Feeling "cleansed"
It sure does feel like a weight has gone. The negative result has given me a future. I hope your body is mending fast enough for you. Just thought - when I am in Sydney in January we should make it a threesome for coffee - Tonya, you and myself. XLeonie
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Yes that cluster "thing" is a bit worrying. We had the same situation here in Queensland (Brisbane) at the ABC network. Nothing could be proven but they ended up pulling the building down (enough said) In my job which I haven't resigned from YET there is a total of about 50 women across the region. There are 3 of us (all from different locations) who have BC. I often look around the workplace and think about the "1in8" stat and feel good that the numbers are as low as they are. I work in Oral health which is part of Queensland Health. On the other side of it though - there are so many nurses who have been diagnosed. Every time I "skip" my meditation I think about you and tell myself "Mandy is keeping her meditation up"!!!! I find it very "balancing" and yes it is good to do in a group. Enjoy your lovely Melbourne weather this weekend. XLeonie
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I sure forgot about the aches and pains last night. I was invited out to a "Flaschengeist" party. We got to sample all the "wares". The gourmet oils were lovely BUT the wines and liquers were divine. Woke up this morning a little "seedy". We all tried about 20 different tastes and the hostess said that this is equal to about 2 standard drinks. I must be a bit "rusty" cause the "session" really hit me - slept pretty good though. XLeonie
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I had a wonderful time with my little grandies. My little granddaughter "play acts" all the time so Nanna was the "kid" and she was the teacher. I had to forget about the aches and pains and sit down on the flower mat and listen to her tell me stories!!!!!!! She is just adorable and I love her and her brother so much. XLeonie
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Are you still at work Chrissy? I know that I would be too unreliable (healthwise) to return to work. Maybe in a year's time I might feel like doing some little "cushy" job. Many years ago I found a lump in my throat and saw a specialist who immediately had me on the cutting table. He told me that I was the luckiest girl around as he was certain that it was cancer. I had most of the thyroid removed but don't need to take any medications or anything - just need to have regular blood tests. My youngest daughter has Hisimoto Thyroiditis - problems with thyroid does run in our family. So you can see why I was so eager to have the test when all these other similarities were turning up. It is such a shame that the test is so expensive, however if you go through the public system and you meet certain criteria you may be eligible to get it free. It is worth checking out Chrissy. XLeonie
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I went back to work full time 1st July and it had been really taking toll as I'm really buggered by the time I get home. I am currently on sick leave again but go back to work full time again on Monday and I'm not looking forward to it at all. I have been working from home for the last week, which was very good and better on my body.
We have thyroid problems in our family too. I was talking to my surgeon on Tuesday, he said if he had a dollar for each breast cancer patient that got thryoid cancer and needed thyroidectomy he would be rich(er). So I'm thinking as my thyroid test before chemo was 3.5 and after chemo was 17.5, its got to do with the chemo. Has anyone else come across this.
I will check out the test through the public system, see what turns up.
Bye for now take care
Chrissy D
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Hi Leonie
Read your post with great interest as I am waiting for an appointment to see the geneticist at RBWH. When I was diagnosed with BC last year just thought I was the start of it in my family but then my mum was diagnosed with BC at Easter but it's very slow growing and she's just on tablets and monitoring as she is nearly 80, then we discovered that my maternal grandmother died of ovarian cancer at about 50 no-one was really clear what she died of (they just didn't ask in those days it was in 1955) but luckily my mum's cousin who was a doctor knew! So when I saw the onco last time I asked about the gene etc for the sake of my sisters and brother who all have daughters so am hoping that I turn out to be like you! So just waiting for an appointment.
Thanks for the post
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Hi Leonie, I would very much like to meet up with you while you are Sydney. I would also like to meet Tonya, as I feel we have things in common. What part of Sydney will you be visiting when you are here? I'm in the north west in Pennant Hills. I will really look forward to seeing you again.
Love Chris xx0 -
I'm was in Castle hill but have just moved to Kellyville so not too far from you.Depending where Leonie is staying,should be easy to all hook up.By the way,hope your chest is healing now and no more setbacks.
Tonya xx
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Hi Tonya, Kellyville is not too far from me at all. My brother lives there. It would be lovely to meet you and to see Leonie again, who I met in Melbourne in August at the BCNA convention. Thanks for your enquiry about my chest. It isn't as sensitive as it was, though it still does drive me crazy. I started expansions yesterday, with 100 mls put into each. A weird feeling, but not too bad. There ia still a lot of swelling on the offending side, but hopefully it will continue to reduce.
Love Chris xx0 -
Will you be having to pay anything? If not, then others would be keen to have this info. XLeonie
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My Mum is part of the ABC cluster - it is fascinating and disconcerting all at the same time. They do not have a cause - the cancers were different but so many were pre menopausal and a number of the worked around the same production desk. You have to wonder if even something like a virus could have played a role in being a trigger though most of them believe it was environmental. It would be great if somehow the cluster could provide a clue as to a cause and somehow a cure?
It has been lovely here in Melbourne today - hard rubbish time so a big spring clean in our house. I have been a little teary clearing out many of the kids toys and things. The girls now have a room each and our playroom is gone - they are growing up! I am glad to still be here to watch them grow (though I had a few moments of the sads today as I had always hoped I would be able to tell my grandchildren silly stories about their parents - who knows - maybe that cure is around the corner - maybe, just maybe I'll be one of those who gets into remission long term)
So, when I meditate tomorrow I'll be thinking of you - you will be the one motivating me to get out of bed and "sit" for a while - and I'll think for a bit about how much fun you are going to have when you are not working too hard! :-)
Amanda x
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You girls got me thinking about my workplace.It's a newish unit which was built on the grounds of an old hospital which had been pulled down.There is probably 40-50 staff employed there.Anyway,4 of us got breast cancer and another 3 got different cancers.So that's 7 of us (me twice might be 8?)in the last 8yrs who have had cancer.They have done alot of excavating and building extentions over the last 10yrs and I can't help but wonder if there was anything toxic in the soil. I've left now so don't have to worry about it. I guess it's hard to find a cure for breast cancer because it's not just one disease/pathology.I sometimes think it could be a virus that has stayed dormant from,say,mastitis or glandular fever.You know how shingles can flair up long after a bout of chicken pox.All this pondering doesn't seem to get me anywhere but wouldn't it be interesting if we could cross check some of these theories. I think of you Amanda and imagine how hard some days must be for you.I hope a cure or better treatment happens so you get to play with your grandkids.I wish that for all of us.
Tonya xx
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Hi Leonie and ladies
I have not been on for a while as I am still in hospital recovering from surgery (but will blog about that later). It was so nice to get on and read your good news - that is wonderful for your family.
Keep persisting with the meditation it is well worth it. I have put a morning one on my iPod and have programmed it to wake me up in the morning instead of an alarm it's just a 20 minute one and a good way to start the day.
Time for more pain meds and a snooze. Surgeons happy with me. Hope this message makes sense. Will blog more when I come out of the haze.
Ann-Marie xx0 -
Hi Leonie
Don't know if the test will cost anything, think you have the counselling etc and then decide. It's all in the public system so it's probably free. I have been lucky with all my treatment hasn't cost me anything we must be lucky in Queensland when I hear about all the ladies that have paid thousands of dollars for tests and scans etc.
Sarah x