Not the midlife crisis I was planning on...



  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,473
    And here's another 5 year survivor!  I had my only child at 36, elderly primagravida indeed! But she was 30 by the time I was diagnosed, and yes it makes a big difference. Your child is always your child but she was old enough to fully understand and to talk with. You can only think positive, the other option isn't worth giving house room to, because you have treatment options and time. Your capacity to articulate the issues and analyse how you are thinking will hold you in good stead. I found writing those feelings down useful.  You'll have rotten days. And you'll get over them. Attitude may not be everything but it makes this unwelcome journey just a bit easier. We all like to plan but as the old saying goes, life is what happens when you were making other plans. Your life has taken an unwelcome turn, but it will take other turns. 
    And it's still your life, your story, still to be revealed. My best wishes. 
  • Imo
    Imo Member Posts: 25
    Only a few hours ago I sat down to say hello, to reach out and thank you in advance for all the support I know is here.  But I had no idea how thick and fast that support would come flooding in! 

    Thank you for the quotes and the poem, especially Sarah Henderson's. That woman was nothing if not tenacity personified. 

    @primek I understand your fears, certainly the fear that, without the linchpin to family communication (must be a maternal thing?) family closeness might start unravelling.  I couldn't wish for a greater best friend for my son than his own father but without me I do worry about my son's emotional growth, no matter how well he will be able to handle power tools by the time he's 5. 

    Thank you everyone for helping me feel more normal in a situation that feels so far from normal. 

  • jennyss
    jennyss Member Posts: 2,096
    Dear Imo,
    Best wishes from a 63 yr old oldie (still feel 43 most days). Yes, this is a wonderful network of special people isn't it.
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    Hi Imo,  I can relate so well to everything you're saying (except hankering for the acreage - I'd gladly give that up for town life!).  I'm older than you but still have kids doing their growing up and I don't want to leave them early.  All I can say is, let the lovely ladies here support you with their experience, let your family and friends support you with their love, and try to take one day at a time even when you feel you can't breathe for the panic.  I say that as an old hand of exactly one week since diagnosis!  In a minute, I'll probably be in a puddle of emotion.  But I've taken on board the advice that women on this site have given me.
  • Payne
    Payne Member Posts: 150
    Oh, that is so right.  Fall down, get up... fall down, get up and so on...
  • socoda
    socoda Member Posts: 1,767
    Hi @Imo, Just sending you a big hug. And do keep making plans for your future and also your families, you're here and there are still so many things to enjoy. Xx Cath