Breast recon - fat grafting
I’m now on the public waiting list for fat grafting at The Women’s in Melbourne as per my original post. Dean Trotter is head of plastic surgery there (he also operates privately at the Epworth). I consulted him privately and he arranged for me to go on the list. I am very small statured with not much fat to spare but he’s confident of a good result. I’ve heard good things about his work from a few people.
My breast surgeon is also very happy for me to go down this path.
Hope this helps, unknown. I’ll be following your journey with interest!0 -
Hi dogstar, thank you for your reply. Is Dean Trotter confident of fat transfer for complete breast reconstruction? have you had a mastectomy? I will check out Dean Trotter, thank you. great your breast surgeon is supportive as mine doesn't believe it will work, asked if I wanted her to pick up the pieces...... are you happy to give name of your BC surgeon as I am considering changing surgeons. When will you be having fat transfer? this is so exciting... the only thing delaying me from having preventative mastectomy is reconstruction. I did ask for double mastectomy when I was diagnosed in 2015 snd I was told it was extreme.... and being in that urgent unknown headspace, I didn't query or get a second opinion. cheers & thanks. all the best xxx0
I opted for 12 hour op for immediate reconstruction of skin sparing bilateral mastectomies using diep flap. My tummy was sooo flat and bit to tight and feels strange still. That was 8 months ago. Have developed a small pouch in abdo so surgeon said he would correct it with mesh implant if I wanted. No rush. My boobs look exactly as they did prior. My nipples I can’t feel but they work! Stand to attention on demand lol0
Wow @Twiggyjumps. Your PS is amazing recreating your breasts so accurately! Wonderful. K xox1
Hi @unknown, I may have confused you in my earlier response. Firstly I was giving you the link to a story in our group in response to someone else asking about lipofilling. Click HERE to view that story. The member who has had the procedure is @Krooz , I am not sure if she posts here anymore. I will message her and see if she can help. @Krooz is also a member of the reclaim your curves facebook group. I am not sure if you do facebook, but if you do here is the link to join that group, click HERE. You would need to request to join and then like this group you can ask questions of the group. As @Jane221 mentions above it is a relatively new procedure in Australia, but there are some surgeons who are doing it.
Hope this helps.
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thank you mum2jj I have read Krooz's comment, seems Krooz has had a complete breast reconstruction with fat transfer, that's awesome. I have sent her a comment with questions. thanks again x I am looking for a surgeon who will perform a preventative mastectomy and fat transfer for reconstruction.2
HI Dogstar, I phoned Dean Trotter's office, unfortunately he does not do fat transfer for complete breast reconstruction, He does fat transfer along with diep flat reconstruction and implants. thanks for the suggestion as worth following up, cheers xx0
Wow, unknown, that’s interesting because that’s exactly what I’ve signed up for. I guess it may not be him who does the surgery at The Women’s, but it will be under his supervision.
I think I’ve already mentioned that my situation is a bit out of the ordinary, so maybe that’s why he’s prepared to do it??
Sorry if I gave you a bum steer. From what I’ve seen of you on this forum though, I suspect you won’t be deterred from finding a way to get the solution you want.
All the best.
D0 -
thanks Dogstar. yes I will keep researching..... let me know how you go, all the best xx0
Hi everyone I've just joined this forum and have followed this discussion on fat grafting with interest. Had a mastectomy 10 years ago with immediate reconstruction. Implants now need to come out and I'd prefer fat grafting. In Sydney and exploring surgeons who do this often and preferably operate in the public system or who are on the Bupa no gap or known gap. I'd appreciate hearing of any good news stories : who you used, results a couple if years down the track. I've heard fat can get reabsorbed back into the body ( up to 30%) so more than 1 op is necessary. Is it permanent? Are you happy with results?0
Hello everyone,
I have just had two wide excision lumpectomies on my left breast (invasive lobular cancer) and now have what I refer to as my 'half eaten hamburger'.
My lovely surgeon has explained due to my second (unexpected) cancer and op, it was difficult to maintain the breast shape, and after I finish radiotherapy and allow for settling, she has offered me a reconstruction with fat transfer in six months time. I will decide then, but for this reason I tried to join the special reconstruction group, but have not heard back yet (unsure if I meet their criteria?)
My surgeon did say this procedure is quite common elsewhere, she has done many elsewhere, but not many are taking it up in Perth. (We are a bit dopey over here!)
I will also be keen to read of other's experience and welcome any advice etc.
Toodles for now,0 -
Hi @suburbangirl I can’t see your reuest to join choosing breast reconstruction. Could you try clicking on this link and seeing if it works. You should be promoted to leave a brief message as to why you wish to join. We should be able to join you up then. Let me know how you go.
Paula0 -
Hi @mum2jj,
Thank you!
I have just tried to join again by following the link. I entered the information and pressed the 'ok' button about 3 times with no response, so stopped. This is what happened the other day when I also stopped pressing OK after a while, in case my request came through in multiples. Unsure what I am doing wrong or if the 'OK' button isn't working? (I am sure it's me!)
Hoping I can get through, and thank you
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It's not you @suburbangirl. I had the same problem over a year ago. It happens to lots of people. It's a problem with the system. Once you're in you'll find a bit of chat about fat grafting. K xox1