Still here, still trusting as God leads and protects

Chantellep Member Posts: 43
Hi team, and hi SoldierCrab. Congrats on still being here! 
I can’t remember when I last posted; it has been years. But my journey continues. I am currently medically ‘well’ after another big flurry around a recurrence (number four). The roller coaster remains very familiar but God remains my stronghold. Why reappearing now? Finding it hard to get people—family, friends, even doctors—to understand that I’m tired and have pain and that glib fixes don’t work (I’ve been around long enough to have tried them). I guess I want some sympathy and prayer from people out there who might understand. I that indulgent? 
And I’d love to be able to pray for others too. 


  • Blossom1961
    Blossom1961 Member Posts: 2,537
    Hi @Chantellep, I have Mets but am still aware that God is my stronghold. To the point that I have people questioning how I can be so happy. It spurs me on to lean in closer to him. This is not a fun ride but with God I am enjoying life. I am fortunate in that my friends, family and doctors get that I am tired and have my less than great days but the ladies on this forum have helped me many times as they truly understand. It is not indulgent to want sympathy, if it is then I am an indulgent brat. Four recurrences must be doing your head in. ‘here we go again’ must be your common saying. Praying that treatment for this last one will finally mop up all those stray nasty blighters and that no new ones are brave enough to have another go. Sending big hugs. You deserve a bit of an extra indulgence so find a day spa and splurge. 🥰
  • Chantellep
    Chantellep Member Posts: 43
    Thanks Blossom1961. I was rather low this morning. Usually I’m very positive—who couldn’t be with a God like ours and my survival rate—and I get it that people see and hear me as ‘well’ so think I can/should just get over the other stuff. Thanks for your sympathy! It means a lot from someone who has been/is there. Thanks for the prayers too. I’ll look through your posts to see where you are at, so I can pray for you more meaningfully. And keep in touch, hey? ✝️
  • Blossom1961
    Blossom1961 Member Posts: 2,537
    @Chantellep you may not find many updated posts as I tend to post on the Mets group now. My cancer is controlled but I am on three weekly chemo infusions. I ended up with the blighters in my bones, adrenal gland and brain. During this time I have seen God move in amazing ways to get me the best care. The many doctors I have seen are quite taken aback by how well I have responded to treatment. 

    Make sure you book in that day spa. We can’t afford it but I have made it a priority as it helps with my mental state of mind. People who haven’t been there just don’t understand. By doing the extras for yourself, you are telling yourself you are worth it. God made me and therefore I am important and worthwhile. If people don’t understand me, they miss out on the complete package. Their loss.

    Some days I sit in human solitude and just imagine Gods arms wrapped around me. Awesome

  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,444
    Sorry for late response. 
    I've been hit by covid (1st time ) and chest infection.just looking at emails now...
    I agree with Blossom  do something for you...facial hair massage....
    You are both in my prayers.
  • Chantellep
    Chantellep Member Posts: 43
    Thanks Blossom 1961. I’m taking your advice and will start with a massage! I’ve already made some changes this year by updating my wardrobe—a luxury, but it is nice to have clothes that I feel good in again. I’ve been watching BCNA webcasts this week, particularly to learn more about side effects of Letrozole and coping with them. Am feeling more empowered about some of my ‘limitations’ as a result.
    Thank you for your medical update—easily summarised but lots there for my prayers. You and I have much of the body done between us—I’ve ‘done’ lungs twice, liver and peritonium. Like you, I know that God has this under his control and care, and I am loved and precious to him.
    And hello SoldierCrab! COVID is not a joy! Glad you are feeling well enough to be strolling through your messages again. Tonight, I thank God for your faithfulness to this group, and being there with a kind supportive word of encouragement.
    Time for bed, methinks! 
  • melways
    melways Member Posts: 50
    Hi All, 
    I haven't posted in here yet but lovely to see some activity here. 

    I completely understand the feeling of people not understanding how you feel and that even if you are technically doing well that there are still considerable side effects from treatment, stress, constant appointments etc. I have Mets like Blossom and although treatment is currently good I'm still exhausted and struggle a lot. You are not alone wanting sympathy and for others to truly understand it's not as easy as snapping out of it. 

    I also have people amazed by my positivity but I really feel like God is telling me although my journey is tough it's not over and there is much more to come. This sometimes is hard to comprehend as I have no reason really to believe this except by faith and God's grace. I also don't see a point in wallowing I should try to enjoy what I do have. Don't get me wrong I have miserable days, and sad days too but overall I'm trying to find the joy in life still. 

    I would love to pray for each of you too and if you have time or remember a prayer for my ovary removal surgery next Tuesday would be appreciated please. Prayer and God's peace has been what has kept me going so strong. 

    Before we even knew my full diagnosis my mum told me she felt the song my lighthouse by rend collective was going to be for me and it's spoken to me again and again in case anyone wants to listen to it for some comfort 

    Sending prayers and God's love to you all
  • Blossom1961
    Blossom1961 Member Posts: 2,537
    @melways Good to hear from you. Like you, I feel God is telling me my journey isn’t over yet. I have had some amazing opportunities to share Gods love with other cancer warriors but sometimes it feels a bit much. Thankfully, our God is bigger than that and he always pulls me through stronger than before. I have prayed for Gods hand on the surgeons hands for your op tomorrow and for a quick and healthy recovery. 
  • Blossom1961
    Blossom1961 Member Posts: 2,537
    @Chantellep What state are you located in?
  • Chantellep
    Chantellep Member Posts: 43
    NSW, Sydney
    But I’ve found some good resources about sleep and cancer on a Victorian website 😀
  • Chantellep
    Chantellep Member Posts: 43
    Thanks Melways. Definitely, prayers. It’s not big surgery and fairly comfortable after, but it’s just one more little stressor in a busy patient’s life. Will pray for peace for you as you approach the day, skill for the medical staff and a quick recovery. 😀
  • Cheri
    Cheri Member Posts: 68
    @Chantellep we pray for you and of us on their journey. Continue to stay strong in your faith and hope x
  • Chantellep
    Chantellep Member Posts: 43
    Hi Cheri. Thank you. We have a great and faithful God. 😀
  • Chantellep
    Chantellep Member Posts: 43
    Hi. How are you feeling? Have been praying for you. 😀
  • melways
    melways Member Posts: 50
    Thanks @Chantellep for checking, I have surgery on this Tuesday coming . I'm hoping my blood test Monday is enough time to process as I'm stuck away and can't get to the hospital for it before Monday so pray it's ok would be great 
  • Chantellep
    Chantellep Member Posts: 43
    Hi @melways Yes, life has become a juggle of tests and visits to doctors and hospital. Will be praying 😀