Hello 👋



  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,430 ✭
    Hello @HelenlovesSnoopy I am sorry I have been missing in Action so to speak. I see Blossom1961 has been a real blessing to you as you have begun your treatment schedule. 

    I am over 11yrs since being diagnosed at age 52 I am cancer free. God was ever present even when things went pear shaped during my treatments. 

    How are you going with things now. I had surgery double mastectomy then chemo and radiation.

  • Blossom1961
    Blossom1961 Member Posts: 2,517 ✭
    @HelenlovesSnoopy HOW ARE YOU! How did you go with the chemo? What is next? Sending big hugs and ongoing prayers. 
  • HelenlovesSnoopy
    HelenlovesSnoopy Member Posts: 113 ✭
    Hello @SoldierCrab and @Blossom1961 you have amazing timing.  I had my last dose of chemotherapy a week ago and am now looking forward to seeing the side effects gradually wear off.  I know it takes time.  I have a month off and then I will do five weeks of radiation therapy.  But I'm ok with that - it helped that I met a friend today who did the same course of radiation therapy and found it a breeze after chemo - I'm praying for the same for me.  However, I can say that themo was actually not too bad for me.  God told me right from the start that I would be ok, and then every time something went wrong it worked out.  I am overwhelmingly grateful and with God's help stayed pretty strong throughout - only I must confess this weekend past I had a bit of a meltdown and got really cranky with my husband over all sorts of things.  He's not perfect, but then I shouldn't be expecting perfection from a human right?  (BTW my hubby is not a Christian).  That is one thing I really want to change my attitude about this year - my attitude towards hubby.  I'm feeling very motivated to make other changes such as caring for my health, and finishing my novel, but my attitude is the tough one.  
  • Blossom1961
    Blossom1961 Member Posts: 2,517 ✭
    @HelenlovesSnoopy So good to hear that things went well. Funny but I went through an attitude change after my treatment too. I actually saw myself and didn't like some of the things I saw. 

    I found tiredness hit big time after treatment. It was bad enough during but I could barely get up in the morning after. I think the relief of it all being over meant I let my defences down and bang. I did not have radio but all the ladies on here speak of the importance of mepital film to stop the burning. It may pay to ask your medical team about it.

    Take care lovely. xxxx
  • HelenlovesSnoopy
    HelenlovesSnoopy Member Posts: 113 ✭
    Thanks @Blossom1961 <3