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Liver and Brain mets



  • Canisha
    Canisha Member Posts: 11
    I’ve spoken with the help line they are wonderful. Saw specialist yesterday lots of positives with bloods test 2 weeks post first chemo. Starting to come off steroids so hopefully that will make me feel better. Off for ultra sound this afternoon praying they find lots of fluid to drain as the will certainly make my stomach shrink,  thanks all
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,807
    lovely to read that you found the helpline beneficial - here's hoping that the draining helps
    Best wishes and sending positive vibes
  • Canisha
    Canisha Member Posts: 11
    Just had the best day so far, they drained 2.4 litres of fluid from stomach I was so happy I cried. I feel so much better can eat sit up and move without pain. I you are in the same situation as I was I would  go see your specialist and ask for an ultra sound and drainage tape. It has really turned my day around.
  • Canisha
    Canisha Member Posts: 11

    Does anyone have problem with sinus pain? Any solution to get rid of it. Just spent last 4 days in hospital with a fever. Much better now as at home. Doing pretty well otherwise. All the best to you all Canisha -