
Shilo1978 Member Posts: 30
edited May 2012 in General discussion

Hi, my name is Laura and I am 34 years old and have just been diagnosed with Breast Cancer for the 2nd time. I am hoping to communicate/meet people who are experiencing similar feelings and emotions as I am



  • Shilo1978
    Shilo1978 Member Posts: 30
    edited March 2015

    Hi there,

    Thank you so much for your welcoming message. I am looking forward to hearing other stories like mine. I wish you all the very best with your treatment. 

    I was first diagnosed in 2004 and had the 4mm lump removed, followed by 6 weeks of radiation, which I have learned the other day, I cannot have anymore radio. I go in for surgery again next week, so hopefully all goes well. 

    My cat's name is Shilo, who is mostly a good boy, but has his naughty side at 2am each morning! :) Your dog, Boo, looks adorable! I couldn't be without any animals.

    Once again, thank you for your message


  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
    edited March 2015

    Second time around for me too.It's a real kick in the guts isn't it. I had a lumpectomy,full node clearance and radiation back in 2003.Seven years later,in 2010,it came back in the same spot despite clear margins in 2003.So had to have a mastectomy and chemo and am now on Tamoxifen.Apparently there is an 8%chance it can return in the same breast after radiation.Guess we are in that 8%!!But you are way too young to have to go through this again- shouldn't have happened in the first place.After the shock you'll go into battle mode and this time around you kinda know the drill.Hope surgery goes smoothly for you and come back here to vent and get support.

                                       Tonya xx

  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
    edited March 2015

    Second time around for me too.It's a real kick in the guts isn't it. I had a lumpectomy,full node clearance and radiation back in 2003.Seven years later,in 2010,it came back in the same spot despite clear margins in 2003.So had to have a mastectomy and chemo and am now on Tamoxifen.Apparently there is an 8%chance it can return in the same breast after radiation.Guess we are in that 8%!!But you are way too young to have to go through this again- shouldn't have happened in the first place.After the shock you'll go into battle mode and this time around you kinda know the drill.Hope surgery goes smoothly for you and come back here to vent and get support.

                                       Tonya xx

  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
    edited March 2015

    Second time around for me too.It's a real kick in the guts isn't it. I had a lumpectomy,full node clearance and radiation back in 2003.Seven years later,in 2010,it came back in the same spot despite clear margins in 2003.So had to have a mastectomy and chemo and am now on Tamoxifen.Apparently there is an 8%chance it can return in the same breast after radiation.Guess we are in that 8%!!But you are way too young to have to go through this again- shouldn't have happened in the first place.After the shock you'll go into battle mode and this time around you kinda know the drill.Hope surgery goes smoothly for you and come back here to vent and get support.

                                       Tonya xx

  • Di_BCNA
    Di_BCNA Member Posts: 896
    edited March 2015

    Hi Laura, welcome again! :)  Sorry to hear about your second diagnosis, but I'm so glad you found your way here -- feel free to jump in and post or comment as much as you like.

    Love your pic -- I'm a pet person, too, so I love my puppy (although she's 15, so not exactly a puppy any more! :)


  • Shazinoz
    Shazinoz Member Posts: 307
    edited March 2015

    You are VERy welcome Laura.

    Where abouts in Oz (or the world are you)? If you don'tmind me asking. I am in Canberra.

    Is your surgery next week a lumpectomy or mastectomy?

    Naughty Shilo, waking you up at 2am, doesn't he realise there should only be one 2 o'clock in a 24hr period.

    I am like you I need a fur child to have a complete life. for my husband and I we aren't having children (I have a genetic condition and we decided no kids about 10 years ago, and now I am 41 and hopefully in chemo menopause (I also have a chronic pain condition and my period plays mary hell with it).

    If no radiotherapy, do you know what they are going to do yet?

    I am the same - no radiotherapy (but that is due to my medical conditions and family history), although I see the radiation oncologist on the 16th August to just make sure that is the correct wy to go (they think for me the risks outweigh the benefits).

    Good Luck, what day is your surgery next week?

    Please feel free to ignore and and all of the questions I have asked, I hope I don't offend by asking them.


  • Shilo1978
    Shilo1978 Member Posts: 30
    edited March 2015

    Hi (sorry, is it Sharon?) lol, i am guessing from your username :)

    I live in Adelaide and have most of my life after moving from Melbourne. I will be having a partial mastectomy as the Cancer is confined (hopefully) in my milk duct, so my surgeon will go around a little and hopefully it hasn't gone outside that, which I will find out on Tuesday week. I will be going into surgery on Wednesday 30th May for day surgery, but will have to stay in overnight - I HATE HOSPITALS, but I think I will have a few visitors, so hoping the time will pass quickly. I have also had the genetic testing for the Braca 1 & 2 genens, but they came back negative and there is no family history of Breat Cancer at all..... this is really annoying and frustrating (to be polite) as the doctors cannot tell me why this has happened again. Don't get me wrong, I am not a "poor me" person at all, just one of those things that I would like to know, but am unable to get answers - oh well, nevermind.... I have no kids at all, but would absolutely LOVE to have them one day - I really can't wait. I have an extremely kind and gentle partner, Jason, whom we have been together for just over 6 months, so, once this nightmare is over with, hopefully will try and have some kids :)

    Good luck with your appointments too, I do wish you well for them and it is great chatting with all of you lovely ladies


  • Tania67
    Tania67 Member Posts: 112
    edited March 2015

    Hey Laura,

    I am in Adelaide too. I live near Marion.

    I am soo sorry this has happened to you again. It reaffirms my decision to have my left breast removed! This should be happening in July. They are planning on the mastectomy and reconstruction at the same time!

    Good luck next wednesday. I'll be thinking of you. Who is your surgeon?

    Tania xx

  • Shilo1978
    Shilo1978 Member Posts: 30
    edited March 2015

    Hey Tania,

    OMG! Thank you sooo much for writing me. I didn't even think that I would get these beautiful women writing me. I am sorry to hear what you are going through. Is this your first time? I am still finding my feet around the website, so please excuse my ignorance. I live in Reynella with my mum atm, after a nasty break up over a year ago and still trying to get on my feet - until this happens, but will get through this again..... My surgeon is Dr Clive Hoffmann out of FMC. He is wonderful and has been with me since day dot really. That is really great that they can do the reconstruction at the same time. You are in my prayers also and hoping we can continue our chats and maybe someday meet :D 



  • Shilo1978
    Shilo1978 Member Posts: 30
    edited March 2015

    Hey Tania,

    OMG! Thank you sooo much for writing me. I didn't even think that I would get these beautiful women writing me. I am sorry to hear what you are going through. Is this your first time? I am still finding my feet around the website, so please excuse my ignorance. I live in Reynella with my mum atm, after a nasty break up over a year ago and still trying to get on my feet - until this happens, but will get through this again..... My surgeon is Dr Clive Hoffmann out of FMC. He is wonderful and has been with me since day dot really. That is really great that they can do the reconstruction at the same time. You are in my prayers also and hoping we can continue our chats and maybe someday meet :D 



  • Tania67
    Tania67 Member Posts: 112
    edited March 2015

    oh wow Laura,

    He is my surgeon too!!!! I had my surgery done at Flinders Private.

    So you live soooo close! We will have to catch up.

    Yes, this is my first ...... and LAST time:) . I will private message you with my mobile. Call anytime xx


  • Jrova
    Jrova Member Posts: 125
    edited March 2015
    I'm a second timer as well! 2002 and 2011. I was 34 the first time. I wouldn't have got through the first time without my psychologist! Oh my god, I was going mental with all the millions of worries cancer stirs up. He encouraged to do a meditation course which was an absolute life saver! The second time I was diagnosed was much, much better and I cruised through the chemo compared to the first time. The anti-nausea drugs were great this time. I also think that I was better prepared mentally and emotionally, and it helped me to remember that the chemo etc was just a temporary thing, and life would be good again before I knew it! Good luck with your treatment and try to spoil yourself! xx Jane
  • Tania67
    Tania67 Member Posts: 112
    edited March 2015

    Hey Dan,

    No I went to Tennyson Centre. Great bunch there too!!!

  • Shilo1978
    Shilo1978 Member Posts: 30
    edited March 2015
    I haven't had, nor I think I will, have chemo, I did my course of radio first time round and that knocked me for 6, so I cannot even imagine what chemo would be like!! Danielle, my BC nurses are Rachel B and Jan Rice. I love Rachel, she is my angel when I go into FMC :)

    When I had my biopsy the other day, I started sweating and feeling sooo sick but she kept me still until the end and I felt so much better with wet flannels on me!!

    Where did u go for ur meditation? Sounds like something I need to look at doing!!

    This site is AMAZING!! I feel sooo lucky to talk to u lively ladies and others too. It's making this journey do much easier than last xox
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited March 2015

    Welcome to this fabulous site! I am sorry to hear that you have been diagnosed a second time really SUCKS and it's hard to make sense of, especially when there's no family history of BC. I know what it's like to think that you've put this awful journey behind you, and then to have the rug pulled out from under you and get a second diagnosis. I am also in Adelaide, and was diagnosed with early BC in 2008, and then secondary BC in 2011/12. Feel free to read my blog and if you havent already, join the Adelaide Breast Cancer Friendship Group. We meet on alternate Tuesdays and Fridays in the city at the moment.

    Good luck with your treatment and look after yourself! Take care, Celeste?