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Safety and frequency of bone scans

Sam09 Member Posts: 149
edited February 2018 in Metastatic breast cancer
Hi ladies
At my treatment last monday my onc said she wanted another bone scan. I agreed reluctantly as I only had one on the 9th of november last year. I guess with me skipping and changing my drugs due to my skin issues as you know she may want to check things are stable . However ..... I am very concerned about radiation exposure so soon after the last one. Not to mention the stress they cannot find my veins so its an ultrasound and lots of trouble . Also she wants another ct scan oh woe...... should I be so worried Im thinking of declining . The forms you sign say it all. Eek one word....RUN!!!!! Hehe


  • Sunshine0206
    Sunshine0206 Member Posts: 146
    edited February 2018
    Generalky speaking, they don’t requests scans unless it’s indicated. 

    The benefit from that scan may outweigh the potential side effects. 

    For me, I would hate to decline an investigation and find out later that having it would have changed the trajectory of my treatment/outcome. 

  • wendy55
    wendy55 Member Posts: 774
    Hi @Sam09,
    Damned if we do and damned if we dont, in the first two years after my met.diagnosis I was having bone and ct scans every 3 months, now its down to twice a year, although having said that at my last ct scan last December there were a couple of things that now need looking at again so eight weeks later I have another ct scan tomorrow, so what to do!!! I dont have the answer, as for me I just have to trust my oncologist and that he knows what hes doing, they know that there is some amount of radiation exposure, however, its the only way that they can find out whats going on, in the INSIDE.
    Aside from the fact that its a stressful experience and then of course theres the wait to get the results,its a matter of discussing with your oncologist about your fears and see what she has to say,myself, it will be 5 years in June that I have lived with this crappy disease, but on the upside I am still here and plan to be for a LONG time, so I have learned to go with the flow, what else can you do, they need to see how things are inside your body, and I guess I look at it this way at least the Doctors are keeping on top of things and if and its only an if there is something that needs attention then they can get on it straight away,hope this helps, {scan anxiety is already setting in} I wont even talk to my partner on the way to the hospital tomorrow,he would probably say thats a good thing!! he is very aware of how I am and knows that its a very quiet drive tomorrow morning and back and then back again on Thursday for the results,
    wendy55 xx
  • brightspace
    brightspace Member Posts: 461
    Hi wendy big huggs ..sending positive vibes for  scan results

    Im always mbc anxious with back pain as indicator to progression so last year had two bone scans.all good
    Now have exercises from physio went again today its nerves and muscles not progression
    All the best
    bright in hope
  • brightspace
    brightspace Member Posts: 461
    Hi Sam its always a worry about the dyes for ct and radioactive tracer for bonescan
    Drink plent you of water to flush from system is what is recomnended
    At the bone scan dept at hospital the signs said it all ...pregnant wormen dont sit on seats 
    Good luck with follow up scans
    Bright in hope