Still feeling discombobulated!



  • AnnieMichelle_123
    AnnieMichelle_123 Member Posts: 17
    Wow! It is very comforting to read your responses and see the beautiful posts of support. I have got through surgery and radiotherapy and one month into hormone blockers. It has been a road of five months so far. I am in a terrific rehab programme and meeting women also affected by breast cancer. 
    I am still transitioning into a new way of being and relating in the world. I have changed and used to be very social but now I have social fatigue especially in noisy cafes and intense conversations. The other day, I met an old friend for brunch. She has missed me and as a result, took over the conversation and unfortunately it was very one sided. She didn't want to talk about the cancer and the journey. I left feeling fatigued and not heard. Have others experienced this before? 
  • Julez1958
    Julez1958 Member Posts: 1,317
    Hi @AnnieMichelle_123
    It is a sad fact that on top of the physical and emotional toll from breast cancer some of those you thought you could rely on “ go missing” either physically or emotionally.
    But on the other have some people do really step up and hopefully you will make some new buddies along the way.
    I have a friend who is a retired nurse and she has been really amazing  - we have become  much closer as a result of my diagnosis and she calls me after any significant medical  appointments ( and even not so significant ones).
    I hope that in time thinks will settle for you - I found it was just a waste of my energy to fret about those who went missing - I try to concentrate on the good things in my life .
    Take care🌺
  • AnnieMichelle_123
    AnnieMichelle_123 Member Posts: 17
    Thanks so much @julez1958....thanks for your encouraging words and I agree that energy can be expended on those not around and instead,  to focus on gratitude and and being open to new people in our lives. That is a wonderful reframe. Many thanks