Feeling "cleansed"

Leonie Moore
Leonie Moore Member Posts: 1,470
edited November 2011 in Health and wellbeing

Hi all,  Went for my genetics testing results in Brisbane on Wednesday.  I am so pleased to report that I have a negative result on BRAC1 and BRAC2.  Of course this doesn't let me know why I got BC but it sure gives me, my girls, my granddaughter and my sisters some peace of mind.  This result has really changed how I am feeling at the moment.  I do feel "cleansed" of this curse.  In my mind I can say "I think my stressful lifestyle, including a horrible divorce, has been the major factor/s in my diagnosis".  SO I am NEVER going to be in similar situations EVER again.  On with the GOOD LIVING for this old "chook"!!!!!  No more work "bitches" to contend with as I have made that decision as well.  (Of course there are still the nice ones that I will keep in contact with - and they do outnumber the others)  I have so much good living to do and there is no stopping me.  For all of you with the gene mutation, please don't think I haven't forgotten you.  I am just so pleased that this is one "bad" gene that I haven't passed on to my girls (unfortunately I have already passed on a couple of not so nice ones ie coelic and factor XI deficiency) XLeonie



  • monica
    monica Member Posts: 83
    edited March 2015

    Hi Leonie I am soo happy for you and your family to hear that you are negative for those two bad genes. I agree with you about the stress playing a important roll in BC , I have no family history of the disease but since 2008 I was under a lot of stress with  a bitchy boss at work and family isssues with my mother which already caused me a miscarrige in 2008 I should have taked note than and change work and maybe I would not have ended up with BC . I am paying attention now and I am not allowing any stressors in my life I even aplied for a new job so I dont have to deal with my bitchy boss. Better late than never as they say. I wish you and your family all the best  from now on and enjoy this new stage of your life. Regards  Monica

  • monica
    monica Member Posts: 83
    edited March 2015

    Hi Leonie I am soo happy for you and your family to hear that you are negative for those two bad genes. I agree with you about the stress playing a important roll in BC , I have no family history of the disease but since 2008 I was under a lot of stress with  a bitchy boss at work and family isssues with my mother which already caused me a miscarrige in 2008 I should have taked note than and change work and maybe I would not have ended up with BC . I am paying attention now and I am not allowing any stressors in my life I even aplied for a new job so I dont have to deal with my bitchy boss. Better late than never as they say. I wish you and your family all the best  from now on and enjoy this new stage of your life. Regards  Monica

  • Leonie Moore
    Leonie Moore Member Posts: 1,470
    edited March 2015

    Thanks for your reply Monica.  During that time I also looked after my mother who had dementia and huge mental health issues.  I never saw this as a stress though as I did it all for complete love of her.  Undoubtedly it was a huge stress though.  God love her she would have been so upset to know what I was going through.  She is now at peace.  XLeonie

  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
    edited March 2015

    That's good news for your daughters.I'm thinking of having the test done as I have 2 daughters that I now worry about.I'm glad you are leaving work-you won't regret it.Although I'm flat chat with this new house,I'm enjoying the freedom and time with my husband.I believe that stress plays a part in getting cancer.Not just the usual stresses in life but prolonged stress over a period of time where you are suppressing your emotions.My first stresser was helpnig my mum nurse my dad at home as he slowly died of lung cancer.I didn't really grieve but held it together to organize a funeral and oversee my devastated mum.- 2yrs later got bc.Next stresser was breaking my ankle and having dr.dodgy do 2 wrong operations on it.This resulted in lots of pain and disability.Another dr and a 3rd operation sorted it out but it's far from normal.So after all that I got bc again.Like you Leonie, I am determined to enjoy life now and stay stress free.

                                                    Tonya xx

  • pinkpeonie
    pinkpeonie Member Posts: 90
    edited March 2015

    Woo hoo yabadabadoo!!!!!!!!

    That is fantastic news Leonie - what a relief for you and your daughters!!

    I am also loving the desire for a reduced stressed lifestyle - I am all for that!!

    Hope that you are finding your way through the aches and pains also.

    So happy for you - getting those results.

    Have a great weekend.

    Love debsx

  • MandaMoo
    MandaMoo Member Posts: 500
    edited March 2015

    Oh Leonie - I am so happy for you!  That is wonderful news.  I am sure that your children are also breathing a sigh of relief too.  

    I'll get the testing done because of my age (my mum has had BC too but post menopausal) - they do not feel I carry the the gene but I think I would like to know for my daughters and son.

    I love meditation.  I try to practise daily but have found fatigue a bit of a problem in the past couple of weeks.  I enjoy meditating with others - I find it very powerful and healing.  

    I wish we knew and understood the causes of BC but maybe they can find a cure without understanding why.  I believe that lifestyle factors and genetic factors (some unknown as yet) play a role.  My mum is part of a cluster of about 20 women from the same workplace who got BC - they still don't know why but believe that there had to be some environmental cause as the likelihood of this occurring by chance was less than one in a million.  

    I hope that you have a wonderful stress-free weekend!

    Much love and light to you,

    Amanda x

  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
    edited March 2015

    Have only dabbled in meditation on and off .This new house has been all consuming at the moment but hope to get back to my creative side soon.All my creative juices are being directed into house decorating and landscaping.Think I may have overdone it the other day with painting walls and moving furniture cos I've set off my shoulder pain -thought of you and your paddling.It's frustrating isn't it - just want to do simple physical activites not climb Mt Everest.

    Would love to meet you Leonie but understand your time constraints.Will send you my phone number before January.

                                                                 Tonya xx

  • Chris
    Chris Member Posts: 813
    edited March 2015
    Hi Leonie,
    I'm so pleased for you. What great news that you do not have the BC gene. It must be an enormous weight off your shoulders.
    Love Chris xx
  • Chris
    Chris Member Posts: 813
    edited March 2015
    Hi Leonie,
    I'm so pleased for you. What great news that you do not have the BC gene. It must be an enormous weight off your shoulders.
    Love Chris xx
  • Chris
    Chris Member Posts: 813
    edited March 2015
    Hi Leonie,
    I'm so pleased for you. What great news that you do not have the BC gene. It must be an enormous weight off your shoulders.
    Love Chris xx
  • danielle ghilardi
    danielle ghilardi Member Posts: 204
    edited March 2015

    That is excellent news Leonie, you must feel very relieved.

    I am so happy for you and your girls and their girls : )

    It would be horrible to have the gene just waiting for who you love its going to strike next. My heart aches for the ladies who test positive.

    I hope that you are feeling a little better and you got to enjoy your time in Brisbane.

    Hugs and kisses, Danielle xx


  • Christine Denniss
    Christine Denniss Member Posts: 216
    edited March 2015

    Hi Leonie, What wonderful news for you and your family. I cant believe it cost that much to do a test and you have to bear thecost of it with no help from anyone. No way I could afford that but would like to get it done as I have a mother and three daughters that are wondering if they are going to have the same journey I'm having.

    I have recently been diagnosed with thyroid cancer and had a total thyroidectomy. I have to go to brisbane sometime in the near future to have radio active iodine injections and stay in isolation ward for a few days. They are also looking into small bowel abnormalities. I have to have another ct scan in jan ofter all the thyroid stuff is done with. Then start looking into it.So my journey continues.

    Hugs and kisses to you

    Love Chissy D :)

    Hugs and Kisses to you


  • Christine Denniss
    Christine Denniss Member Posts: 216
    edited March 2015

    Hi Leonie, What wonderful news for you and your family. I cant believe it cost that much to do a test and you have to bear thecost of it with no help from anyone. No way I could afford that but would like to get it done as I have a mother and three daughters that are wondering if they are going to have the same journey I'm having.

    I have recently been diagnosed with thyroid cancer and had a total thyroidectomy. I have to go to brisbane sometime in the near future to have radio active iodine injections and stay in isolation ward for a few days. They are also looking into small bowel abnormalities. I have to have another ct scan in jan ofter all the thyroid stuff is done with. Then start looking into it.So my journey continues.

    Hugs and kisses to you

    Love Chissy D :)

    Hugs and Kisses to you


  • Leonie Moore
    Leonie Moore Member Posts: 1,470
    edited March 2015

    What lovely contacts I have - I feel really blessed.  I wish I had a magic wand to make everyone totally well!!!  In the meantime whilst I am well I will keep LIVING IT for all of you who may not be able to do all the things that your heart desires.XLeonie

  • Leonie Moore
    Leonie Moore Member Posts: 1,470
    edited March 2015

    What lovely contacts I have - I feel really blessed.  I wish I had a magic wand to make everyone totally well!!!  In the meantime whilst I am well I will keep LIVING IT for all of you who may not be able to do all the things that your heart desires.XLeonie