Who to talk to

Pommy8 Member Posts: 135
Who ate you supposed to talk to if you have concerns when all your contacts from BC are on holiday?


  • Cath62
    Cath62 Member Posts: 1,529
    Hi @Pommy8, is it a medical issue? Maybe a GP or the hospital where you had surgery. I think it would depend on what it is you have concerns about. I hope you are ok.
  • Pommy8
    Pommy8 Member Posts: 135
    Crazy everyone on leave at the same time .
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,299
    I hope you are ok @Pommy8?  Can you contact your BC Nurse with your query?

    Yep, most medical professionals are on holidays now til about mid January (it happened to me back in 2018 when I was diagnosed - my biopsy was between Xmas & New year ....) I had to wait for them to come back before seeing my specialist for the first time. 

    If it is a moderate health issue, can you get in to see your GP? 

    If you have a serious health issue - please just ring 000 or go to the closest hospital

    take care & all the best

  • Julez1958
    Julez1958 Member Posts: 1,316
    Hi @Pommy8
    I had my surgery in the private hospital but my surgeon gave me his nurses number if I needed it for anything urgent after I was discharged .
    He also said if it was after hours I could present to the adjoining public hospital where he also operated and ask to speak to his registrar.
    I did end up doing that on a  Sunday night as I had an issue which ended up not being serious but it was good to know I could do that .
    So if you are sufficiently worried and it is a medical issue you could present to the hospital .
    I know it’s hard as most Doctors ( and many other people) take holidays not only between Xmas and New Year but into January .
    There will always be someone qualified covering at the public hospital however.
    Take care.
  • Keeping_positive1
    Keeping_positive1 Member Posts: 555
    @Pommy8 My understanding is that BCNA staff are not medical professionals, but rather they are administrative staff. They did employ a nurse but no longer do.  If it is a medical concern a hospital will be able to answer your concerns. 

    This forum is mainly for support and suggestions from other members, and BCNA staff will generally refer you to a service provider that answers medical concerns.  I hope you can get your concerns answered ASAP, and don't hesitate to ring a hospital for help.  Take care. xx