what to take to chemo treatments?



  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,056
    Golly gosh, @Sue_w - you’ve had a hard time of it xx  has the rash settled and the seroma started to self absorb?  Should you be wearing a compression sleeve maybe?  

    All the best for Monday and Tues xxx  Drink heaps of water to help flush it out xx. Some people can’t ‘take’ cold water afterwards ....  so try room temp water first up just in case xx

    we’re going ok, thanks .... hubby may need a port soon too. :( 

    Take care xx

  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,427
    Dear @Sue_w

    The fever may be caused by anything but keep an eye on any further development. The fluid in a seroma is a lovely nutritious soup for bacteria. I had two bouts of fever, both relatively mild, with a persistent seroma, before the real whammy - sepsis and a week
    in hospital. My surgeon (I should have seen him sooner) solved both the infection and the seroma once and for all. Chances are it’s an isolated reaction. Best wishes for your chemo, each one completed is one nearer the end! 
  • Sue_w
    Sue_w Member Posts: 123
    Thanks for your advice @arpie and @Afraser , Both the fever and the rash are gone and haven't shown any signs of returning. The seroma is going and was never really big, thank goodness. I only wear the bra when I go for a walk or exercise. I have the Berlie one, but that is way too tight where it goes from the side of the chest to under the arm. I also have a $12 one from Best & Less, that is actually more comfortable atm. I ended up cutting out the seam on that side and now it is a lot better.
    I ended up buying a better thermometer so I could keep a better eye on my temp. I finished my second lot of antibiotics a week ago and so far everything has been good so fingers crossed it doesn't return!

    Thank you both again. I'm so grateful to have this online forum to refer to and you wonderful ladies to turn to when questions are buzzing around my mind!

  • Sue_w
    Sue_w Member Posts: 123
     Hi @bookworm,
    Thanks for the info. I have just put a small jar of Bi-carb, and one of salt in the bathroom ready to make a gentle mouthwash. I've never had good teeth so I will be very diligent with my mouth care. I usually do go for walks so doing one after each session sounds like it would be a great help. 
    Thanks and take care xx  :)
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,056
    Just a thought, @Sue_w - if you take your phone/iPad and use it a bit for music/video etc - it might be an idea to take a backup battery for it as well (and cable) ..... you can get rechargeable ones that will be good for laptops/iPads/Cameras and other electronic items - so will never go to waste! ..... I take one with me to Hubby's chemo now, as we never know how long I'll be 'looking at stuff' .... as the battery pretty well went flat the first time!    Being a 'captive audience' .... I keep meaning to go thru all my pics & stuff & delete 'duplicates' .... but still haven't done it yet!  LOL 

  • Sue_w
    Sue_w Member Posts: 123
    Thanks @arpie - I nearly forgot to charge my power bank! There is always something I forget! I have a kindle too and have loads of books downloaded that I haven't had chance to read yet, so I'll make sure that's charged too. 
    By the way I'm about 1/3 of the way through sorting my photos, it's been a bug-bear for me too! Just when I think I'm getting somewhere, there is always more to do!
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,056
    Good on you @Sue_w xx  Well done in the pics!  Still on my ‘to do’ list ... you’d think 2 big lockdowns would suffice  ... but I get busy with other stuff!  A friend bought a gadget that is supposed to Check in every folder on the computer and arrange pics in the one folder, in date order and deletes duplicates ... cost her about $90 from the USA ...  I just hope it isn’t a scam! They are advertised on FB all the time.  I’ll wait for her verdict!

    I’ve also got a sturdy shopping bag with all Hubby’s notes etc, so I just whack everything in there (iPad and battery bank) ...along with copies of his bloods and reports .... also including my regular ‘note’ to the Onc re what’s happened between the treatments - I add to it between treatments and give her a copy and have my own copy, so we go thru them one by one, taking notes on the answers  .... re side effects, eating patterns, general observations, left over chemo tabs  etc ... so all I’ve got to do on chemo morning is to pick up the bag and go ... 

    Take care xx
  • Lythe
    Lythe Member Posts: 70
    Good luck with starting chemo. I agree with the others on having things to entertain you and water. I bought a cheap one sleeve shirt and I wear that each treatment day as my “chemo shirt”. Just another idea if you don’t have any zippered shirts or ability to put in zips. I wear it and a light cardigan over the top to cover up and keep warm. 
  • Sue_w
    Sue_w Member Posts: 123
    Thanks @Lythe I had my first treatment last Tuesday, had a little fatigue and some nausea (but I think that is my own fault because I ate stuff I usually avoid because of laziness), so far so good. I have a portacath in now so as long as I wear tops with buttons or zippers its ok. Doing the Chemo physically is ok (so far), but I am finding it challenging emotionally. It makes it real, even more so than the surgery. Did anyone else feel the same?