


  • pauline263
    pauline263 Member Posts: 9
    edited March 2015

    Thanks for your reply. Did you have chemo the second time cos there were nodes involved or because of the pathology of the tumour?

    I think there are issues with one or no boobs. For me I just dont want to in this situation again and have to be making decisions. Part of it is fear of it coming back  but part of it is just getting it over with once and for all. As the surgeon said, there was a 90% chance it wouldn't come back in this breast and it did.

    If I only have one off then I am worried that I will still be thinking all the time if I should get the other off, whereas if they  both go then that is it.

    I am going to have periods of really intense sadness whatever happens. Still cant really get my head around the fact that I have breast cancer a second time.

    The sun is coming up. x

  • pauline263
    pauline263 Member Posts: 9
    edited March 2015

    My new surgeon isn't all that keen on me having both off as he says my right is essentially healthy tissue.

    I stil dont know what my treatment will be apart from the definite  mastectomy on the left and arimidex for 5 years after.  It will depend on the sentinel node biopsy and the pathaloogy of the tumour. He reckons there is a 60% chance that I will have to have chemo as well.

    I am already 2 years post menopause so i think that makes a difference to what other treatment I get.

    I am almost certain that I will be going for a bilateral. Dont want to have to think about it again.

    I have to write my surgeon a letter with my reasons for wanting it, not for any legal reason but he says that it helps me to really clarify why I am making the decision that I am.

    There aint no going back.

  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
    edited March 2015

    Yes,it's really hard getting your head around another bout of bc.You think you've done the hard yards the first time and surely won't be in the unlucky 8% who get it back. I had to have chemo the second time simply because it was a recurrence.It was the same pathology and still classed as early bc.I had no nodes to check cos all were taken the first time around.I can totally see your dilemma - take one boob or two?Even with both boobs gone,you would probably still worry that cancer was lurking somewhere else in your body.I kinda worry about that more than bc in the other boob cos I get it checked regularly.However,it sure would be a relief not to have mammograms and get all anxious about the results.Even if you don't want reconstruction at this stage,perhaps you should get all the info on it for later That may influence about what type of surgery gets done on the"good"boob. Maybe you need to ask your doc more questions so that you'll feel more comfortable about your decision.

                                     Tonya xx

  • Shilo1978
    Shilo1978 Member Posts: 30
    edited March 2015

    I am sooo sorry that it has taken me soooo long to reply to your messages. Clearly, I haven't been on here for awhile, and I do apologise. I have read your posts and feel your pain, I truly do..... I am going through EXACTLY the same thing atm.... As it stands, I am 34 years old and am yet to learn of a date for my surgery. I have decided to have a bilateral mastectomy and recon at the same time. I am going through 2nd time bc in the same breast (8 years was first diagnosed) and thought I was in the clear... until the 8/5/12. Having has rad the first time around and a lumpectomy, I was feeling like it was "bad luck Laura". No history, no brac 1 or 2 genes found, so I just thought I was "unlucky". Anyway, I came to the decision on my own and my breast surgeon wanted me to tell me the reason for having the left off too. I told him that first and foremost, I do not want to go through this again in another 8 years and just worrying CONSTANTLY will drive me mad! I have seen my breast recon surgeon too, and she is FANTASTIC! I will be having "Flap" surgery from my lateral muscles and formed to make new breasts. I am absolutely CRAPPING myself, but know that this is truly the right decision for me. I am kidless, but have found an amazing guy, who we are wanting to start a family together, so I try and keep telling myself, that this is a little "bump" in the road. I know that I will be ok at the end of it as it hasn't gone to my bones, organs or blood... I also have not and will not need chemo, so, whatever I can do, to prolong my life with my gorgeous partner, Jason, I will do.

    Thanks again for your messages and look forward to chatting again.

    Love your "pink sister" Laura


  • pauline263
    pauline263 Member Posts: 9
    edited March 2015

    Hi Lara

    I am going in on the 25th July for my bilateral mastectomy. I wonder if we have the same surgeon as I had to write a letter to mine outlining why I wanted to both done.  I am seeing Dr Segara.

    I never want to be in this situation again and I am pretty certain that if I only had one done I would want to go back and get the second done.

    I am happy with my decision


  • Shazinoz
    Shazinoz Member Posts: 307
    edited March 2015

    Glad to hear you got the all clear on the PET scans (I am thinking of asking my oncologist about getting one done).

    Don't panic too  much about the surgery, it will be amazing, you will come out with 2 new boobs and a tummy tuck :o),

    Sure there will be the recovery perios, but I have heard it isn't too bad (I had immediate impant reconstruction, so can only go by that, althought yours is more involved due to it being a DEIP, so you will have an extra wound, but they will look after you).


  • Tania67
    Tania67 Member Posts: 112
    edited March 2015

    Hi all,

    Laura has asked me to pop a message on here to let you all know that she is in Hospital and hasnt been able to reply to anyone. Sadly she is in intensive care with Pneumonia. She went into hospital last Monday (same day as me!!) with a very bad strain of the flu. Within a few days she was put into intensive care as she progressively got worse. She has the "Hong Kong" strain of the flu and has been real sick the poor love. She was told today that they hope she will be out of intensive care by either tomorrow or Wednesday. For those of you who dont know, Laura and I both live in Adelaide. Laura and I met about 2 months ago when her partner and her came to my place and we polished of a few bevvies and got to know each other. We have been supporting each other ever since. I had another Masetcomy and reconstruction last Monday and she is devistated that she can not be here for me!!! I keep telling her to stop worrying, but that's just the way we all roll I guess! Wanting to be there for each other.  So send all you thoughts her way. She could use them. Oh, and we have the same surgeons, both breast and plastic!!! Freaky huh! I'll keep you posted until she can get on here herself. Maybe BCNA need to look at doing an App so that we can touch base even when we are in hospital???

    Tania xxx

  • Deeay
    Deeay Member Posts: 278
    edited March 2015
    Hope Laura is on the road to recovery! How did her surgery go Tania and yours too? Im in the bus on the way to see my plastic surgeon in the city now. Have to have an Angiogram afterwards so he can plan my surgery on 22/8. (double DIEP or Tram) I'm so nervous!

    Can I ask you ladies what is the best type of clothing and PJs to take to hospital when you have reconstruction?

    Sending healing thoughts to you both. X
  • Tania67
    Tania67 Member Posts: 112
    edited March 2015

    Hey Diane,

    My surgery went really well. I could be repeating myself, I tend to do that these days!! But I had another Mastectomy and expanders inserted. They will start filling them in about 2 weeks. I think it is about 100ml/week. Then in about 4 months, when I am happy with the size, I go back in to surgery to have them removed and implants put in.

    I just made sure that my PJ's had buttons so that they can access the sites easily. I also bought alot of the Supre Tank Tops as you can step into them and pull them up. I dont like sitting around in pj's all day so wore them and either track pants or leggins with sweat jackets each day. The tank tops are easy to pull down for the nurses when they need to take a look.

    Laura hasnt had her surgery yet thank goodness. It would be aweful if she was trying to recover and also be this unwell!

    How did you go at the dr?

    Tania xx

  • Deeay
    Deeay Member Posts: 278
    edited March 2015

    Thanks Shaz! 3 weeks today until reconstruction. Saw the surgeon yesterday and had an Angiogram (CT scan of abdomen) to map blood vessels. So glad your surgery went well Tania & hope you aren't too uncomfortable. Keep us posted on Laura's progress. :) Diane

  • Deeay
    Deeay Member Posts: 278
    edited March 2015

    Thanks Shaz! 3 weeks today until reconstruction. Saw the surgeon yesterday and had an Angiogram (CT scan of abdomen) to map blood vessels. So glad your surgery went well Tania & hope you aren't too uncomfortable. Keep us posted on Laura's progress. :) Diane

  • Shilo1978
    Shilo1978 Member Posts: 30
    edited March 2015

    Hi Everyone!!! I am back on board and recovering well... AT HOME!!! Thanks Tania sooooo much for posting my message for me, I really appreciate it and hope everyone is going well on the cold, windy Monday afternoon.

    My breathing is still a little sketchy and have to stop and take it easy often, and hoping I will be back to normal in no time at all. I have a great support network around me which is just fantastic.

    Take care of you lovely ladies and thanks again for all the well wishes, they are coming right back at you all.

    Love Laura


  • Deeay
    Deeay Member Posts: 278
    edited March 2015

    Keep on keeping on.

    :) x Diane

  • Shilo1978
    Shilo1978 Member Posts: 30
    edited March 2015

    Thanks Diane, going really well and the count down is on for you I read. I am having similar surgery, once I am well enough, but having the tram flap (I think it's called), apparantly it is a major op, but hanging to get it over and done with so I then can start living my lift again! 

    Keep in touch and thanks again for everyone's well wishes

    Love to you all


  • Shilo1978
    Shilo1978 Member Posts: 30
    edited March 2015

    Whatever the op is, just know that the surgeon will be doing the best they possibly can for you. I am really looking forward to it too, to be honest with you, but only so that I don't have to keep thinking about it and then start getting on with my life. I won't be having the tummy one as I haven't yet had kids and would LOVE  them one of these days, so my surgeon said that the back one would be better for me.

    Take care and will be thinking of you next week and always.
