Drop in breast cancer diagnoses

Afraser Member Posts: 4,471
edited July 2020 in COVID-19
i’d love to think that the reported significant drop in the number of women diagnosed with breast cancer is due to some happy improvement, but it’s simply that fewer people are getting mammograms or other checks during this pandemic. So it’s important to encourage family members and friends to keep up their checks (or start them). No-one wants to be diagnosed with bc, but if it’s there, best to get it early. COVID-19 isn’t going away fast so significant delays could make a lot of difference. 


  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    Well they closed breastscreening in NSW for a few months so that would be why. And probably all states. When talking with my oncologist and my future tram flap reconstruction possibly being delayed for a long time instead of early next year he stated that might not be the case as less women being referred the waiting lists are actually shorter 
  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,471
    Happy that’s a benefit for you @primek! I’m just aware my breast clinic (hospital related) has been almost pleading with people, on social media, to keep their appointments. 
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    Well they cancelled them initially. Of course this made people think it's too risky. 
  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,471
    BreastScreen may have cancelled services, my breast clinic hasn’t. Given the numbers BreastScreen sees daily, it’s a fair call to protect staff. It’s perfectly understandable - I deferred my oncologist annual check for a month as I wasn’t comfortable about going out during lockdown even though it was permissible. But only a deferral. I’ve had two blood tests, an oncology check, dental check and a bone scan recently and everywhere, except the centre for the bone scan, was virtually empty. Mind you, it’s Melbourne! 
  • kazb
    kazb Member Posts: 25
     I was very lucky to have my regular breast screen victoria mammogram back in February,  When I got a call back in March,  was diagnosed with early invasive but aggressive (Her 2 +) and two weeks later breast screen closed. In my case it was only the mammogram that alerted me to the cancer, even my breast surgeon had trouble feeling any lump!  I am now on the treatment train, but dont want to think what my diagnoses would have been had it been a few more months down the track before my cancer was found.  Breast Screen Victoria is back running again, and hopefully women will return to tegular screening.
  • Shellshocked2018_
    Shellshocked2018_ Member Posts: 283
    Breast Screen here on the Fleurieu Peninsula in SA is up and running.
    Called into Victor Harbor hospital today and they have Breast screening in there now, with social distancing .
    Previously there was a mobile unit that use to visit the area.

    Through the pandemic I have been able to see my breast surgeon for my appointments, so I feel very fortunate.
  • Cath62
    Cath62 Member Posts: 1,525
    My breast cancer was picked up in my regular mammogram and ultrasound. I did delay it by 2 months during our lockdown in Brisbane in March as i wasn't comfortable going anywhere when covid started in Australia  Hate to think if i had delayed further.  i was lucky it had not advanced to lymph as my cancer cells were aggressive. Diagnosis 30th April and operated 13th May. My chemo started 4th June and continues, then radium and hormones. My diagnosis has prompted family and friends to get checked.
  • kazb
    kazb Member Posts: 25
    @cath62 such a similar story to mine!  We will get there! :)