Would a live chat option work?



  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,317
    edited May 2018
    Brilliant alternative!  And it could be 'stickied' up the top as well, so really easy to find & see any new posts.

    That is a Great idea, if an actual chat room is not available - I can see a few reasons why it may NOT be 'sanctioned' - specially if 'wrong' advice may be given unintentionally ...... with everyone one being extremely emotional - it could have longterm or bad consequences.

    With the written replies, we can review them & edit them before (or after) we post it ...... with the spoken word - you can't take it back once it is out there!!  :(  
  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374
    I'm just thinking about text, not someone phone calls. 'Sticking' an open thread on the top could be an option, @mum2jj , good thinking. Mxx
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,317
     .... I think the chat rooms are all written, same as these ones, not phone calls - but there may not be that 'review' button to change something that 'doesn't sound just right' - or a rethink needed now & then on what has been 'written'?   If it works the same as this - that you can take your time answering - and edit it both before AND after posting ...... no worries!   ;)   

    It will take a lot of 'clutter' from the original post that may have some vital info for everyone - but may not be read by everyone because of the 'chatter' ..... so I guess if going 'off tangent' - just post a comment 'Chat Room' & those who want to continue 'off topic' can go there, whilst others can follow the original post, as written.  :)  

  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374

    Ah, now I understand what you meant @arpie .

    My main concern, like most of the others who have posted on this thread, is that anyone who is using the search function gets the information they are looking for, rather than all sorts of extra bits and pieces which could be baffling to anyone who hasn't been here for a while. The sense of community here is a true pleasure, but it is not always what people come for in the first instance. It's possible my librarian heart likes things to be classified :)