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Liver and Brain mets

Canisha Member Posts: 11
edited June 2019 in Metastatic breast cancer
In Sept 2018 I was diagonse with liver mets from breast cancer I had in Sep 2015. Six months of chemo saw good results until Wednesday when a routine CT scan revealed liver cancer returning and also mets in the brain. I was devastated as I had no other symptoms. I start full brain radiation Tuesday week, for 5 days and then 2 weeks later back on chemo. I could have handled the liver coming back but the brain mets is very frightening especially with the limited survival rate. I worry so much about my 2 girls (19 and 21 as well as my husband) There is so much out on the Net and not enough that is positive when you are just getting over the shock. Please help me feel better  or suggest what to read or do much appreciated and feeling very frightened


  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,319
    OMG @Canisha - you surely have a lot on your plate and I feel for you. xx  All the best with the radiation treatment and chemo .... I sincerely hope it works in reducing the size of the mets and gives you a better quality of life, for you and the family xxx  take care - my thoughts are with you xx
  • Canisha
    Canisha Member Posts: 11
    thanks so much for your support
  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374
    @Canisha that is terrible news and of course you are frightened. This is a shit of a disease. It is so bloody unpredictable. I guess that's why none of us want it. The unpredictable bit can also work in our favour--some people do beat the odds.
    I think I speak for many who read your post and don't respond--WTF can we say? 
    I don't do hugs or prayers but you are in my thoughts tonight. Marg xxx
  • lrb_03
    lrb_03 Member Posts: 1,274
    @Canisha, as @Zoffiel said, wtf can we say, except that we're here for you.
    There is  site originating in the US, with members from all around the world, called Inspire. There a many different groups on the site, one of which is for "advanced breadt cancer". There's a lady on there who has metastases.  She had brain mets, has had a number of treatments of gamma knife, or targeted radiotherapy and is still alive a number of years later.
    Thinking of you xo
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    What can we say except that we're thinking of you.
  • Finch
    Finch Member Posts: 302
    @Canisha , I am so sorry to read your post. I can't give you any advice . I was diagnosed February 2018 , finished active treatment and now on hormone therapy tablets. 
    Sending you love and hugs. If I have anything to say it would be keep writing on here. We are all here to listen, we understand and feel your fear. Best wishes. Xoxox
  • kitkatb
    kitkatb Member Posts: 442
    Thinking of you @Canisha ,    Zoffiel was true in what she said."We don't know what to say "  but we are here for you anytime you need to vent, have a bit of a rant or just need a virtual hug.  We all get cancer and sometimes it is hard to talk to friends and family about how you really feel sometimes but we get it.  xo

  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    So very sorry @Canisha. It's utterly and totally shit. I lost my sister to this disease and I'm now raising her young kids. Try not to worry about your children. You've done your best to raise them well, and all that mothering that you put into them will always be with them. You will never be forgotten, thought of daily and spoken of always. When your girls have kids, how they raise them will be because of you.

    If you're worried about how they'll get on without you, can you appoint a council of girfriends who can mentor and counsel them as needed? I'm not in your situation but I've mentally picked out a small handful of friends who could 'be there' for my children should I not be.

    Do your best with each day you have. Make memories, and hug a lot. I'm so sorry. K xox
  • Canisha
    Canisha Member Posts: 11
    thank you all for your kinds words and support it does mean a lot to me
  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,473
    Real planning for a possibly tough future is hard. My daughter has also picked out a close friend to take over day to day care of her kids if anything were to happen to both her and her partner (mid 30s, perfectly well, no special cancer-or-anything-else risk). And no, we are not on bad terms, far from it - just that two people in their 70s/80s may not be the best daily environment for two small children or early teens. If it's never, ever required, we are all very happy. But they want it discussed, not left to when some unforeseen horror leaves us all blindsided and not making the best judgements.  And we will all be very happy @Canisha, if you give those survival rates a good working over! Very best wishes.
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    The Jane McGrath story is a good one to read. She inspired me to believe to keep on fighting whatever turns up. So too is Connie ..her story behibd  Love Your Sister.
    Whilst both ladies have passed they far exceeded what was expected and fought to the end. They also left an amazing legacy.  We don't all need to do that...just raising resilient children is suffice enough for most. Our legacy will live on in them. 


  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374
    You are a champion @canisha Mxx
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,807
    Agree wholeheartedly you're a champion! 
    Take care