cut out those who stress you out.
    Be kind to yourself.
    Amy x
  • Amy
    Amy Member Posts: 233
    edited March 2015
    Hi Belinda
    I am a fellow ABCer and also have young children. I understand where you are coming from. Enjoy your family and (where possible) cut out those who stress you out.
    Be kind to yourself.
    Amy x
  • FD
    FD Member Posts: 139
    edited March 2015


    Might be worth a look. Hope you are feeling OK, you are often in my thoughts.

    Still praying


  • vilmaNa
    vilmaNa Member Posts: 3
    edited March 2015

    Hi Belinda

    I'm fighting that secondary s*** almost 6 years. Never give up!Never! Since then i had a stroke, developed diabetes, Im spending as minimum a week each month in hospital... yeh it is exhousting it is not a good life,but it is still a Life... I wanted to die when I had a stroke I though this is the end.. but then why i would so easy give up...? im wishing u all the best. keep fighting for u and for ur kids.

  • vilmaNa
    vilmaNa Member Posts: 3
    edited March 2015

    @ such is life:

    yeh that's true.

    Right know St George Hospital is providing that trial.Im on it. IT WORKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Almost no side effects. That drug is for  HER positive BC and if u had only 1 line of Tykerb+Zeloda and multiple lines of chemo. If interested message me Ill send u more info or I may ask my trial coordinator what do u need to do to be qulified for this trail

  • vilmaNa
    vilmaNa Member Posts: 3
    edited March 2015

    @ such is life:

    yeh that's true.

    Right know St George Hospital is providing that trial.Im on it. IT WORKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Almost no side effects. That drug is for  HER positive BC and if u had only 1 line of Tykerb+Zeloda and multiple lines of chemo. If interested message me Ill send u more info or I may ask my trial coordinator what do u need to do to be qulified for this trail

  • BelindaM
    BelindaM Member Posts: 27
    edited March 2015

    Hi ladies, THANK YOU so much for your support...I asked one of the leading Breast cancer Oncologoists in Australia about Avastin and she said she doesn't think it will work for me as I have not to responded to the other 4 types of aggressive hormone suppressing therapy they have tried so she doesn't think it will be of any benefit to me :O(

    I am loving having hubby home! Although he is ready to go get a job...any job! LOL After 2 weeks of being a house husband! LOL He said to me "I get no time for myself! it's all just cooking, cleaning, washing and cleaning up mess!" ahhh yeah! Welacome to the last 10 years of my life! :D

    Have been trrying CMF for the last 4 months with mixed results...my WCC isn't recovering well and the last CT results were mixed...chest, lung & pluera mets stable and some have shunk! YAY! BUT Liver mets have increased in size and number...but the large one I had 7.5 cm (ran through the lung and into the liver) in November is gone....very puzzling?...so I am having an ultrasound this week to see what is going on...Am switching to weekly Abraxane next week,...not looking forward to losing my hair for the THIRD time in 3 years! It really upsets my girls...my son (he's 10) thinks it's cool cause I look kinda army LOL..

    So since I am losing my hair soon...had some family photos done on the weekend...it was so lovely, gorgeous location, photography was lovely, beautiful spirit :O)....Just enjoying the gorgeous Brisbane weather we had and enjoying each others company :O) ,

    Have also been diagnosed with mixed connective tissue disease/Lupus and auto immune arthritis :O( ..BUT the silver lining is that the Dr's currently think that at least 2 of the liver tumors and some of the chest ones may be benign tumors linked to thte Lupus...we shall see....

    Enjoying each day with my family and friends as best as I can :D

    .LOVE TO YOU ALL m Pink Sisters xoxox 



  • BelindaM
    BelindaM Member Posts: 27
    edited March 2015

    Hi ladies, THANK YOU so much for your support...I asked one of the leading Breast cancer Oncologoists in Australia about Avastin and she said she doesn't think it will work for me as I have not to responded to the other 4 types of aggressive hormone suppressing therapy they have tried so she doesn't think it will be of any benefit to me :O(

    I am loving having hubby home! Although he is ready to go get a job...any job! LOL After 2 weeks of being a house husband! LOL He said to me "I get no time for myself! it's all just cooking, cleaning, washing and cleaning up mess!" ahhh yeah! Welacome to the last 10 years of my life! :D

    Have been trrying CMF for the last 4 months with mixed results...my WCC isn't recovering well and the last CT results were mixed...chest, lung & pluera mets stable and some have shunk! YAY! BUT Liver mets have increased in size and number...but the large one I had 7.5 cm (ran through the lung and into the liver) in November is gone....very puzzling?...so I am having an ultrasound this week to see what is going on...Am switching to weekly Abraxane next week,...not looking forward to losing my hair for the THIRD time in 3 years! It really upsets my girls...my son (he's 10) thinks it's cool cause I look kinda army LOL..

    So since I am losing my hair soon...had some family photos done on the weekend...it was so lovely, gorgeous location, photography was lovely, beautiful spirit :O)....Just enjoying the gorgeous Brisbane weather we had and enjoying each others company :O) ,

    Have also been diagnosed with mixed connective tissue disease/Lupus and auto immune arthritis :O( ..BUT the silver lining is that the Dr's currently think that at least 2 of the liver tumors and some of the chest ones may be benign tumors linked to thte Lupus...we shall see....

    Enjoying each day with my family and friends as best as I can :D

    .LOVE TO YOU ALL m Pink Sisters xoxox 



  • FD
    FD Member Posts: 139
    edited March 2015

    You are amazing Belinda, so inspiring and strong. I am so happy to hear you blogging and I'm praying for some more good news without the puzzles. It sucks you are going to have to lose your hair yet again I can understand why it worries your girls too. Lucky you have such a beautiful face to compensate. Stay strong and well and continue enjoying and loving your wonderful family. You are living and appreciating life now more than some ever do in a life time. Well done you clever chicken. Hugs Lara xx

  • JJoy
    JJoy Member Posts: 350
    edited March 2015

    Dear Belinda,

    We are here for you.  And YES! that 'thinking positive' stuff is great in theory for those who aren't going through ths crap.  Some of my family have stopped speaking to me, they think 'I'm all better now', but you are experiencing what we all fear the most.  I tried to talk to my family about funerals and stuff and they tell me "Don't talk about that sort of thing"............ok, I'll just walk off and whistle like nothing is any different, you know stick my head in the sand.  I pray dearly that things pick up for you and remember as I said "We are here for you" Vent your little cotton socks off, it's ok by us - love and hugs from Josie x x x