I need a hug



  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    edited May 2019
    Good news and what a relief. Phew!

    The incompetance and lack of compassion and consideration is shocking. I think the Surgical Services woman needs to find a different job...
  • lrb_03
    lrb_03 Member Posts: 1,274
    Hi @Nefertari, just thought I'd pop my head in and ask how Friday went, and how you're feeling?
    Hope it went smoothly
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,804
    Glad you are on the better side of it all!  
    People mean well but couldn't they just keep quiet and say hey we can compare notes afterwards! 

    Goodness me!
    Take care
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    Well done @Nefertari! It's tough at the best of times, but you've had a tough time of it.

    The Sentinel Node Biopsy is a minefield! Mine was agony, but others experience it like you (I'm envious). It always reminds me about having a baby. Some are desperately keen to tell you about their horror stories! And it's always best to ignore them because we're all so different. Same goes for BC. So don't listen too much to other people, keep your own counsel.

    Take it nice and easy, and be kind to yourself. K xox
  • Nefertari
    Nefertari Member Posts: 288
    @iserbrown, could not agree more. 
  • Nefertari
    Nefertari Member Posts: 288
    @kmakm, I am going to stop people mid stream from now on and say I don't want to hear.  ;)
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    @Nefertari Good idea! I've done that at a few points along the way. Literally held up my hand and said "I'm sorry but I have to stop you, I can't listen to that". The bottom line is, you're the boss. When it comes to your BC, everyone else needs to get with your programme!
  • Scaredycat
    Scaredycat Member Posts: 61
    I’m glad it all went well for you Nefertari. I found the sentinel node biopsy injection absolutely excruciating ....... I just reacted & dislocated/cracked my man’s thumb ....... he was fine lol. Luckily he was there & able to hold me through it. 
     I’m also very envious of your experience. 

  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    I remember the doctor? apologising for hurting me so much but I suspect it was as much due to anxiety as anything else.  I try to go into any new procedure with an open mind but it can be difficult when you hear other experiences.  Glad it wasn't too bad for you @Nefertari
  • kitkatb
    kitkatb Member Posts: 442
    Ditto @Scaredycat I found excruciating as well.  But on a better note @Nefertari so glad you have got through everything although you can put that part behind you now. Here's to a speedy recovery. xo
  • Blossom1961
    Blossom1961 Member Posts: 2,534
    Hehehe I didn’t even feel the node biopsy. It was done immediately after the no-anaesthetic breast biopsy so my body was busy convulsing. Maybe there was something positive about that procedure after all!