Keeping Warm in Winter without breaking the bank - What do you do?

arpie Member Posts: 8,303
edited June 2024 in General discussion
There is no fun in being cold over winter - if your feet are cold - ALL of you is cold! So keep those warm slippers/thick socks handy! The increased cost of power is also a factor - and using a small blow heater to heat a whole room when you are the only one 'in it' can be expensive too, specially in the last year or two with regular price increases on power.  

I do have a fireplace, but haven't used it in decades - and now a family of Kookaburras has moved in & raise a family every year in the chimney .... so I won't be using it any time soon!  A coupe of years ago, I used the reverse cycle aircon (being told it was more efficient than a blow heater) and my power cost almost doubled, to I won't be doing that again! (It is a new model, just 3 years old ...) 

So wearing 'layers' is often the way to go!  I have a pair of 'arm warmers' that my husband used to wear on the bike when training for triathlons ..... The idea being that when the sun comes up & you warm up, you can just pull them off and store them in your pocket/backpack until you need them again!  (The sporting ones have 'rubber ridging' around the top inside of the sleeves, so they don't slip down.) 
It is an extra layer for your arms, without the extra bulk of wearing a complete top.

Some years ago, I found some 'leggings' and bought a few pairs, both for Hubby & I for winter as we just weren't warm enough during the day without sitting in front of a heater! The ones I bought look like 'jeans' (some people just wear them 'as is' ... but i don't!)  They are 100% stretchy and incredibly comfy (and also holds your tummy in!  Win Win!)  I wear them under ANY trousers that I wear (and I wore them to bed last year in NZ when Temps went below freezing!  Normally I hate wearing PJs as they twist up all around you and get uncomfortable - but as these hug your figure, you barely know you have them on!)  They are SO warm & snug .... I found them on special at our 'Bargain Shop' for $10 ... but average price is about $15-20 in other shops.
I've found their sizing to be very 'forgiving' .....  hubby's size was S & I was M - but I can still fit into the S (even tho I am 10-15kg more than my hubby ever was!!)
I wear them under my fishing trousers when I am in the kayak, as it gets very cold out there and these allow me to stay on the water, longer! 
You could even wear them under a long dress/skirt for added warmth .... just pull the lower leg bit half way up your calf so it is hidden! ;) 

Last year, I also invested in an electric 'throw rug' ..... a less sophisticated version of an electric blanket - but they are only for putting on top of you (tho you can sit on them & wrap them around you) as they are not for lying on.  Wrap it around you - or a single one can easily cover both your laps & legs on the same lounge.   They can cost between $35-50+.  I have only had the electric heater on once so far in this cold weather - and that was only for visitors!  ;)   You can also get 12v ones for your campervan/caravan!  


I also often wear a Polar Fleece 'scarf' around my neck, mainly for outdoor activities .... it is just a length of Polar Fleece, about 20-30cm wide and up to 1m long ..... Put a lengthwise slit about 30cm from one end ..... put it around your neck, pull the 'other end' thru the slit - and snug it up around your neck (wrap around twice for extra warmth or snug it inside your top.)  It is incredibly warm and snug!  

I also wear a 'buff' type scarf that I make, it is also made of Polar Fleece and is fantastic for outdoor activities in Winter ...  I wear it on the kayak and in the garden or at sporting events, when sitting around can just be so cold - It is PERFECT for those that love snow skiing!!   ..... It is a 'tube' that can be doubled down just for the neck, or folded out to cover your neck & lower face (left in the pic) - or opened up fully to cover you neck, face & the whole rear of the head (right in the pic!)   I made enough for the whole family some 20+ years ago now and they are STILL using them!   I actually wear one of these in the evenings too on those really cold nights (as well as the electric throw rug!)  Once again, it is added warmth but not the added bulk of a complete top.  And easy to take off - just pull it off, over your head & keep it handy til you need it again!
In NZ last year, as well as the leggings, I also wore my buff/scarf too as well as a jumper!! ;) 

And you can't beat lambswool slippers or UggBoots for that added warmth ... if your feet are cold, usually ALL of you is cold!  ;) 
Classic Sheepskin Slipper with Plush Wool Cuff in TanNatural Tan
I may not look 'the height of fashion' .... but I am nice and WARM and it is not costing me a fortune!

What are your favourite ways of staying warm in Winter without breaking the bank??


  • Locksley
    Locksley Member Posts: 983
    Arpie these are great suggestions.   I wear a beanie inside as my head is always cold ever since bc treatment.   I also have an electric blanket throw rug I use on the couch.  My little dog likes to snuggle up with the blanket too. 

    In bed I still get hot so covers come on and off all night.  
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,303
    edited June 2024
    And if you're having difficulty finding really comfortable jeans .... check out the Miller range of "Jeggings" .... they are super stretchy and REALLY comfy - and also they come in various 'thicknesses' ... (Thin is good for Summer & the thicker ones for winter .....)

    Some stores have them on 'sale' just now for about $20 or under .... and if you get the order up to $120 with Millers Store, it is free delivery! 

    (Tho check out this link, with free delivery for lots of their clothes - put your postcode in the 'shipping check' to check!)

    The leggings (in post above) fit perfectly under them for extra warmth, if you need it.  ;)   Mine are all 'waist high' and full length ... and they come in a variety of colours .... denim blue, pale blue, black, beige & cream ..... I've got one of each!!     They are my 'go to' jeans now - and are very flattering too!  ;) 

    They only have rear pockets tho - no front pockets, but I've not found that a hindrance.

    Give them a go & let me know what you think!!  :) 
  • AllyJay
    AllyJay Member Posts: 961
    They look lovely, but I can't see myself managing to squeeze my rather prodigious Buddha Belly into those. If I could, and I did and then tried to sit down, I strongly suspect I'd do myself a mischief. I stick to my granny pursuits of knitting and this pattern is my favourite for bedsocks. I've even made quite a few pairs (pattern modified for size) for my hubby who has size 12 feet. I tell him he doesn't have feet....he has yards...
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,303
    Well done on making the socks, @AllyJay - I couldn't knit or crochet (or sew) anything to save my life!   :(  
    So, Well done YOU!

    Do you have pics of your socks?  I know a couple of other members knit bedsocks too ..... I had some that a friend had knitted for me, but they got big holes on the bottom from wearing them so much in the house .... and my repair skills weren't up to fixing them  :(  They were SO warm & comfy tho!

    hehe - the Millers Jeggings are very accomodating .... if you ever see a Millers shop - give them a try - you may be surprised!  I know that I was!  My belly isn't too bad but I do have a big butt!!  ;)    

  • AllyJay
    AllyJay Member Posts: 961
    I thought I'd added a photo, but the electronic ether must have eaten it.
  • cranky_granny
    cranky_granny Member Posts: 979
    I seem to feel the cold more now. I always loved winter. Not so much now. 
    It has been so cold at the foot of the mountains lately I am having to get the ice off all the car windows before i can get out the driveway. 
    It s layer upon layer here for me. The ugg boots flanny pjs and double dressing gown at night . I  start the day with thermal singlet, turtleneck , jumper and then long coat. By 11am im down to the turtleneck top and jeans. Then the layers start going back on around 4pm. 
     I have to find a positive , I don’t mind the hot flashing so much in winter. 
  • liltiger
    liltiger Member Posts: 1
    Aldi have superfine merino wool thermals sometimes. Wool thermals under clothes really help keep you warm and Aldi is not quite as good as the good ones but pretty decent for the price.  Also if you end up in a bushfire wool underwear helps stop burns a little - my friend had a camping stove blow up on her and her woolen thermal top saved her a lot of damage...  An infrared lamp will also warm you some. In a kayak Sharkskin??? i think has a range of stuff more wind and water proof than much... like a wet suit without the neoprene squish cannot breathe factor IIRC
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,303
    Great suggestions, @liltiger .... Welcome to the forum!!   Let us know a bit more about yourself - your story so far .... if you go to 'Newly Diagnosed' .... whack up a post and it can almost be a 'diary' of your active treatment .... feel free to ask any questions, too!  ;) 

    I was thinking of those woollen undergarment thingies .... I had them when I was at boarding school 60 years ago!!  They were sort of 'knitted', quite thin - but packed a lot of warmth!   I had long sleeved ones & short sleeved ones!!  Gosh, I hope your buddy recovered OK from her burns :(

    I've had some Sharkskin stuff on the kayak - but then you get TOO hot!   It is a weird mix of Goldilocks, to get it 'just right'!  ;)   Those tights, even when they do get wet (usually just up to my calf when getting in & out of the kayak) don't seem to 'hold the cold' much, which is great! I think they 'wick' the moisture away from the skin somehow!

    hehe - I do still actually HAVE an infra red lamp ... haven't used it at all in the last 25 years tho!  LOL  I wonder if I ever will?

    take care